Is The Blood Real In WWE?

The question has been asked for years, Is the blood real in WWE? We take a look at the WWE’s history with blood to try and answer this question.


WWE is a form of entertainment that combines athletics and theatrics. Professional wrestlers are entertainers who perform choreographed wrestling matches, often with complex storylines andcharacters. While WWE does not consider itself a sport, it does consider its athletes to be professional athletes.

WWE matches are entertaining to watch, but they are also dangerous. Many WWE moves are designed to look physically impressive, but they can also cause real injury to the wrestlers. In addition, because WWE is scripted entertainment, the outcomes of matches are often predetermined. This means that the wrestlers must be careful not to injure each other while still making it look like they are fighting for real.

One of the most visually striking aspects of WWE matches is the use of blood. While the blood is usually fake, there have been times when real blood has been used in WWE matches. This is usually done accidentally, but there have been some deliberate instances of wrestlers using real blood to enhanced their matches.

The Blood in WWE is Real

The blood in WWE is definitely real. Many of the wrestlers have said that they have to get stitches after matches because of how deep the cuts are. The blood is usually from blade jobs, which are when the wrestlers cut themselves with a razor blade to make themselves bleed.

The Blood is usually from a blade

While the blood in WWE is mostly real, there are occasions where it is not. The blood is usually from a blade, and the wrestlers cut themselves in order to get the desired result. However, there have been occasions where fake blood has been used.

The Blood is sometimes from a staple gun

While the blood is sometimes real, it is most often fake. WWE does not allow their Superstars to bleed without prior approval, as it is a safety hazard. Blood capsules are often used, as they are easy to conceal and quick to break open. However, sometimes a Superstar will accidentally cut themselves and will need to be taken to the hospital.

The Blood in WWE is Fake

The blood in WWE is fake. The wrestlers themselves have said that the blood is sometimes real, but most of the time it is not. The blood is usually made from corn syrup and food coloring.

The Blood is usually from a capsule

The blood in WWE is usually from a capsule that the wrestlers put in their mouths and bite on when they get hit. The capsule is usually made of sugar and corn syrup and is safe to consume.

The Blood is sometimes from a tube

WWE does not shy away from blood. Throughout its history, WWE has been known for its hardcore matches in which wrestlers bleed profusely. The blood is often used to add dramatic effect to the match and make it more exciting for the fans.

While some of the blood in WWE is real, much of it is fake. Wrestlers will often cut themselves before a match to generate real blood, but they will also use props such as blades or razors to create fake blood.

Fake blood is often made from corn syrup and red food coloring. It is safe for wrestlers to use and does not pose any health risks. However, sometimes fake blood can get into a wrestler’s eyes and mouth, which can be dangerous.

Real blood can also be dangerous for wrestlers. If a wrestler cuts himself too deep, he can risk infection. Bloodborne pathogens such as HIV and hepatitis can also be transmitted through open cuts. For these reasons, wrestlers must be careful when using real blood in their matches.


We can conclusively say that the blood in WWE is real. While the company does use fake blood at times, wrestlers often do bleed during matches, especially when they are using hardcore weapons.

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