Is Weed Allowed in the NFL?
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Weed has been a hot topic in the NFL recently, with several high-profile players speaking out in favor of its use. But is it actually allowed? We break down the league’s policy on weed and what it could mean for the future of the sport.
The NFL’s Stance on Weed
The National Football League (NFL) has a strict policy against the use of marijuana, even for medicinal purposes. In fact, the NFL’s policy on marijuana is stricter than most other professional sports leagues.
Players who test positive for marijuana are subject to a fine and/or suspension. The NFL has said that it is concerned about the long-term health effects of marijuana use, as well as the potential for players to abuse the drug.
Despite the NFL’s strict policy, some players have vocalized their support for changing the league’s stance on marijuana. In particular, former NFL player Eugene Monroe has been an outspoken advocate for medical marijuana research. Monroe has even donated his own money to fund such research.
It remains to be seen if or when the NFL will change its policy on marijuana. For now, though, the league is firmly against its use.
Players Who Have Been Suspended for Weed
The National Football League (NFL) has a strict policy on the use of illegal drugs by its players. The policy is outlined in the NFL’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the NFL Players Association (NFLPA). According to the CBA, players are subject to testing for banned substances, including marijuana, during the offseason and regular season. If a player tests positive for a banned substance, he is subject to a suspension without pay.
In recent years, several players have been suspended for violating the NFL’s policy on marijuana use. Here is a list of some of the most notable suspensions:
-Josh Gordon (Cleveland Browns): Suspended indefinitely in 2014 for multiple violations of the NFL’s substance abuse policy. Gordon was reinstated on a conditional basis in 2017 but was suspended again for violating the terms of his reinstatement.
-Riley Cooper (Philadelphia Eagles): Suspended for two games in 2013 after a video surfaced of him using a racial slur. Cooper was fined an additional game check but was not suspended.
-Dwayne Harris (Dallas Cowboys): Suspended for one game in 2015 after testing positive for MDMA, also known as “molly”.
-Robert Mathis (Indianapolis Colts): Suspended four games in 2016 after testing positive for Clomiphene, a fertility drug that is banned by the NFL.
The Pros and Cons of Allowing Weed in the NFL
The debate over whether or not to allow weed in the NFL has been a hot topic in recent years. Some people argue that weed should be allowed because it is a natural substance that can help relieve pain. Others argue that weed should not be allowed because it can lead to addiction and other health problems.
So far, the NFL has not made any definitive decisions on the issue. However, they have begun to soften their stance on players using weed. In 2017, the NFL relaxed its rules on players using marijuana for medicinal purposes. And in 2020, the league announced that it would allow players to use CBD products containing less than 0.3% THC.
The pros of allowing weed in the NFL include:
-Players would be able to use a natural substance to relieve pain instead of painkillers.
-Weed is not as harmful as other substances, such as alcohol, that are currently allowed in the NFL.
-Allowing weed could help de-stigmatize its use and lead to more open discussions about its benefits and risks.
The cons of allowing weed in the NFL include:
-Some people argue that pot is a gateway drug that can lead to abuse of harder substances.
-Weed can affect cognitive function and reaction time, which could impact a player’s ability to perform at their best.
-There is still a lot of stigma surrounding weed, and some people believe that allowing its use would send the wrong message to young athletes.
What Other Professional Sports Leagues Do About Weed
While the NFL has yet to fully jump on board with the decriminalization of marijuana, other professional sports leagues have been a bit more open-minded about the drug.
In 2014, the NBA removed marijuana from its banned substance list. The reasoning behind the decision was that marijuana wasn’t performance-enhancing and it had become widely available in society, so testing players for it didn’t make a lot of sense. The NBA also started to instituting random drug testing during the regular season instead of just during training camp.
Similarly, Major League Baseball announced in 2019 that it would be instituting random drug testing for opioids and cocaine but would no longer be testing for marijuana. MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said that marijuana “isn’t a performance-enhancing drug” and that the league wanted to focus its attention on substances that posed a greater risk to player safety.
The National Hockey League has taken a similar approach to Major League Baseball, announcing in 2019 that it would no longer be testing players for marijuana. Like MLB commissioner Rob Manfred, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said that marijuana “isn’t a performance-enhancing drug” and that the league wanted to focus its attention on substances that posed a greater risk to player safety.
How Allowing Weed in the NFL Could Change the League
Marijuana is currently banned in the NFL, but that could soon change. In recent years, several high-profile NFL players have spoken out in favor of legalizing marijuana, and a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that marijuana could be effective in treating certain conditions that commonly affect NFL players, such as pain and concussions. If the NFL were to allow players to use marijuana, it would likely have a major impact on the league both on and off the field. Here’s how allowing weed in the NFL could change the league:
1. Fewer players would be suspended for violating the substance abuse policy.
2. An increasing number of players would likely use marijuana to treat pain and injuries.
3. The league could see an influx of financial investment from the cannabis industry.
4. It would be easier for teams to monitor player use of marijuana and ensure that they are not using it excessively.
5.Players would be less likely to turn to other substances, such as opioids, to manage pain.