Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms: A Comparison

A comprehensive comparison of two of the most popular indie-rock bands of the past few years.


Though they occupy different spaces in the modern musical landscape, New Jersey’s modern baseball and The Front Bottoms share a lot in common. Both groups got their start in the mid-2000s DIY scene, release much of their music on small independent labels, and are known for their intimate lyrics and rollicking live shows. And though they come from different backgrounds – Modern Baseball is a four-piece emo-punk group, while The Front Bottoms are a punk-influenced indie-rock duo – the two groups have managed to find common ground in their music.

This is most evident on their respective 2016 albums, “You’re Gonna Miss It All” (Modern Baseball) and “In Sickness & In Flames” (The Front Bottoms). Both albums find the groups exploring new sonic territory while staying true to their DIY roots, and both offer insights into the lives of young adults navigating love, loss, and everything in between.

The Music

Although both The Front Bottoms and Modern Baseball write songs about girls, love, and growing up, the music itself is noticeably different. The Front Bottoms are a acoustic folk-punk band. Most of their songs are just guitar and drums with singer Brian Sella’s voice carrying the melody. On the other hand, Modern Baseball is a pop-punk band. They have more electric guitar and the sound is fuller overall. Singer Jake Ewald’s voice is higher than Brian’s, giving the songs a more youthful feel.

The Lyrics

Lyrically, Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms are very different. Modern Baseball focuses on personal struggles and insecurities while The Front Bottoms sing about more light-hearted topics. Nevertheless, both bands write specifically about their own lives and experiences. This makes their music relatable to many people who can understand and appreciate what the artists are going through.

The Fans

The fans of each band can be described in a few ways. The Front Bottoms have a more diehard, passionate fan base while Modern Baseball has a more casual fan base. The Front Bottoms’ fans are more likely to go to multiple shows on a tour and to buy merchandise, and they are also more likely to create and partake in inside jokes and memes about the band. Modern Baseball’s fans are more likely to listen to the band’s music but not necessarily follow them as closely.

The Live Shows

live performances are an integral part of both Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms’ music. For MoBo, live performances are a chance to further connect with their fans and create an unforgettable experience. Their live show is high-energy and filled with moshing and crowd-surfing. The Front Bottoms, on the other hand, take a more intimate approach to their live shows. They focus on creating a personal connection with the audience by telling stories in between songs and encouraging sing-alongs.

The Personalities

When comparing the two bands, it’s important to consider the personalities of the members. At first glance, it might seem like The Front Bottoms are a fun-loving group of guys who just want to goof around and write catchy songs, while Modern Baseball appear to take themselves a little more seriously. But in reality, both groups are equally passionate about their music and committed to their craft.

It’s true that Modern Baseball are more likely to write songs about personal struggles and relationships, while The Front Bottoms tend to focus on more light-hearted topics. But both bands create honest, relatable music that resonates with their fans. And in live performances, both groups exude energy and enthusiasm.

So while they may have different Styles and lyrical approaches, Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms are ultimately two very talented groups who share a passion for making great music.

The Business

Music is a business. In order to be a business, one must generate revenue. That being said, the music industry has drastically changed over the past decade. With the advent of streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music, the landscape of how people consume music has changed dramatically. This, in turn, has changed the way bands generate revenue.

In the past, bands would generate most of their income from album sales and touring. Nowadays, touring is still a big money maker for bands, but album sales have decreased significantly. This is because people are much more likely to stream an album on Spotify or Apple Music than they are to buy it outright. Consequently, bands make much less money from album sales than they used to.

So how do bands make money in the modern day? The answer is twofold: merchandising and live shows. Bands generate a lot of their income from merchandising (selling things like t-shirts, hats, and posters) and live shows (tickets and concessions). modern baseball and The Front Bottoms are two examples of bands that have adapted to this new model and have found success.

The Future

As our music evolves, so does the way we enjoy it. Concerts are no longer just a place to listen to live music, but a social gathering where people can connect with like-minded individuals. This is particularly true for two bands that are greatly influencing the modern music scene: Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms. Both bands have carefully cultivated a diehard following of fans that attend their shows religiously.

What sets these bands apart from others is their ability to create an atmosphere that goes beyond the music itself. Their concerts are more than just a performance – they’re an experience. Whether it’s singing along to every word of a song or sharing a beer with a stranger, there’s a sense of community that is fostered at their shows. It’s this communal feeling that keeps fans coming back show after show.

In a time when the future of the music industry is uncertain, these bands represent a new breed of artist that is sustainable and adaptable. They have found success by focus on creating meaningful connections with their fans, and it’s this connection that will ensure their longevity in the ever-changing landscape of the music industry.


Though Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms are two very different bands, they both have a unique sound that has gained them a devoted following. While Modern Baseball’s lyrical content is often more personal and introspective, The Front Bottoms write songs that are both humorous and relatable. Both bands are excellent storytellers, and their music often captures the trials and tribulations of young adulthood. Though they occupy different genres, both Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms write music that is catchy, honest, and heartfelt.

Further Reading/Listening

Compare and contrast the music of Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms.

Both Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms are alternative rock bands that formed in the early 2010s. Modern Baseball is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, while The Front Bottoms are from New Jersey. Both bands play guitar-driven pop-punk with introspective lyrics, but there are some key differences in their sound.

Modern Baseball has a more polished sound, with cleaner production values and catchier melodies. Their songs often deal with themes of anxiety and depression, and they have been compared to emo bands like Dashboard Confessional and The Wonder Years.

The Front Bottoms have a rougher, lo-fi sound, and their songs tend to be more jokey and light-hearted. However, they also deal with serious topics like addiction and mental illness. They have been compared to indie rock bands like Pavement and Modest Mouse.

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