How to Build a Minecraft Hockey Rink

If you’re a fan of hockey, or just want to add a unique touch to your Minecraft world, check out this guide on how to build a hockey rink!


Welcome to our guide on how to build a Hockey Rink in Minecraft! This guide will walk you through the process of building a basic hockey rink including the dimensions of the rink, the materials you’ll need, and some tips on how to make your rink look its best.

Building a Hockey Rink in Minecraft is a great way to add some excitement to your game, and it can be a fun challenge for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re Playing by yourself or with friends, a hockey rink can add hours of entertainment. So let’s get started!

Why build a Minecraft hockey rink?

A hockey rink is a fun way to show your love of the sport, and it can be a gathering place for other fans in your world. Building a rink is a fairly simple process, and it can be a great addition to any Minecraft world.

What you need to build a Minecraft hockey rink

In order to build a successful hockey rink in Minecraft, you will need the following:
-a flat, level surface on which to build
-plenty of blocks of ice (or another suitable slippery material)
-a source of water
-a few items for decoration (optional)

With these things in hand, you’re ready to get started!

How to build the rink

In order to build a Minecraft Hockey Rink you’ll need to start with a flat surface. Make sure that the surface is large enough to accommodate the size of rink you want to build. You can use either spruce or dark oak wood for the sides of the rink. The thickness of the wood should be at least 3 blocks.

Once you have your surface prepared, you’ll need to build the walls of the rink. Start by placing blocks of wood around the perimeter of the surface. Make sure that the walls are tall enough so that players cannot see over them when they are standing on the ice.

Next, build the boards for the rink. The boards can be made out of any type of wood, but oak is a good choice because it is sturdy and looks good. To make the boards, simply place blocks of wood side by side until you have created a long strip. Then, place more strips of wood on top of this first strip until all of the boards are complete.

Now it’s time to add the ice! To do this, simply place blocks of obsidian around the perimeter of the rink. Make sure that there is at least one block of obsidian between each block of wood so that players cannot see through any cracks in the ice.

After you’ve added all of the obsidian, give your rink a final inspection to make sure everything looks good. Once you’re satisfied with how it looks, invite some friends over and enjoy a game of hockey!

How to maintain the rink

In order to maintain a level playing surface, it is necessary to keep the rink smooth. This can be accomplished by using a Zamboni or other ice resurfacing machine. The Zamboni smooths the surface by shaving off the top layer of ice and then redistributing the resulting slush evenly over the surface of the rink.

Tips and tricks

Building a Hockey Rink in Minecraft can be a fun and challenging project. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your rink:

1. Decide on the size of your rink. A standard hockey rink is 200 feet by 85 feet, but you can make yours whatever size you like. Just keep in mind that the larger the rink, the more materials you’ll need.

2. Choose a location for your rink. Once you’ve decided on the size of your rink, you’ll need to find a suitable location for it. Keep in mind that your rink will need to be level, so Avoid hilly areas.

3. Clear the area for your rink. Once you’ve found a suitable location, clear away any grass, trees, or other obstacles from the area where your rink will be built. This will give you a clean surface to work with and help ensure that your rink is level.

4. Build a foundation for your rink. The next step is to build a foundation for your rink using blocks of ice or packed snow. This will provide a strong base for your walls and prevent them from collapsing.

5. Build walls around your rink. Once you’ve built a foundation, it’s time to start building walls around your rink. You can use blocks of ice or packed snow to create these walls, but try to make them as thick as possible (at least 3 blocks thick). This will help prevent players from breaking through them during gameplay.

6 Make sure your walls are high enough . . . The walls around your Hockey Rink should be at least 6 feet tall to prevent players from being able to see over them and into other parts of the map while they’re playing . . This will help keep the game fair and prevent players from cheating by looking at other players’ screens


-How big should the rink be?
-It depends on how many people you want to be able to play at one time. For a standard game of hockey, a rink should be at least 85 blocks wide and 200 blocks long. You can make it larger if you want, but keep in mind that the larger the rink, the more time it will take to build.

-What block should I use for the ice?
-There are a few different options that you can use for the ice. You can use regular ice blocks, packed ice blocks, or blue stained glass blocks. Each of these options has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s up to you to decide which one you want to use.

-Can I use water instead of ice?
-Yes, you can use water instead of ice, but keep in mind that water will freeze over time and will need to be replaced periodically. Water can also be dangerous for players who fall into it, so it’s important to make sure that your rink is well-lit so that players can see where the water is.

-What should I use for the boards?
-The type of board you use is up to you, but we recommend using stone or cobblestone blocks. These blocks are sturdy and will withstand a lot of wear and tear. You can also use wood planks if you prefer, but keep in mind that they won’t last as long as stone or cobblestone.

-Do I need to put anything on the bottom of my rink?
-No, you don’t need to put anything on the bottom of your rink. The ice will hold everything in place and prevent players from falling through.


If you’re like most Minecraft players, you’re probably always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to decorate your world. If you’re a fan of hockey, why not build your own hockey rink in Minecraft?

Building a hockey rink in Minecraft is a pretty straightforward process. Start by finding a flat, open area of land that’s at least 100 blocks wide and 50 blocks long. Then, build a wall around the perimeter of the rink using blocks of your choice. Once the walls are in place, fill the rink with water until it’s about two blocks deep.

Next, line the bottom of the rink with slabs or other blocks to create a smooth surface for the ice to form on. Finally, pour water over the surface of the rink and wait for it to freeze. Once the ice is frozen solid, you’re ready to start playing!

Building a hockey rink in Minecraft is a great way to add some excitement and variety to your world. So grab some friends and hit the ice!

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