Is WWE 2K20 Really That Bad?

Many WWE 2K20 players are wondering if the game is really as bad as people say it is. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the main complaints about the game and see if they’re justified.


WWE 2K20 was released on October 22, 2019, and it was not received well by critics or fans. The game was buggy and had many issues, including graphic glitches, game-breaking bugs, and gameplay that was not up to par with previous WWE games. WWE 2K20 was so bad that it caused WWE to cancel their annual WWE series and move on to a new development studio. So, is WWE 2K20 really that bad? Let’s take a look.

The Good

WWE 2k20 is not a bad game. In fact, it’s a pretty good game. The graphics are great, the gameplay is fun, and there’s a lot of content. The bad thing about the game is that there are some bugs and glitches.


On the gameplay front, WWE 2K20 is actually an improvement over last year’s entry. The reversal system has been completely reworked and is now much simpler to understand and execute. As someone who never really got the hang of the old system, I found the new one to be a refreshing change of pace. The changes to the striking game are also welcome, as they make the action feel a lot more kinetic and brutal.

However, these gameplay improvements are offset by a number of issues that range from annoying to game-breaking. For example, there’s a new animations that occasionally triggers when two superstars knock each other down at the same time. This animation sees both superstars get up and start brawling with each other, but for some reason, the game doesn’t recognize this as an official match. This means that if you’re trying to win by knockout, you can literally punch your opponent 50 times and they won’t even flinch. It’s a bizarre oversight that takes you out of the experience.

There are also issues with AI that range from silly to702 seriously frustrating. Opponents will regularly do things like stand in place and let you wail on them, or they’ll run directly into your finisher without even trying to avoid it. These moments are immersion-breaking and make it hard to take the game seriously.


Since we’re on the topic of MyCareer, I should probably mention that the visuals have taken a small step back this year. The character models look cartoonish and the environment doesn’t look as detailed as it did in WWE 2K19. There are still some good looking moments though, like when Brock Lesnar does his F-5 or when Rey Mysterio pulls off his 619.

Creation Suite

The Creation Suite is robust, giving players nearly endless options to create wrestlers, arenas, stables, shows and so much more. There’s a minor learning curve in figuring out how everything works, but once you get the hang of it the possibilities are endless. The one complaint I have is that there aren’t enough slots for created wrestlers. You can only have 50 at any given time, which seems like a very low number.

The Bad

There’s no doubt that WWE 2K20 is one of the worst games in the series. It’s buggy, has a terrible character creator, and the gameplay is a mess. Let’s talk about some of the specific problems with the game.

Bugs and Glitches

WWE 2K20 is one of the most buggy, glitchy games ever released. There is technically a litany of things wrong with this game – from audio issues to graphical oddities, to game-breaking glitches. However, the most damning thing about WWE 2K20’s bugs and glitches is that they are almost all game-breaking. Countless reports have surfaced of corrupted save files, Reigns glitching out of the ring, and unplayable cutscenes. These glitches can often render the game unplayable – which is a huge problem for a game that cost 60 dollars at launch.


In 2K19, the character models looked better than ever, but in 2K20 they took several steps back. In addition, many of the animations are recycled from 2K19 and even further back. This is a problem that has plagued the series for a long time, and it’s disappointing to see that it hasn’t been addressed.

One of the biggest issues with WWE 2K20 is the roster. While the game does have a lot of characters, many of them are stale and outdated. In addition, there are many glaring omissions, such as John Cena, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar. This is especially frustrating considering that WWE 2K19 had one of the best rosters in recent memory.

Story Mode

We’ve all seen it by now. The released product that is so buggy, so broken, and so jank that it’s barely playable. Maybe the developer will eventually release a patch or two that improves the game, but by then it’s usually too late. The damage has been done, the playerbase has moved on, and the game is forever tarnished by its rocky launch. This year’s WWE 2K20 is shaping up to be one of those games.


It’s hard to recommend WWE 2K20 to anyone except the most hardcore fans of professional wrestling. There are just too many fundamental problems with the game, from the fraught MyCareer mode to the incredibly buggy online play. The roster is impressive, and there are some flashes of potential in the new gameplay systems, but they’re buried under an avalanche of technical issues. WWE 2K20 is a disaster, and it’s hard to see how 2K Games can redeem itself with next year’s installment.

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