Is Valorant Esports-Ready?

Valorant has only been out for a little over a month, and already the game has taken the competitive scene by storm. But is Valorant truly esports-ready?

Is Valorant Esports-Ready?


With the recent release of Valorant, many people are wondering if the game is ready for the competitive scene. While the game has not been out for very long, it has already made quite a name for itself. So, is Valorant esports-ready?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated. On one hand, Valorant has all of the necessary ingredients to be a successful esport. It is a fast-paced tactical shooter with a variety of different characters to choose from, each with their own unique abilities. It also has a competitive ranking system that encourages players to try their best and improve their skills.

On the other hand, there are some concerns about Valorant’s feasibility as an esport. For example, the game’s developers have yet to introduce any official competitive tournaments or leagues. Additionally, there is no dedicated spectator mode, which makes it difficult for viewers to follow along with matches.

Only time will tell if Valorant is truly ready for the competitive scene. However, with its strong foundation and potential for growth, there is no doubt that it has what it takes to be a successful esport.

What is Valorant?

Valorant is a free-to-play, 5v5 character-based tactical shooter set in the near future. The game was developed by Riot Games and released on June 2, 2020.

The game’s characters, called “Agents”, each have their own unique abilities and equipment. Players can use these abilities to win gunfights and help their team take down the enemy team’s base.

Valorant has been designed with esports in mind, and it shows. The game features a competitive mode with ranked ladder, leaderboards, and spectating support. It also has an in-game economy that rewards skilled players with experience points and money that can be used to buy weapon upgrades.

All of these features make Valorant a very attractive proposition for esports organizations looking for a new game to invest in. But there are still some lingering questions about whether or not the game is ready for the big time.

The biggest concern is that Valorant is still a very new game. It has only been out for a little over two months, and it is currently only available on PC. This limited availability means that there are only a handful of professional teams and players who are actively competing in the game.

It will take some time for the competitive scene to develop and for more organizations to get involved. But given Riot Games’ track record with League of Legends, it’s likely that Valorant will eventually become a major player in the world of esports.

The Case for Valorant as an Esport

Valorant is a 5v5 character-based tactical shooter that released in 2020. The game is developed by Riot Games, who also made League of Legends. Just like in League, characters in Valorant each have their own unique abilities. In a departure from most other shooters, guns in Valorant also have unique abilities. For example, the Ghost can become invisible for a short period of time, while the Phantom can see through walls.

The Game is Fun

The first and most important reason that Valorant is primed for success as an esport is that it is an incredibly fun game. This might seem like a given, but it cannot be overstated how important it is for a game to be entertaining. After all, if people are not enjoying themselves, they are not going to want to watch other people play the game, let alone play it themselves.

What makes Valorant fun? For starters, the gunplay is fantastic. The guns all feel unique and have interesting capabilities that force players to think about how they want to approach each confrontation. There are also plenty of different ways to play the game, whether you want to be a run-and-gun player or a more methodical sniper. Overall, the gameplay is fast-paced and intense, which makes for an exciting watch.

There is a Competitive Scene

Is Valorant an esport? It’s a question that is on a lot of people’s minds as the game has taken the FPS world by storm. At its core, Valorant is a 5v5 character-based tactical shooter that pits two teams against each other in bomb defusal or VIP escort missions. The game has only been out for a few months and it’s already one of the most popular games on Twitch. So, is Valorant an esport?

The answer is yes, but it’s still early days. The game is certainly esports-ready with its exciting gameplay and potential for strategic depth. However, the competitive scene is still in its infancy and it will take time for tournaments and leagues to develop. Nonetheless, there are already several professional Valorant teams and many well-known streamers have transitioned to the game. So, while it’s still too early to say definitively whether Valorant will be a top-tier esport, there is definitely potential for it to become one.

The Game is Well-Designed

From a design standpoint, Valorant is an incredibly well-made game. It’s a 5v5 character-based tactical shooter that borrows heavily from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, but with some important distinctions. For one, instead of everyone starting each round with the same loadout, players have the opportunity to buy weapons and abilities between rounds with any points they earn from kills or objectives. This leads to some interesting choices and mind games between rounds, as well as a healthy dose of smack talk.

Additionally, every character in Valorant has their own unique abilities. From Cypher’s traps to Sova’s recon arrows, each one changes the way the game is played in a significant way. This not only adds another layer of strategy to the game, but also makes each match feel unique. With so much variety in characters and playstyles, it’s hard to get bored of Valorant.

The Case Against Valorant as an Esport

Valorant has only been out for a few months and it is already one of the most popular games. It has a lot of potential to become a great esport. However, there are some drawbacks that could prevent it from becoming a top-tier esport. In this article, we will be discussing the case against Valorant as an esport.

There is no Story

Competitive video gaming, or esports, has been on the rise in recent years. With the popularity of games like Fortnite and Overwatch, many gamers and spectators have turned their attention to this budding industry. So it’s no surprise that when Riot Games announced their new game, Valorant, it was met with much excitement from the gaming community.

However, upon closer inspection, it seems that Valorant may not be ready for the big leagues of esports just yet. One of the biggest problems with the game is that there is no story. In order to be a successful esport, a game needs to have a narrative that can be followed by spectators who are not familiar with the game itself. This is one of the things that makes games like League of Legends and Dota 2 so successful as esports—there is a clear cut story that unfolds during each match.

Valorant has no such story. Sure, there are characters with backstories, but these are not integral to understanding what is happening in a match. And without a narrative to follow, it becomes very difficult for casual viewers to get invested in what they are watching. This is a problem that will need to be addressed if Valorant wants to compete with other well-established esports titles.

The Game is Too New

Since Valorant is such a new game, it doesn’t have nearly as large of a following as some of the more established esports. For a game to be successful as an esport, it needs to have a passionate and growing community that will watch the competitions and support the teams.

Right now, there are only a handful of professional Valorant teams and very few tournaments being held. It will likely be some time before we see Valorant become a major player in the world of esports.


Valorant is a 5v5 hero shooter thatReleased on June 2, 2020. The game was developed and published by Riot Games. It is free-to-play and available for Microsoft Windows. It has been said that the game is similar to games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch.
Valorant has been designed with the intention of being an eSport from the start. The game has a competitive mode with ranked Tier System. In order to join in Ranked mode, players must have completed 20 “unrated” matches. There are 5 ranks in total: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. After playing 100 matches in a rank, players will receive a star next to their rank symbolizing their progress. Players are able to climb through the ranks by winning matches and receiving points. The better the player does in a match, the more points they will receive.
After reaching Platinum rank, players will enter into “VALORANT”, which is the top rank. To be invited into VALORANT, players must have achieved a global ranking within the top 500 players at their region

As an eSport, Valorant has many opportunities and potential rewards for players who are willing to invest their time and skills into becoming competitive at the game. There are various online tournaments hosted by different organizations with different prize pools ranging from $500 up to $5,000 . For anyone looking to get into eSports or improve their skills in Valorant, there are many resources available online such as guides, tips & trick videos, etc

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