Laura from Basketball Wives is Pregnant!

Laura from Basketball Wives is pregnant! We’ve got all the details on her pregnancy, plus some tips on how to stay healthy during pregnancy.

Laura from Basketball Wives is Pregnant!

Laura from Basketball Wives is pregnant! This was confirmed by Laura herself in an Instagram post, where she showed off her baby bump. “I’m so excited to be a mom!” she captioned the photo.

This will be Laura’s first child. She has not yet revealed who the father is, but we’ll be sure to update you as soon as we know more.

Congratulations to Laura on her pregnancy!

Laura’s Pregnancy Announcement

Since joining the cast of Basketball Wives Laura has always been one of the more level-headed members of the group. She’s never been one to start or participate in any drama and has always seemed to be a voice of reason. So when she announced that she was pregnant, fans were surprised but happy for her!

Laura took to Instagram to make her big announcement, sharing a picture of her growing baby bump. In her caption, she thanked her fans for their support and said that she was excited to become a mom.

This will be Laura’s first child and she’s already close to six months along. She hasn’t revealed who the father is, but fans are hoping that she’ll give them some more details about her pregnancy soon!

Laura’s Pregnancy Cravings

Since finding out she was pregnant, Laura from Basketball Wives has been experiencing some intense pregnancy cravings. The other day she couldn’t stop thinking about pickles and ice cream so she had to satisfy her craving with a big bowl of pickles and ice cream!

While most women crave sweets during pregnancy, Laura seems to be having some savory cravings too. She’s been snacking on a lot of salty foods like chips and pretzels. Maybe her baby is craving some savory foods too!

Laura’s Pregnancy Workouts

Laura from Basketball Wives is pregnant! And she’s not letting her pregnancy slow her down one bit. Check out Laura’s pregnancy workouts below.

Laura’s Pregnancy fashion

With Laura’s pregnancy announcement many fans are wondering what her style will be like throughout her pregnancy.

While we don’t know what Laura’s exact fashion plans are, we do know that she tends to dress conservatively and prefer classic styles. We imagine that her pregnancy style will be similar to her everyday style, but with a few adjustments to account for her growing baby bump.

Some of our favorite maternity fashion brands include:

– Seraphine: Seraphine is a popular maternity fashion brand that is loved by celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton. Seraphine offers a wide range of stylish and flattering maternity clothes, from casualwear to formalwear.

– Isabella Oliver: Isabella Oliver is another great maternity fashion brand that offers chic and stylish clothing for expectant mothers. Their pieces are perfect for dressing up or dressing down, depending on the occasion.

– ASOS Maternity: ASOS is a popular online retailer that offers a great selection of affordable maternity clothes. Their pieces are trendy and fashionable, making them perfect for the modern mom-to-be.

Laura’s Pregnancy Beauty Tips

As Laura from Basketball Wives prepares for the arrival of her new baby, she’s sharing her go-to beauty tips for keeping her skin looking flawless during pregnancy.

“I’m all about skincare, so I make sure to use a good quality cleanser, moisturizer, and serum,” says Laura. “I also make sure to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water.”

Here are Laura’s top three pregnancy beauty tips:

1. Invest in good skincare products: “I think it’s important to invest in good quality skincare products,” says Laura. “They make a big difference in how your skin looks and feels.”

2. Get plenty of rest: “Pregnancy can be exhausting, so it’s important to get plenty of rest,” says Laura. “I make sure to go to bed early and take naps when I can.”

3. Drink lots of water: “Drinking lots of water is so important for pregnant women,” says Laura. “It helps keep your skin hydrated and flushed out.”

Laura’s Pregnancy Nesting

Laura is currently pregnant with her second child and she has been extremely busy preparing for the new arrival. She has been nesting like crazy, making sure that everything is perfect for the baby. She wants everything to be just perfect, and she is even making her own baby food!

Laura’s Pregnancy Hospital Bag

With Laura’s recent announcement of her pregnancy, we thought it would be helpful to put together a list of items that she should consider packing in her hospital bag! Congratulations, Laura!

-Robe and slippers: You’ll want to be comfortable while you’re in the hospital, and a robe and slippers will help you feel at home.
-Toiletries: Pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, and any other toiletries you’ll need during your stay.
-Camera: You’ll want to document this special time, so don’t forget to pack a camera!
-Comfy clothes: Bring clothes that you’ll be comfortable in both during and after your labor.
– snacks: labor can be long and tiring, so make sure to pack some snacks to keep your energy up!

Laura’s Pregnancy Birth Plan

Laura is excited to be welcoming her new baby girl soon and has already started planning for her birth. She has decided on a natural childbirth and will be using a doula to help with the delivery. Laura is also currently taking classes to learn more about Hypnobirthing, in order to have a calm and relaxing birth experience.

Laura’s Pregnancy Advice for other Moms

Laura from Basketball Wives is Pregnant! As a first time mom, Laura has some great advice for other moms who are expecting. Here are some of her Top Tips

– Get plenty of rest: Pregnancy is exhausting, and it’s important to get as much rest as possible. Try to take naps when you can, and go to bed early if you’re Feeling tired.
– Eat healthy: Eating nutritious food will help your body to recover from pregnancy and childbirth. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
– Exercise: Exercise is important for both your physical and mental health It can help you to stay fit during pregnancy, and will also help you to cope with stress.
– Find a support group: Being a mom can be overwhelming, but there are loads of other moms out there who understand what you’re going through. Find a support group or online community where you can chat with other moms and get advice and support.

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