Is Tom Brady The Oldest Quarterback In The NFL?

Is Tom Brady the oldest quarterback in the NFL? That’s a question that many people are asking, and we take a look at the evidence to try and answer it.

Is Tom Brady The Oldest Quarterback In The NFL?


At 42 years old, Tom Brady is the oldest starting quarterback in the NFL. He’s also the only quarterback in his 40s currently playing in the league. And yet, despite his advanced age, Brady has shown no signs of slowing down. In fact, he’s coming off one of the best seasons of his long and illustrious career.

Tom Brady’s Age

Tom Brady is currently the oldest starting quarterback in the NFL. He is 41 years old, and has been playing professionally for 20 years.

Prior to Brady, the oldest starting quarterback in the NFL was Brett Favre, who was 40 years old when he retired in 2010.

Brady has said that he plans to play until he is 45 years old, which would make him the oldest quarterback to ever play in the NFL.

Other Old Quarterbacks in the NFL

Tom Brady isn’t the only old quarterback in the NFL. In fact, there are quite a few other quarterbacks who are over the age of 40. Here is a list of some of the other oldest quarterbacks in the NFL:

-Brett Favre: 43 years old
-Doug Flutie: 44 years old
-Warren Moon: 45 years old
-Steve DeBerg: 46 years old

Why Does Age Matter for Quarterbacks?

Age matters for quarterbacks because youth is generally seen as an advantage in football. Younger quarterbacks tend to have more energy, be more physically fit, and have faster reflexes than their older counterparts. NFL teams often favor younger quarterbacks because they believe they will perform better than older quarterbacks over the long term.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Tom Brady, for example, is one of the oldest quarterbacks in the NFL and he is still playing at a high level. In fact, Brady has led his team to five Super Bowl victories since he joined the league in 2000.

So why does age matter for quarterbacks? It all comes down to performance. NFL teams want their quarterbacks to perform at a high level for as long as possible. And while age isn’t always an indicator of performance, it is one factor that teams consider when making decisions about their quarterback situation.


As of the 2019 season, Tom Brady is the oldest active quarterback in the NFL at 42 years old. He is also the only quarterback in NFL history to win a Super Bowl at age 40 or older.

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