Is Stone Cold Coming Back To WWE?

Is Stone Cold Steve Austin making a comeback to WWE? Rumors are swirling that the Texas Rattlesnake may be returning to the ring, and we’ve got all the latest info right here.

Is Stone Cold Coming Back To WWE?


Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the most iconic figures in WWE history. The six-time WWE Champion helped usher in the Attitude Era and is considered one of the biggest names in professional wrestling.

Despite being retired from in-ring competition for over 15 years, rumors of a possible Stone Cold return to WWE have been circulating for years. While nothing has come to fruition as of yet, that hasn’t stopped fans from wondering if “The Rattlesnake” will ever grace the squared circle again.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the rumors surrounding a potential Stone Cold return to WWE and try to determine if there’s any truth to them.

The Rumors

The rumors of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin making a return to World Wrestling Entertainment have been circulating for months now, and the latest report indicates that the WWE Hall of Famer could be back in a matter of weeks.

According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Austin is set to appear on WWE television in the near future, and his return could happen as soon as the March 12 episode of Monday Night Raw. Meltzer notes that Austin’s appearance will be taped in advance, as he is currently filming a movie in Bulgaria.

While it is unclear what role Austin will play upon his return, the report speculates that he could be involved in a segment with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon or Brock Lesnar. It is also possible that Austin could make a surprise appearance at WrestleMania 34, which takes place on April 8 at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans.

While nothing has been confirmed by WWE at this time, the rumors of Austin’s return are sure to get fans excited for what could be in store for one of the most popular superstars in company history.

The Evidence

Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the most popular professional wrestlers of all time. His career was cut short due to injuries, but he has remained active in the entertainment industry, appearing in movies and TV shows.

In recent years, there have been rumors that Stone Cold might return to WWE. These rumors have been fueled by Stone Cold’s appearances on WWE programming, as well as comments made by WWE CEO Vince McMahon.

However, it remains to be seen if Stone Cold will actually return to WWE. Only time will tell if this is truly a possibility or just wishful thinking on the part of fans.

The Pros

While many WWE fans would love to see Stone Cold Steve Austin back in the ring again, there are pros and cons to this idea. Let’s explore some of them.

The Pros:
-Stone Cold is a wrestling legend and his return would be huge for WWE.
-Stone Cold is still in great shape and could surely put on a good match.
-Stone Cold’s return could help increase WWE’s ratings and draw in new viewers.

The Cons:
-Stone Cold is 50 years old and his in-ring career is probably over.
-Stone Cold has said he doesn’t want to return to WWE, so it’s doubtful he would change his mind.
-Stone Cold’s return might not be as successful as WWE hopes, and could end up being a disappointment.

The Cons

Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. He’s a six-time WWE Champion, a two-time Royal Rumble winner, and a King of the Ring. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009. But is he coming back to WWE?

There are a few potential drawbacks to Stone Cold coming back to WWE. First, he’s 52 years old. That’s not ancient, but it’s not young either. And while Stone Cold is in great shape, he’s not the same physically as he was in his prime. Second, there’s no guarantee that Stone Cold would be able to recapture his old magic. His return might end up being a disappointment. Finally, there’s the risk that Stone Cold could get injured if he wrestles again. He’s already had several neck surgeries and it’s possible that another injury could end his career for good.

The Bottom Line

It is very unlikely that Stone Cold Steve Austin will ever return to WWE in any capacity. He has made it clear in multiple interviews that he has no interest in returning to wrestling and has no desire to work for WWE again. While anything is possible, it seems highly unlikely that Austin will ever set foot in a WWE ring again.

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