Is the NFL Adding New Teams?

Rumors have been swirling that the NFL is looking to add two new teams to the league. We take a look at the possible candidates and what it would mean for the future of the NFL.


The National Football League (NFL) is considering expanding its number of teams, with the possibility of adding 2-4 new franchises in the coming years. This potential expansion would be the first since the 2002 season, when the Houston Texans were added as the 32nd team.

The NFL has not officially announced any plans to expand, but there has been significant public interest in the possibility, particularly from cities that do not currently have an NFL team. The most likely contenders for new franchises seem to be Portland, Las Vegas, Birmingham, and Vancouver.

Each of these cities has made a strong case for why they should be home to an NFL team. Portland, for example, is the largest metropolitan area in the United States without an NFL franchise. Las Vegas has a rapidly growing population and a new stadium that could be home to an NFL team. Birmingham is a large city with a rich football tradition at all levels of play. And Vancouver is the only major Canadian city without an NFL team.

At this point, it is still unclear whether or not the NFL will actually choose to expand its number of teams. But if they do decide to do so, it seems likely that one or more of these four cities will be awarded a new franchise.

The Case For Adding New Teams

The NFL is a multi-billion dollar industry and is the most popular sport in the United States. The league has been successful for many years and there is no reason to believe that will change anytime soon. With that said, there is a case to be made for adding new teams to the NFL.

More Fans

The National Football League (NFL) is the largest professional American football league in the world. It was formed in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association (APFA) before renaming itself the National Football League for the 1922 season. The NFL currently consists of 32 teams from the United States, with 26 from cities with populations of over one million people, and six from smaller markets. With such a large fan base, it’s no surprise that some people are advocating for the NFL to add more teams so even more fans can enjoy professional football.

One reason for adding new teams would be to increase fan interest and viewership. Although the NFL is currently America’s most popular sport, there is always room for growth. Adding new teams in major markets would likely lead to an increase in fans and viewers, as well as create new rivalries between teams. This could lead to even more popularity and revenue for the league.

Another reason for adding new teams is to create more competition. Currently, some NFL divisions are much stronger than others, making it difficult for certain teams to make the playoffs each year. By adding additional teams, the league could balance out the divisions and make it more fair for all teams involved. This would likely lead to a higher level of play overall and make the NFL even more enjoyable to watch.

Whether or not the NFL decides to add new teams in the future remains to be seen, but there are definitely some benefits that come with expanding the league.

More Revenue

In a report released last year, consulting firm sports economists asked if the NFL should add two more teams.

The answer was an emphatic yes – for one reason: more revenue.

With two additional teams, the NFL could increase its annual revenue by $1.64 billion, the sports economists found. That would come from additional television contracts, merchandise sales and ticket sales.

The study did not consider whether the NFL is actually considering expansion, but it seems unlikely in the near future. The league is in the midst of a 10-year television contract with CBS, NBC and Fox that runs through 2022. It recently signed a nine-year extension with ESPN that will keep “Monday Night Football” on the network through 2021.

More Parity

The NFL has had the same number of teams for a long time, but that could be changing.

There are several reasons why the league might want to add more teams. For one, it would create more parity in the league. With more teams, there would be more competition for playoff spots and divisional titles. This would make the regular season more exciting and competitive, and it would ultimately make the NFL more popular.

Another reason why the league might want to add more teams is because it would allow the NFL to expand its reach into new markets. With additional teams, the NFL could expand into new cities and reach new fans. This would be good for business and good for the league overall.

The NFL has been considering expanding for some time, but it has not yet made a decision on whether or not to do so. It is possible that the league will announce expansion in the near future, but nothing is certain at this point.

The Case Against Adding New Teams

Adding new teams to the NFL would dilute the talent pool and make it harder for the existing teams to compete. It would also lead to longer seasons and more injuries, as the players would be asked to do too much. There are already too many teams in the league, and adding more would just make things worse. Let’s take a look at the case against adding new teams to the NFL.

Less Revenue Per Team

Adding teams would reduce the amount of revenue each team generates. In 2017, the 32 NFL teams split $8.1 billion in national revenue, which includes money from television contracts, licensing, and a portion of ticket sales. If the league added two teams, that number would be split among 34 teams, reducing the amount of money each team would get.

More Incompetent Teams

The National Football League (NFL) is considering adding two new teams, which would increase the total number of teams from 32 to 34. This has led to some debate, with some people arguing that adding new teams would only create more incompetent ones.

There are a few reasons why this might be the case. For one, adding new teams would waters down the overall talent level in the NFL. This is because each team would have to divide its players among more teams, meaning that each team would have fewer good players. In addition, expanding the NFL would also mean that there would be more bad teams than good ones, which would lead to even more uncompetitive games.

Ultimately, whether or not the NFL decides to add new teams will come down to a question of money. The league might feel pressure to add new teams in order to expand its reach and generate more revenue. However, it’s also possible that the league will decide that it’s not worth diluting the quality of its product just for the sake of expansion.

Less Intrigue

One of the biggest complaints about the NFL is that it’s become too predictable. With only 32 teams, there are only so many ways the league can shake things up. Adding new teams would only water down the talent pool and make the league even more predictable.


To conclude, the NFL is not currently planning on adding any new teams to the league. While there have been rumors and speculation about the possibility of expansion, there is no concrete evidence that this will happen in the near future. If you’re a fan of the NFL, you’ll just have to enjoy the 32 teams that are currently in the league.

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