Is the NFL Playing Two National Anthems?

Is the NFL playing two national anthems before games? That’s the question many people are asking after the league announced that “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing” will be played before each Week 1 game.


With the start of the new NFL season, there has been some controversy regarding whether or not the league will play two national anthems.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has stated that the league will not be playing two anthems, but some players have said that they would like to see this happen.

The national anthem controversy began last year when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality.

Since then, other players have joined in the protest, and the issue has been a hot topic of discussion both inside and outside of the NFL.

What is the NFL’s official policy on the national anthem?

The NFL’s official policy on the national anthem states that players “should” stand for the anthem, but they are not required to do so. The policy goes on to say that if any players do choose to kneel or sit during the anthem, they should do so in a “respectful” way.

It is worth noting that the NFL’s policy on the national anthem is not a new one. In fact, it has been in place since 2009, long before Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the anthem in 2016 to protest police brutality and racial inequality.

So, why are we only hearing about this now? Well, it seems that the NFL is finally enforcing its own policy. In late May, the league announced that it would be fining any players who kneel or sit during the anthem $40,000 each.

Interestingly enough, the NFL’s decision to enforce its policy comes at a time when kneeling during the anthem has become more common than ever before. Last season alone, dozens of players from various teams knelt or sat during the anthem in protest.

Now, with the league fining players for doing so, it will be interesting to see how many players continue to kneel or sit during the anthem this upcoming season.

Why are some people upset with the NFL’s policy?

Some people are upset with the NFL’s policy because they feel that it is disrespectful to those who have served or are serving in the military. They also feel that it is a way for the NFL to avoid having to take a stand on social issues.

What are the consequences of the NFL’s policy?

The NFL’s policy of playing two national anthems before games has come under fire in recent years. Some have argued that the policy is a way for the league to avoid political backlash, while others have argued that it is a sign of respect for the country’s diverse population.

Critics of the NFL’s policy argue that playing two national anthems is unnecessary and that it sends a mixed message about the league’s stance on patriotism. They also argue that it puts undue pressure on players and performers, who may feel compelled to choose one anthem over the other.

Supporters of the NFL’s policy argue that it is a way to show respect for the country’s diverse population. They also argue that it allows fans to choose which anthem they want to hear, and that it is not necessary for everyone to stand for both anthems.

How can the NFL make everyone happy?

As the NFL season ramps up, so does the debate over whether players should stand for the national anthem. The issue came to a head last year when then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during pre-game renditions of “The Star-Spangled Banner” to protest racial injustice. Other players followed suit, and the protests became a national story.

This year, the NFL is trying to find a compromise that will please everyone. The league has said that all players must stand for the anthem, but it is also giving them the option to stay in the locker room if they prefer.

It remains to be seen whether this will be an effective solution. Some people believe that it is disrespectful to stay in the locker room during the national anthem, while others believe that everyone should have the right to protest as they see fit. What do you think?


After investigating the NFL’s pregame anthem protocol, we can conclude that the league is not playing two national anthems. However, they are playing both the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “America the Beautiful” before every game.

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