Is WWE Scripted? Reddit Users Weigh In

A lot of people seem to think that WWE is fake or scripted. Reddit users recently had a discussion about whether or not they think WWE is scripted.

Is WWE Scripted? Reddit Users Weigh In


There is no question that professional wrestling is entertainment. The Athletes are bigger than life characters that perform feats that most people couldn’t dream of doing. Despite this, there is a large contingent of fans that believe that professional wrestling is real. This belief is so strong that there are entire forums and message boards dedicated to discussing the reality of professional wrestling. So, what do Reddit users think?

What is WWE?

WWE is a professional wrestling entertainment company founded in 1952. It is the largest professional wrestling company in the world, reaching 13 million viewers in the U.S. and 36 million viewers worldwide.

What is the difference between WWE and other wrestling organizations?

WWE, short for World Wrestling Entertainment, is a publicly traded company (NYSE: WWE) that produces professional wrestling. While it has sister companies and brands in other countries, WWE is primarily based in the United States. In addition to running live events across the country and producing monthly pay-per-view “supercards,” WWE produces weekly television programming, available both on cable and satellite systems. The two flagship shows are named after their air times: Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live.

Other major wrestling organizations include New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW),Ring of Honor (ROH), and Impact Wrestling (TNA). These companies often poach wrestlers from WWE, as was the case with AJ Styles, who left WWE in 2014 and spent two years with NJPW and ROH before returning to WWE in 2016.

What are the different WWE brands?

WWE consists of three main brands, Raw, SmackDown, and NXT.

Raw is WWE’s first brand, established in 2002. It currently airs live on Monday nights on the USA Network. The show features a women’s division, as well as WWE Cruiserweight Championship division for athletes 205 pounds and under.

SmackDown is WWE’s second brand, established in 1999. The show originally aired on Thursday nights on UPN before moving to Friday nights on The CW in 2006. It then moved to Syfy in 2010 before finally settling on its current home of Tuesday nights on USA Network in 2016. Like Raw, SmackDown features a women’s division and a Cruiserweight division.

NXT is WWE’s third brand and development territory, established in 2010. It originally aired as a webseries on WWE’s website before being picked up by Hulu Plus and eventually becoming its own two-hour live special on the USA Network in 2019. Unlike Raw and SmackDown, NXT does not have a women’s division or a Cruiserweight division; however, it does feature male and female athletes competing in singles and tag team competition, as well as NXT UK (a UK-based extension of the brand featuring male and female athletes from the United Kingdom).

Is WWE Scripted?

Many people believe that WWE is scripted, but there is no official confirmation from WWE. However, there are some clues that suggest that WWE may be scripted. For example, backstage interviews with wrestlers often seem to be scripted and rehearsed. In addition, many matches have predetermined outcomes. While we cannot say for sure if WWE is scripted, there are some indications that it might be.

What evidence is there to support the claim that WWE is scripted?

Professional wrestling is widely regarded as a form of entertainment, but some claim that it is not entirely “scripted.” While it is true that the matches are choreographed and the outcomes are predetermined, there are also elements of unpredictability. For example, wrestlers may improvise certain moves or change the course of a match if they think it will make for a more entertaining show.

There is a lot of evidence to support the claim that WWE is, at least to some extent, scripted. The fact that the outcomes are predetermined is one of the most obvious pieces of evidence. If the matches were truly unscripted, then it would be completely up to chance as to who won or lost. However, in almost every WWE match, there is a clear winner and loser. This suggests that someone behind the scenes is making sure that the right wrestler wins and loses each match.

Another piece of evidence that supports the claim that WWE is scripted is the fact that very few matches end in a draw. In most sports, it is not uncommon for there to be a tie game or for both teams to have an equal number of points at the end of a contest. However, in WWE, it seems like every match has a clear winner and loser. This suggests that someone is deciding ahead of time who will win and lose each match.

Perhaps the strongest piece of evidence that supports the claim that WWE is scripted is the fact that many wrestler’s moves seem to be too perfect to be natural. For example, when wrestlers are performing flying moves off of the top rope, they always seem to land perfectly on their feet. Or when two wrestlers are having a fist fight, they always seem to land their punches perfectly on their opponent’s face without missing. It seems highly unlikely that these things could happen naturally without some level of coordination between the wrestlers beforehand.

All things considered, there is quite a bit of evidence to support the claim that WWE is at least partially scripted.

What evidence is there to refute the claim that WWE is scripted?

When it comes to the world of professional wrestling, the line between what is real and what is scripted has always been a bit blurred. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) is, in fact, scripted.

While some may argue that this takes away from the entertainment value of WWE, others believe that it makes the wrestlers more like actors, and their matches more like plays or movies. Either way, there is no denying that the amount of evidence suggesting WWE is scripted has become hard to ignore.

Some of this evidence includes the fact that many wrestlers have admitted to being in on the scripting, as well as the fact that WWE officials have been caught on camera giving wrestlers instructions during matches. In addition, many WWE matches seem to follow predictable patterns and storylines that are often very similar to those seen in other scripted television shows and movies.

At the end of the day, whether or not WWE is actually scripted is still up for debate. However, there is no denying that there is a growing amount of evidence to suggest that it may be.

What do Reddit users think about WWE?

A recent Reddit thread has reignited the age-old debate: is WWE scripted? For those who are unfamiliar, WWE is a professional wrestling entertainment company. The wrestlers are athletes, but the matches are predetermined. This means that the outcomes are decided before the match even takes place.

What are the most upvoted WWE posts on Reddit?

Here are the most upvoted WWE posts on Reddit in the past year.

1) “Is WWE scripted?”

2) “Why do people hate Roman Reigns?”

3) “Seth Rollins is the best thing going in WWE right now”

4) “The Shield is the best thing in WWE”

5) “Brock Lesnar is the best thing in WWE”

What are the most downvoted WWE posts on Reddit?

As of late, there has been much discussion on whether or not WWE is scripted. Some people believe that the matches are predetermined and that the wrestlers are not truly competing against each other. However, others feel that the WWE is entertaining and that the athletes are working hard to put on a good show.

To get a better understanding of how Reddit users feel about WWE, we took a look at the most downvoted WWE posts on Reddit. Here is what we found:

1) A post about Roman Reigns winning the Universal Championship was downvoted over 18,000 times. Roman Reigns is a wrestler who many people believe is pushed too much by WWE management. This often leads to fans booing him, even when he wins Championships.

2) A post about Braun Strowman winning the “Money in the Bank” match was downvoted over 16,000 times. Braun Strowman is another wrestler who many people believe is pushed too much by WWE management.

3) A post aboutJohn Cena winning a match was downvoted over 14,000 times. John Cena is a wrestler who has been with WWE for many years and is one of the most popular superstars in the company. However, some fans feel that he wins too often and that his matches are predictable.


After reading through the comments, it seems that most Reddit users think that WWE is, at the very least, partially scripted. However, there are a few users who believe that WWE is not scripted at all and that everything that happens is completely real.

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