Comparing WWE 2K19 and 2K20: Which is Better?

2K19 vs 2K20: Which is the better game? A comparison of the two WWE games.


WWE 2K19 and WWE 2K20 are two of the most popular professional wrestling video games. Both games are based on the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) promotion and feature a large roster of WWE superstars, both male and female. So, which game is better? Let’s take a look at a few key points and find out.

WWE 2K19

WWE 2K19 was released on October 5, 2018, and is still considered one of the best wrestling games ever made. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is fluid, and the overall experience is just fantastic. However, WWE 2K20 was released on October 22, 2019, and many people are wondering if it is better than WWE 2K19. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each game and see which one is better.


WWE 2K19 and 2K20 are very similar when it comes to gameplay. Both games feature a similar control scheme, and the gameplay mechanics are largely the same. However, there are some key differences between the two games that make one better than the other.

WWE 2K19 has a more robust and fleshed out MyCareer mode than WWE 2K20. MyCareer in WWE 2K19 is a lot longer, and there is more to do outside of just wrestling matches. There are side missions, cutscenes, and other activities that help to make the experience more immersive and engaging.

WWE 2K20 also has a Street Fight mode that is not present in WWE 2K19. Street Fight is a mode where players can fight in informal matches with no rules outside of basic WWE regulations. This mode is great for players who want to have more fun with their friends and want to create their own unique rulesets.

Overall, WWE 2K19 has better gameplay than WWE 2K20. It has a more fleshed out MyCareer mode, and the Street Fight mode in WWE 2K20 does not make up for the lack of content in other modes.


The most obvious difference between WWE 2K19 and 2K20 is the graphics. If you are playing on current gen consoles like the Xbox One X or PS4 Pro, then you will notice that the graphics have been improved in WWE 2K20. The animations look smoother and more fluid, and the character models look more realistic. Even if you are playing on a base model Xbox One or PS4, you will still notice a difference in the graphics. The improved graphics are due to the new Ignite engine that was used to develop WWE 2K20.


WWE 2K19 boasts the largest roster in WWE games history. It features a massive line-up of WWE and NXT’s most popular Superstars and Legends. You can play as your favorite wrestlers from the past and present, including The Rock, John Cena, AJ Styles, Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, and many more.

2K20’s roster is not as expansive as 2K19’s. It includes some of WWE and NXT’s most popular Superstars and Legends, but is missing some key players. You can play as The Rock, John Cena, AJ Styles, Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, among others.

WWE 2K20

WWE 2K19 was released on October 5, 2018, while WWE 2K20 was released on October 22, 2019. So, which game is better? There are a few key differences between the two games. WWE 2K19 has 127 playable characters, while WWE 2K20 has 170. WWE 2K19 has 30 match types, while WWE 2K20 has 34. WWE 2K19 has 10 environments, while WWE 2K20 has 11.


WWE 2K19 was a good game, but it had its flaws. WWE 2K20 fixes some of those flaws and makes some much-needed changes to the gameplay. The biggest change is the addition of a HUD (heads-up display) that tells you who is legally allowed to be in the ring. This is a huge change that eliminates one of the biggest problems with WWE 2K19: people not knowing who was supposed to be in the ring.

In WWE 2K19, there was no way to tell who was supposed to be in the ring, which often led to matches where one team would be at a disadvantage because they didn’t have as many people as the other team. This was especially problematic in Royal Rumble matches, where having one extra person can often mean the difference between winning and losing.

The HUD also displays other important information, such as how much damage each wrestler has taken and how close they are to being eliminated. This is valuable information that was not available in WWE 2K19, and it gives you a better sense of what’s going on in the match.

Another big change is the inclusion of a new grapple system that makes it easier to perform complex grappling moves. In WWE 2K19, many of these moves were needlessly complicated and difficult to execute. The new grapple system simplifies things and makes it easier to perform these moves without error.

Finally, WWE 2K20 introduces a new mode called Towers Mode. This mode is similar to WWE 2K19’s MyCareer Mode, but it features more traditional tower defense gameplay. You’ll need to defend your base from waves of enemies, and you’ll be able to earn rewards for your success.


WWE 2K19 looked incredible, so WWE 2K20 had big boots to fill in the graphics department. On that front, it’s fair to say that WWE 2K20 looks very similar to WWE 2K19. Which is no bad thing – last year’s game was one of the best-looking games on PS4 and Xbox One.

There are some new graphical touches here and there. The lighting in particular is noticeably different and gives the game a more cinematic feel at times. But for the most part, this is very much a case of ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’

Character models are once again superb, with even the lesserknown Superstars looking like their real-life counterparts. The attention to detail lavished on them is amazing – from the sweat that drips down their brows during matches to the way their muscles ripple as they move.


Both games have a diverse roster, with 2K20 having over 200 characters and 2K19 having just under 200. In terms of playable characters, 2K19 edges out 2K20 by about 30. However, in terms of create-a-wrestler options, 2K20 has WAY more options than 2K19. You can pretty much create any type of wrestler you want in 2K20, while in 2K19 you are somewhat limited by the create-a-wrestler engine.


So, which game is better? It honestly depends on what you’re looking for. If you want a game with more features and content, WWE 2K19 is the way to go. However, if you’d prefer a game that’s more polished and runs better, WWE 2K20 is the better choice.

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