Is Stone Cold Steve Austin Coming Back To The WWE?

Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the most iconic WWE Superstars of all time. He’s a Hall of Famer, six-time WWE Champion, and the man who popularized the Stone Cold Stunner.

Now, there’s speculation that he might be coming back to the WWE.

Is Stone Cold Steve Austin coming back to the WWE? Only time will tell, but we’ll be following the story closely and will keep you updated.


Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the most popular figures in WWE history. The question on many fans’ minds is, will he ever come back?

There are several factors that play into this question. For one, Austin is now 51 years old and has been retired from in-ring competition for over a decade. He’s also had several health scares in recent years, including a broken neck and a serious knee injury.

However, despite all of this, there have been recent reports that Austin is interested in making a return to the WWE. In fact, he’s even reportedly been in talks with the company about appearing on an upcoming episode of Monday Night Raw.

Of course, nothing has been confirmed yet and it’s possible that these talks will ultimately go nowhere. But the fact that they’re happening at all is enough to give hope to fans that we may see Stone Cold Steve Austin back in a WWE ring once again.

Stone Cold’s Last Match

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s last match was at Wrestlemania XVIII against The Rock. Since then, he has made sporadic appearances on WWE programming, usually as a guest host or referee.

However, there have been recent rumors that Austin may be preparing to make a comeback to the ring. These rumors started when Austin was spotted at a WWE event wearing wrestling gear.

While nothing has been confirmed, it is possible that we may see Stone Cold Steve Austin back in the ring in the near future.

Stone Cold’s Health

Stone Cold Steve Austin has been out of the WWE for a while now, and fans are wondering if he will ever come back. The reason for his absence is due to health issues. In a recent interview, Stone Cold Steve Austin said that he is not sure if he will ever be able to return to the WWE because of his health.

The WWE Universe Wants Stone Cold

Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the most iconic Superstars in WWE history. The Texas Rattlesnake is a six-time WWE Champion and was the face of The Attitude Era. Despite being retired from in-ring competition for over 15 years, Austin is still one of the most popular figures in WWE.

Over the past few years, there have been numerous rumors about Austin making a return to WWE. While nothing has come to fruition, that hasn’t stopped fans from hoping that Stone Cold will one day make his way back to WWE programming.

In a recent interview with Inside The Ropes, Austin was asked about the possibility of returning to WWE. While he didn’t give a definitive answer, he didn’t rule out a return either.

“I’m not going to say no,” said Austin when asked about returning to WWE. “I’m not going to say yes. I think that if the stars aligned and it made sense for everybody involved, I would love to go back and do something on TV for WWE.”

It’s clear that Stone Cold Steve Austin still has a soft spot for WWE and its fans. While a return might not happen anytime soon, it’s nice to know that it’s not out of the realm of possibility.


It is unlikely that Stone Cold Steve Austin will make a return to the WWE. He has stated in interviews that he is retired from wrestling and is focused on his other projects, such as his podcast and acting career.

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