Is the NFL Playing the National Anthem This Year?

The NFL has not yet announced whether or not they will be playing the national anthem this year. Some believe that they may not due to the current political climate.


According to a report by The Wall Street Journal, the NFL is reportedly not planning to play the national anthem at any of its regular season games this year. This is due to the ongoing protests against racial injustice and police brutality that have been occurring across the country since the death of George Floyd in May. The NFL has not commented on this report, and it remains to be seen how this will play out as the season approaches.

History of the National Anthem at NFL Games

Since 2009, the NFL has played the national anthem before every game. However, this tradition was not always in place. In fact, it wasn’t until the early 1990s that the national anthem became a staple at NFL games.

Prior to 2009, the national anthem was only played sporadically at NFL games. It wasn’t until the early 1990s that the tradition of playing the national anthem before every game became standard. The reason for this change was largely due to 9/11. In the weeks and months following the terrorist attacks, patriotism was at an all-time high in America. And the NFL wanted to show its support for the country by playing the national anthem before every game.

In recent years, there has been some debate about whether or not the national anthem should be played at NFL games. Some people feel that it is a sign of respect for America and its military, while others believe that it is a political statement that does not belong in sports.

However, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter, it is clear that the national anthem has become an important part of NFL culture and tradition.

Why the NFL Decided to Stop Playing the National Anthem

In 2016, then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat or took a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. His action started a movement that’s grown in the NFL and beyond in the years since.

This season, the NFL has said that players must stand during the anthem if they are on the field. However, they are allowed to stay in the locker room if they wish. The new rule has been met with criticism from some players and fans.

There are a number of reasons why the NFL decided to stop playing the national anthem. Here are a few of them:

1) To avoid protests and uphold patriotism: Some people believe that by not playing the national anthem, the NFL is trying to avoid any type of protest from its players. By not having the anthem, there’s no opportunity for players to take a knee or sit down in protest. The league has said that it wants its games to be a “time of unity,” and some see this as a way to ensure that.

2) To support player safety: There have been concerns that playing the national anthem could put players at risk for injury. For example, if a player were to take a knee and another player tackled him, it could cause serious injury. By not playing the anthem, it eliminates this potential risk.

3) To appease sponsors: Some have speculated that one of the reasons behind the NFL’s decision is to appease its sponsors. There have been reports that some sponsors were threatening to pull their money from the league if it didn’t do something about player protests during the anthem.

4)To avoid alienating fans: There’s no question that player protests during the national anthem have divided fans. Some people believe that by not playing the anthem, it will help keep fans who might be turned off by protests from tuning out altogether

How Fans Have Reacted to the NFL’s Decision

Since the NFL made the announcement that they would not be playing the National anthem at any of their games this year, many fans have taken to social media to share their reactions. Some people are outraged, saying that they will no longer be watching the NFL or supporting any of its sponsors. Others believe that it is a necessary step in order to prevent further division in the country. Some people are simply curious as to why the NFL made this decision and what it could mean for the future of football.

Regardless of how people feel about the decision, it is clear that the NFL is a powerful institution and its actions can have a significant impact on American society. This decision will likely continue to be debated in the months and years to come.


The answer to this question is a resounding yes! The NFL has confirmed that the national anthem will be played at all games this season, including the Super Bowl. This is in line with the league’s longstanding tradition of honoring the country’s symbols and values during its biggest annual event.

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