How to Sell Players in NBA Live Mobile

Check out these tips on How to Sell Players in NBA Live Mobile Get the most out of your team by following these simple steps!


Player selection is one of the most important components of NBA Live Mobile Not only do you need to have a good mix of players to be successful, but you also need to make sure that you’re spending your coins wisely. That’s why it’s important to know how to sell players in NBA Live Mobile.

Selling players is relatively simple, but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, you need to know how to find the Auction House. Second, you need to know what players are worth and how to price them accordingly. Finally, you need to know how to complete the sale once you’ve found a buyer.

We’ll cover all of these topics in this guide. So if you’re ready to learn how to sell players in NBA Live Mobile read on!

Why You Should Sell Players

In NBA Live Mobile, players will eventually start to lose value as they age. If you want to get the most out of your players, you need to sell them before their value drops too low.

One of the best ways to make money in NBA Live Mobile is to sell players. By selling players that are no longer valuable, you can free up space on your roster and earn some coins in the process.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when selling players in NBA Live Mobile. First, you should only sell players that are no longer useful to your team. Second, you should try to get as much for your players as possible.

To get the most out of selling players in NBA Live Mobile, you should follow these tips:

1. Only sell players that are no longer useful to your team. There’s no sense in keeping a player on your roster if they’re not going to help you win games. If a player is no longer contributing to your team’s success, it’s time to sell them.

2. Try to get as much for your players as possible. When listing a player for sale, be sure to set a fair price. If you’re not sure what a fair price is, check out how much other users are asking for similar players.

3. Be patient when selling players. It may take some time to find buyers for your less popular players. Don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to find buyers for all of yourplayers. Just be patient and eventually someone will come along who’s willing to pay your asking price.

When to Sell Players

NBA Live Mobile is always updating the Player Ratings to reflect real-life performances. This means that, over time, your team’s ratings will change as well. If you want to maintain a high-rated team, you will need to sell players who are no longer performing as well as they used to and replace them with players who have higher ratings. You should also sell players who are injured or suspended, as they will not be able to play until they are healthy or their suspension is over.

The best time to sell players is when their value is high. You can check a player’s value by going to their card and looking at the “Sell Price” section. This is the amount of coins you will get if you sell the player at that time. The value of a player will fluctuate based on their recent performance, so it is important to check back often.

You should also keep an eye on the Auction House to see what prices players are selling for. If you see a player selling for much less than their “Sell Price,” then you may want to wait before selling them. However, if you see a player selling for close to or more than their “Sell Price,” then you should sell them as soon as possible, as their value may go down soon.

How to Sell Players

There are a few different ways that you can go about selling players in NBA Live Mobile. You can either choose to list them on the Auction House, or you can trade them directly to other players.

If you choose to list your players on the Auction House, you will need to set a starting price and a Buy Now price. The starting price is the minimum amount that you are willing to accept for the player, while the Buy Now price is the amount that you are willing to accept for the player if someone chooses to buy them immediately. You will also need to set a duration for your auction, which can be anywhere from 1 hour to 24 hours.

Once your auction has been created, other players will be able to see it and place bids on your player. If someone meets or exceeds your Buy Now price, then the auction will end immediately and that person will get the player. If no one meets or exceeds your Buy Now price before the duration of the auction expires, then the highest bidder at that point will get the player.

You can also choose to trade your players directly to other players. To do this, you will need to find someone who is interested in acquiring your player. This can be done by posting in chat rooms or forums dedicated to NBA Live Mobile trading, or by simply asking people in your friends list if they are interested.

Once you have found someone who is interested in acquiring your player, you will need to agree on a trade value. This value can be anything from coins to other players or items. Once both parties have agreed on a trade value, the trade can be completed and each person will receive what they agreed upon.

Who to Sell Players To

There are three types of sellers in NBA Live Mobile: locals, friends, and the auction house. Each type of seller has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before selling any players.

Locals are other players who live in your area and are looking to buy players for their teams. The main benefit of selling to locals is that you can usually get more money for your player than you would by selling to friends or the auction house. However, the downside is that it can be difficult to find a local who is interested in buying the player you are trying to sell.

Friends are other players who you have added to your friends list in the game. The main benefit of selling to friends is that they are usually more likely to be interested in the player you are trying to sell than locals or strangers. However, the downside is that you will usually get less money for your player than you would by selling to locals or the auction house.

The auction house is a digital marketplace where players can buy and sell players without having to add each other as friends. The main benefit of selling to the auction house is that it is very easy to find someone who is interested in buying the player you are trying to sell. However, the downside is that you will usually get less money for your player than you would by selling to locals or friends.

What to Sell Players For

The answer to this question is twofold. First, you should only sell players that you do not plan on using in your lineup. Secondly, you should only sell players for a price that is fair relative to their in-game statistics.

How Much to Sell Players For

In order to get the most out of your team in NBA Live Mobile, you’re going to need to know how to sell players. Just like in the real NBA, certain players will be more valuable than others and it’s important to know how to get the most out of them when selling.

The first thing you need to do is figure out how much each player is worth. The best way to do this is by looking at the “Player Values” section in the “My Team” tab. This will show you the base value of each player on your team, as well as any bonus values they may have.

Once you know how much each player is worth, you can start putting them up for auction. It’s important to start high and then lower the price if necessary, as opposed to starting low and trying to raise the price. This is because most people are looking for a bargain, so starting high will usually net you more money in the long run.

When setting a price for your player, you also need to take into account how long you want the auction to last. Auctions can last for anywhere from 1 hour to 12 hours, so try to find a balance between getting the most money possible and having the auction end in a reasonable amount of time.

Once you’ve found a buyer and your auction has ended, it’s time to collect your earnings! You can do this by going to the “Auctions” tab and selecting “Sold Items”. From there, just select the player that was sold and hit “Collect”. Congratulations, you’ve now sold your first player in NBA Live Mobile!

Tips for Selling Players

Selling players is a great way to make some quick coins in NBA Live Mobile. However, it can be tricky to get the best price for your players. Here are a few tips to help you get the most bang for your buck:

1. Check the market regularly to see which players are in demand and what they are selling for.
2. Set your prices slightly below the going rate to attract buyers.
3. If you’re having trouble selling a player, try bundling them with other players or items to make them more appealing to potential buyers.
4. Be patient! It may take some time to find the right buyer, but eventually, someone will come along who is willing to pay your asking price.


Q: How do I sell players in NBA Live Mobile?

A: To sell players in NBA Live Mobile, you’ll need to go to the “My Team” screen and select the player you want to sell from your roster. Then, tap on the “Sell” button and confirm that you want to sell the player. The player will then be put up for auction, and other users will be able to bid on him.


In order to get the most out of your NBA Live Mobile experience, it’s important to know how to sell players. Fortunately, the process is relatively simple:

1. Go to the “My Team” tab.
2. Select the player you wish to sell.
3. Click on the “Actions” button, then choose “Sell.”
4. Enter the amount you wish to sell the player for, then confirm by clicking “Okay.”

Once you’ve followed these steps, the player will be put up for auction and other users will have a chance to bid on them. If no one buys the player within 48 hours, they will be automatically returned to your team.

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