Is WWE Dying?

Is WWE dying? Many people seem to think so, but I think WWE is stronger than ever. Here’s why.

WWE’s Struggles

WWE is no longer the dominant force in professional wrestling that it once was. In the early 2000s, WWE was the only major game in town and controlled nearly 90% of the market. Today, WWE’s market share has shrunk to around 60%, and there are several viable alternatives for wrestling fans. This decline has led to questions about WWE’s future.

Lack of competition

The Tuesday Night Deluge is becoming a thing of the past.

Since the formation of All Elite Wrestling, WWE’s ratings have been on a steady decline. In the 18-49 demographic, Wednesday Night Dynamite has averaged 1.4 million viewers, compared to WWE NXT’s 683,000. In total viewership, Dynamite attracts 2.2 million viewers on average, while NXT drags in 1.1 million.

The Loot Lake event likely gave AEW a much needed ratings boost, but it also exposed WWE’s biggest weakness: a lack of competition.

Since AEW’s inception, WWE has lost nearly 40% of its 18-49 demographic viewership and more than 20% of its total viewership. In 2019, WWE averaged 2.4 million viewers in the 18-49 demographic and 3.9 million total viewers. In 2020, those numbers have declined to 1.5 million and 3 million respectively.

Ongoing pandemic or not, those are alarming numbers for any company, let alone one that once dominated the pro wrestling landscape like WWE did for so many years.

declining ratings

In recent years, WWE has seen a decline in ratings across all its platforms. This has been attributed to a variety of factors, including changes in the television landscape, increased competition from other entertainment companies, and WWE’s own creative decisions.

WWE’s flagship program, Monday Night Raw, saw its ratings drop by double digits in 2017. The show has lost nearly half its viewers since 2012. A number of other WWE programs have also seen declines in recent years.

The issues facing WWE are not unique to the company. Other television networks and sports leagues have also seen declining ratings in recent years. However, WWE’s decline has been more precipitous than most. This has led to speculation that WWE is in danger of becoming obsolete.

WWE has been able to offset some of its rating declines by increasing its live event attendance and expanding its international reach. However, it remains to be seen whether these measures will be enough to keep the company viable in the long term.

aging audience

WWE is facing a number of challenges that could threaten its future as a top wrestling entertainment organization. One of the biggest challenges is its aging audience.

WWE’s core audience is people in their 30s and 40s, and the company has been unable to attract younger viewers in recent years. This is a problem because people in these age groups are less likely to watch wrestling than they were when they were younger.

Another challenge WWE is facing is declining ratings. Ratings for Raw, WWE’s flagship show, have been declining for years. This is concerning because Raw is one of the most popular shows on cable TV.

WWE is also facing competition from other wrestling companies, such as Impact Wrestling and Ring of Honor. These companies are able to offer wrestlers better contracts and have been able to attract some of WWE’s top talent.

Finally, WWE has had to deal with a number of controversies in recent years. These include allegations of sexual harassment and racism, as well as the death of one of its wrestlers, Chris Benoit.

All these factors together make it difficult for WWE to maintain its position as the top wrestling entertainment company in the world.

The Future of WWE

WWE has been struggling for a while now. Once the undisputed king of wrestling, WWE has seen its ratings decline in recent years. This has led to many speculation as to whether or not WWE is dying. While it is true that WWE is not doing as well as it used to, it is certainly not dying.

New competition

In recent years, WWE has faced increasing competition from other wrestling organizations, such as Impact Wrestling and Ring of Honor. While WWE still remains the largest and most popular wrestling organization in the world, its viewership has been declining in recent years. This is likely due to a number of factors, such as increased competition, changing viewing habits, and a decline in the quality of its product.

WWE has also been facing criticism for its treatment of wrestlers, particularly female wrestlers. In November 2017, several high-profile female wrestlers left WWE due to apparent frustration with the company’s treatment of women. This, combined with WWE’s declining ratings, has led to speculation that the company is in decline.

only time will tell if WWE is truly in decline. However, it is clear that the company is facing challenges that it has not had to deal with in the past.

New fans

WWE is constantly evolving to try and attract new fans. In recent years, they’ve implemented a more family-friendly product with PG programming, while still keeping the edgier content that their hardcore fans love. Additionally, they’ve started to focus more on storylines and character development, rather than just non-stop action. WWE has also expanded its global reach by holding events in countries all over the world.

New era

In May 2016, WWE announced that SmackDown would be moving to a live broadcast on Tuesday nights, making it the first live weekly professional wrestling show in the United States since the demise of WCW in 2001. The move was made in order to make WWE’s product more attractive to cable and satellite providers, who were beginning to drop WWE programming due to declining ratings. This “New Era” began on July 19, 2016, with the introduction of a new WWE Universal Championship and a draft that split the rosters of Raw and SmackDown between the two brands.

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