Is the WWE Racist?

In light of recent events, many people are wondering if the WWE is racist. Let’s take a look at the evidence and see what conclusion we can reach.


Since its inception, the WWE has been embroiled in controversy. From steroid scandals to the use of blackface, the WWE has been accused of being insensitive at best and downright racist at worst. In recent years, the WWE has come under fire for its lack of diversity and its treatment of black wrestlers. While the WWE has made some strides in diversifying its roster, there are still many who believe that the company is racist.

What is the WWE?

The WWE is a professional wrestling entertainment company. It is known for its often extreme and controversial storylines, as well as its roster of mostly white wrestlers. In recent years, the WWE has been accused of racism by fans and critics alike.

The WWE’s target audience

WWE’s primary target audience is young white males, which is why the vast majority of its on-screen performers are white. In recent years, the company has made an effort to become more racially diverse and inclusive, but some fans and critics feel that it’s still not doing enough.

There have been a number of controversial incidents involving racism in the WWE, both on screen and off. In 2013, WWE Superstar Mark Henry claimed that he was the victim of racism during his time with the company. And in 2016, a leaked transcript revealed that then-WWE CEO Vince McMahon used a racial slur to describe one of the company’s performers.

Despite these incidents, WWE officials have insisted that the company is not racist. In a statement to USA Today in 2016, WWE said: “WWE is committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide.”

However, some fans remain unconvinced. In 2020, #BlackLivesMatter protests erupted across the United States following the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. The WWE did not acknowledge these protests on its television programming, prompting some fans to accuse the company of being tone-deaf at best and racist at worst.

The WWE’s treatment of black wrestlers

The WWE has been accused of racism several times throughout its history. In the early days of the company, black wrestlers were relegated to comedic relief roles or pushed to the side in favor of white wrestlers. Even today, some fans believe that the WWE does not give black wrestlers the same opportunities or respect as their white counterparts.

In recent years, the WWE has made an effort to be more inclusive, hiring a number of black wrestlers and giving them prominent roles on its programming. However, some critics say that the company is still not doing enough to address its racist past and present.

The WWE’s use of black stereotypes

For decades, the WWE has been known for their use of black stereotypes in their wrestling storylines. Although the company has made some changes in recent years, critics say that they have not gone far enough to address the issue.

One of the most controversial examples is the character Papa Shango, who was played by black wrestler Charles Wright. Shango was portrayed as a voodoo witch doctor who would cast spells on his opponents. He would often be shown with bones and other stereotypical images associated with voodoo.

Another example is The Boogeyman, who was also played by a black wrestler (Martin Wright). The character was portrayed as a monstrous creature who would eat worms and scare children. He was often shown in chains and other restraints, which some people believe is a reference to slavery.

even though the company has made some changes in recent years, these examples show that the WWE still has a long way to go in terms of addressing its racist past.

The WWE’s use of the n-word

In recent years, the WWE has come under fire for its use of the n-word. In a 2016 episode of Raw, WWE star Roman Reigns used the word while speaking to another wrestler, and in 2017, a backstage segment between Reigns and WWE quipped about “n-gga” coffee. These incidents sparked outrage among fans and wrestlers alike, with many calling for the WWE to address its apparent use of racial slurs.

However, the WWE has maintained that it does not tolerate racism. In a statement released after the Raw incident, the company said that it “does not condone” the use of racially insensitive language. The WWE also pointed to its partnership with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as proof that it is committed to diversity and inclusion.

Despite the WWE’s denials, many believe that the company has a long way to go in terms of addressing its racism problem. In 2020, several former wrestlers spoke out about their experiences with racism while working for the WWE. One black former wrestler claimed that he was regularly subjected to racial slurs from both fans and fellow wrestlers, while another said that she was told by a producer that she would never be booked for TV because of her skin color.

These allegations paint a troubling picture of race relations within the WWE. If true, they suggest that the company has failed to adequately address its racism problem, despite its claims to the contrary. Until the WWE takes concrete steps to address this issue, it will continue to be dogged by accusations of racism.


Based on the information presented, it appears that the WWE is not racist. However, there is a clear preference for white wrestlers, and people of color are often relegated to supporting roles. There is also a lack of diversity among the top tier wrestlers, which could be seen as a form of racism. While the WWE does appear to have some issues with racism, it does not seem to be intentional or malicious.

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