Is Self-Passing Allowed in the NBA?

We take a look at the NBA’s rule on self-passing and whether or not it is allowed.

Is Self-Passing Allowed in the NBA?

What is self-passing?

In basketball, self-passing is the act of passing the ball to oneself. This can be done by bouncing the ball off the ground or off a wall, or by throwing the ball up in the air and catching it. Self-passing is not allowed in the NBA.

NBA’s stance on self-passing

The National Basketball Association (NBA) has a rule in place that specifically disallows players from self-passing, or passing the ball to themselves. This rule is in place in order to prevent players from stalling or running out the clock, as well as to keep the game moving.

Why some players self-pass

Self-passing is a move in basketball in which a player passes the ball to himself. This can be done by bouncing the ball off the court or by throwing the ball off the backboard. Self-passing is not allowed in the NBA, but there are some exceptions.

Some players self-pass because it allows them to keep the ball in their own hands and avoid passing it to another player. This can be helpful if the player is not confident in their passing ability or if they think the other team may steal the ball. Self-passing can also help a player keep control of the game and make sure they get the shot they want.

While self-passing is not allowed in most situations, there are a few exceptions. If a player is trying to avoid being fouled, they may self-pass in order to keep control of the ball. Additionally, players may self-pass if they are trying to avoid a violation, such as travelling or double dribbling.

How self-passing affects the game

In the NBA, self-passing is not allowed and is considered a turnover. This rule was put in place to prevent players from stalling the game by passing the ball back and forth to themselves. However, self-passing can be used as a strategic move in certain situations. For example, if a player is being tightly guarded and there are no open teammates, they may choose to self-pass in order to create space.

While self-passing is not allowed in the NBA, there are other leagues (such as FIBA) where it is allowed. Self-passing can be a useful tool for players to create space and get open for a shot. However, it can also be used to stall the game and slow down the pace of play.

How to stop self-passing

You may have seen a player dribble the ball off their foot or leg and then catch it. This is called self-passing and is not allowed in the NBA. If a player does this, the other team will be awarded the ball out of bounds.

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