Is There Offsides In Hockey?

Offsides is one of the most controversial calls in hockey. Here’s a breakdown of what it is and how it’s called.


Many people are familiar with the concept of offsides in football, but are unsure about whether the same rule applies to hockey. In hockey, the offsides rule is actually quite different from that of football. Here is a brief explanation of how offsides is called in hockey.

In hockey, the attacking team is not allowed to have more than two players in the offensive zone ahead of the puck carrier at any time. If more than two attackers enter the offensive zone ahead of the puck carrier play is whistled dead and a face-off ensues outside of the offending team’s defensive zone. It is important to note that all players are considered offside, regardless of whether they are touching the puck or not.

What is Offsides?

In hockey, offsides occurs when a player on the attacking team (the team with possession of the puck) enters the attacking zone ahead of the puck. The purpose of this rule is to prevent players from gaining an advantage by “cherry picking” or staying in the offensive zone while their teammates advance the puck up ice.

A player is not considered offsides if they are in possession of the puck when they enter the attacking zone They can also enter the zone before the puck as long as there is another player on their team (including the goaltender) between them and the blue line (the boundary line between each end of the rink).

If a player is called for offsides, play will be whistled dead and a face-off will take place outside of the offending team’s defensive zone.

How is Offsides Called?

Many people believe that offsides is not called in hockey, but this is not the case. Offsides is actually called quite frequently in hockey, though it is not always enforced. Offsides occurs when an attacking player crosses the blue line into the offensive zone before the puck does. If this happens, the referee will raise his arm and blow his whistle to stop play. The offending team will then be given a warning and play will resume.

What are the Consequences of Offsides?

If a player is called for offsides, the consequences can be either a minor or major penalty. A minor penalty results in the offending team losing possession of the puck and the opposing team being awarded a free shot on goal. A major penalty results in a five-minute Power play for the opposing team

How to Avoid Offsides?

Offsides is called when a player on the attacking team crosses the blue line into the offensive zone before the puck. The result is a stoppage in play and a face-off in the defensive zone for the other team. It’s one of the most penalized infractions in hockey, and it can be frustrating for both players and fans when it happens.

There are a few ways to avoid offsides, and they’re all about timing and positioning. First, make sure you’re crossing the Blue Line as close to the puck as possible. If you’re too far ahead of it, you’re more likely to be called for offsides. Second, pay attention to where your teammates are. If they’re all behind you, there’s a good chance you’ll be offside. And finally, be aware of where the other team’s defensemen are. If they’re screening the goalie, you might be able to sneak by them and into the offensive zone before they can react.

Offsides is a penalty that can be frustrating for both players and fans alike. But with a little awareness and practice, it’s easy to avoid.

When was Offsides Introduced in Hockey?

This is a difficult question to answer because there is no one official date when offsides was first introduced into hockey. The general consensus seems to be that offsides was first used in a game between McGill University and Harvard University in 1883, but it is possible that the rule was used earlier in other games that have not been well documented. Regardless of when exactly offsides was first introduced, it has been an integral part of the game ever since and there is no sign of it going away any time soon!

What is the Purpose of Offsides?

Offsides is a rule in hockey that is designed to keep players from getting too far ahead of the puck. If a player crosses the blue line (the line that divides the rink in half) before the puck, he is considered offsides. A player can also be called offsides if he is behind the opposition’s net when his team brings the puck into the offensive zone.

How has Offsides Changed over the Years?

Offsides in hockey has changed a lot over the years. In the early days of the sport, there was no such thing as offsides. Players could simply skate anywhere on the ice and go for the puck. However, as the game evolved and became more structured, rules were put in place to help keep things fair. Offsides was one of those rules.

The basic idea behind offsides is to prevent players from gaining an unfair advantage by waiting behind the opposing team’s defencemen and then pouncing on the puck when it comes up ice. To do this, a player must be onside when the puck is carried or passed into their attacking zone If they are not, they will be called for offsides and play will be whistled dead.

Over time, the rule has evolved to become more complex. The current NHL rule states that a player is offside if they enter the attacking zone before the puck does, or if they are already in the attacking zone when the puck is first touched by a teammate who is also in that zone. If any part of a player’s body is over the blue line (the line that runs through centre ice) when these things happen, they will be considered offsides.

The rule has come under fire in recent years with some people arguing that it slows down the game and prevents scoring chances from happening. Others believe that it is an important part of keeping things fair and preventing teams from getting too big of an advantage. It’s something that continues to be debated among fans and experts alike.

What are the Criticisms of Offsides?

One common criticism of offsides is that it can disrupt the flow of play. For example, if an attacking player is just barely offside when he or she receives the puck, play will be halted and a face-off will take place. This can lead to frustration for both fans and players, as it can feel like the game is constantly being interrupted.

Another criticism of offsides is that it can be used as a defensive tactic. If a team is leading late in a game, they may purposely commit an offside infraction in order to give their opponents an opportunity to score. This can be seen as unfair, as it takes away from the attacking team’s chance to win the game.


In conclusion, the answer to the question “is there offsides in hockey?” is a resounding yes! Offsides is an important part of the game and helps to keep play fair and exciting. If you’re ever unsure about whether a play is offside or not, be sure to ask a referee or another player.

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