Linesman Hockey – The Official Blog

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The Role of the Linesman

In hockey, the linesman’s main job is to stop play when there is an infraction or the puck goes out of bounds. They also drop the puck for face-offs and help the referee with other duties as needed.

Linesmen also have a few other responsibilities. They keep an eye on the players to make sure they are not using illegal sticks or other equipment. If a player is bleeding, the linesman will stop play so that the player can be helped off of the ice.

Linesmen also help to keep the games running smoothly by enforcing rules and keeping players in line. For example, if a player is arguing with a referee, the linesman may step in and tell the player to calm down or risk being penalized.


In hockey, a linesman is responsible for dropping the puck to start play and for keeping track of the puck during stoppages of play. They also signal when goals are scored and when penalties are called.

Linesmen use hand signals to communicate with the referee and the players on the ice. These signals indicate when the puck is out of play, when a goal has been scored, and when a penalty has been called.

The most common signal used by linesmen is the two-handed waving motion that indicates when the puck is out of play. This signal is used when the puck goes off the ice or into the crowd, when there is a net off its moorings, or when a goal has been scored.

Linesmen also use hand signals to indicate which team should have possession of the puck following a face-off. One arm is extended overhead to indicate which team should take possession of the puck, while the other arm points in the direction that play should continue.

Finally, linesmen use hand signals to communicate with players about penalties. For minor penalties, one arm is extended overhead and moved from side to side; for major penalties, both arms are extended overhead; and for misconduct penalties, one arm is held overhead and then lowered below waist level.


As much as we love the game of hockey, we also know that the right equipment is essential to playing the game safely and effectively. That’s why we’re taking a closer look at some of the essential equipment that every linesman needs on the ice.

Skates: Perhaps the most important piece of equipment for any hockey player skates are essential for skating quickly and turning quickly on the ice. When choosing skates, it’s important to find a pair that fits well and provides good support.

Helmet: A helmet is necessary to protect your head from falls and collisions on the ice. When choosing a helmet, look for one that fits well and is comfortable to wear.

Pants: Hockey pants are designed to protect your lower body from falls and collisions. They should fit snugly but not be too tight, and they should allow you to move freely on the ice.

Shoulder Pads: shoulder pads are another piece of equipment that is designed to protect your body from falls and collisions. When choosing shoulder pads, look for a pair that fits well and provides good coverage.

Elbow Pads: elbow pads are worn to protect your elbows from falls and collisions. When choosing Elbow Pads look for a pair that fits well and provides good coverage.

Gloves: hockey gloves are worn to protect your hands from falls and collisions. They should also be comfortable to wear so you can grip your stick properly.


The blades of hockey skates are usually about an inch shorter than figure skates which gives players more maneuverability. The boots are also lower cut to allow for a wider range of motion at the ankle.

Hockey skaters usually sharpen their own skates, or take them to a local skate shop to be sharpened. Skates should be sharpened every few weeks, or whenever they start to feel dull.


As anyone who’s played the game can attest, hockey is a notoriously physical sport. Though Body checking is allowed in many leagues (including the NHL), it’s not the only way that players can deliver blows to one another. Sticks are also used as weapons, and they can be just as dangerous as any body check.

There are a few different ways that sticks can be used to injure other players. The most common is simply swinging the stick at another player, which can result in cuts, bruises, and even concussions. Another way is to lift the stick up and hit another player in the face with the end of it (known as “high-sticking”). This can also lead to serious injuries, including eye damage and facial fractures.

Players can also be injured by being hit with flying sticks or puck. Though these types of injuries are relatively rare, they can still be extremely serious (and even fatal in some cases).

Though most players are careful to avoid using their sticks as weapons, accidents do happen. And when they do, the results can be devastating.


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In Ice Hockey a face-off is the method used to start play. Two players face each other and an official drops the puck between their sticks, whereupon the two players attempt to gain control of the puck. Face-offs are generally restricted to certain areas of the rink. In most leagues, including the National Hockey League face-offs occur at one end of the rink during stoppages in play; however, face-offs are also used to restart play following goals in some leagues, such as European Hockey (see below).


In hockey, the linesman is responsible for calling two types of penalties – offsides and icing. Both of these are fairly easy to understand and linesmen will often signal their call by immediately waving their arm in the corresponding direction. Here, we’ll focus on Offsides.

Offsides occurs when any member of the attacking team precedes the puck into the attacking zone The puck must completely cross the leading edge of the blue line before any attacking player does, or an offsides violation will be called. If an offsides is called, play will be whistled dead and a faceoff will take place outside of the attacking zone


In hockey, icing is when a player shoots the puck across the red line and into the opponent’s end of the rink, and it is not cleared before it reaches the goal line Icing is not called if the puck is shot into the opponent’s end and then goes out of play, or if it is shot into the opponent’s end and hits the goalie or a defending player before going out of play. When icing occurs, play is stopped and a face-off occurs at one of the face-off dots in the defensive zone of the team that iced the puck.


Penalties in hockey are designed to punish a player for an infraction while also giving the opposing team a Power play opportunity. There are a variety of penalties that can be called, each with its own set of rules.

The most common penalty is High Sticking which is called when a player contact an opponent with his stick above the opponent’s shoulders. A High stick can also be called if a player attempts to make contact with an opponent’s head, even if he does not actually make contact

Other common penalties include roughing, tripping, elbowing, charging, and hooking. These penalties are all designed to protect players from dangerous or illegal contact.

More serious infractions, such as hitting from behind or fighting, can result in a player being ejected from the game. These penalties typically come with an additional punishment, such as a fine or suspension.

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