Is Tennis Cardio? The Answer Might Surprise You

A common question we receive here at Tennis Companions is whether playing tennis is a good form of cardio. The answer might surprise you!

Is Tennis Cardio? The Answer Might Surprise You


Like any physical activity, playing tennis has numerous cardiovascular benefits. In fact, a recent study found that just 30 minutes of tennis can provide the same health benefits as an hour-long jog.

Whether you’re a casual player or a competitive athlete, tennis is a great way to get your heart pumping and improve your overall cardiovascular health. Here are some of the top benefits of playing tennis:

-Playing tennis can help reduce your risk of heart disease.
-Tennis can help improve your cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
-Tennis is an excellent way to burn calories and lose weight.
-Playing tennis can help increase your stamina and endurance.
-Tennis is a great way to get some sunlight and fresh air, both of which are good for your health.

What is Cardio?

cardio is any type of physical activity that gets your heart rate up and keeps it there for an extended period of time. Cardio can help you burn calories, improve your heart health, and increase your endurance. Tennis is a great way to get your heart rate up and improve your cardio.

Cardio vs. Anaerobic Exercise

There are two types of exercise: aerobic and anaerobic. Most people think of aerobic exercise as “cardio”, but it’s actually a type of anaerobic exercise. Both types are important for your health, but they have different benefits.

Aerobic exercise is any type of activity that uses large muscle groups and can be maintained for a long period of time. Walking, running, cycling, and swimming are all examples of aerobic exercise. This type of exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and can help reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Anaerobic exercise is any type of activity that uses short bursts of energy. This can include activities like lifting weights, sprinting, or playing tennis. Anaerobic exercise helps build strong muscles and can improve your athletic performance.

Does Tennis Count as Cardio?

Most people would say that playing tennis is a great way to get your cardio in. After all, you are running around the court, getting your heart rate up, and sweating, so it must be doing something good for your heart, right? However, the answer is not so simple. While playing tennis can certainly be a great workout, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you decide if it is the right cardio activity for you.

The Health Benefits of Tennis

Tennis is often thought of as a leisurely activity, but it can actually provide some great health benefits. For one, tennis is a great way to get some cardio exercise. In fact, a game of singles tennis can burn up to 600 calories per hour.

Tennis is also a great way to improve your coordination and balance. Because you have to keep moving to stay in the game, tennis requires you to constantly adjust your body and your movements. This can help improve your overall coordination and balance.

In addition, tennis can be a great way to socialize and meet new people. Because it is typically played in doubles format, you will have the opportunity to interact with your partner and opponents. This can help you make new friends and expand your social circle.


It’s no secret that tennis is a great workout. But is tennis cardio? The answer might surprise you.

While moderate-intensity tennis can certainly be considered a form of cardio exercise, it is also a great way to improve your overall fitness and strength. In fact, research has shown that tennis can provide a number of health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

So, if you’re looking for a way to get your heart pumping and your body moving, tennis is a great option. Plus, it’s a lot of fun!

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