No Gi Baseball Choke: The Ultimate Guide

Here is a complete guide on the No Gi baseball choke for those of you who want to add this powerful move to your arsenal.


No Gi baseball choke is a very effective and dangerous submission hold in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Catch Wrestling, Judo, Sambo, and No Gi Grappling. It is also commonly known as the Anaconda choke or rear-naked choke. The No Gi Baseball Choke can be applied from various positions but is most commonly applied from the back mount position.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about the No Gi baseball choke, including how to set it up, how to execute it, and how to defend against it.

What is a No Gi Baseball Choke?

A No Gi baseball choke is a submission hold that involves applying pressure to the neck with the arm, in a way that cuts off blood flow to the brain. The hold is typically applied from the side or behind, and can be used in both gi and no gi Jiu Jitsu.

The Benefits of a No Gi Baseball Choke

While many people think of choking as a move that is only used in mixed martial arts or wrestling, the truth is that the choke hold can be very beneficial in baseball as well. The no gi baseball choke is a great way to get your opponents out when they are not expecting it. In addition, the choke hold can also help you to control the game and keep your opponents from getting on base. Here are some of the benefits of using a no gi baseball choke:

1. The no gi baseball choke can be used to surprise your opponents. If you are able to catch your opponents off guard with the hold, you will be able to get them out more easily. In addition, your opponents will not be able to adjust their game plan if they are not expecting the hold.

2. The choke hold can also help you to control the game. If you are able to get a good grip on your opponents with the hold, you will be able to keep them from getting on base. This can be especially beneficial if you are trying to protect a lead in the late innings of a game.

3. The no gi baseball choke can also help you to get more strikeouts. If you are able to get a good grip on your opponents with the hold, you will be able to prevent them from swinging the bat properly. This can lead to more strikeouts for you and your team.

4. The no gi baseball choke can also help you to save pitches. If you are able to get a good grip on your opponents with the hold, they will not be able to take proper swings at the ball. This can lead to fewer pitches being thrown by your pitchers and can save wear and tear on their arm over the course of a long season.

5. The no gi baseball choke can also help you to stay focused during games. When you have a good grip on your opponent, it will be harder for them to distract you or cause you to lose focus. This can help you stay focused on pitching or hitting and can make it easier for you to have success in games overall

The Mechanics of a No Gi Baseball Choke

In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the no gi baseball choke is a very powerful submission that can be applied from a number of different positions. The mechanics of the choke are relatively simple; you are essentially cutting off the blood supply to your opponent’s brain by compressing their carotid arteries with your forearm. However, executing the choke correctly requires a great deal of precision and timing. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you set up and successfully execute a no gi baseball choke.

The first step is to get your opponent in a position where you can apply the choke. This can be done from either side control or guard. Once you have achieved side control, or have taken your opponent’s back, reach under their chin with your right arm, making sure to cup the chin with your hand. Next, slide your left arm under their armpit and around their neck, placing your hand on top of your right hand (in a figure-four grip). At this point, you should also be placing your left shin across their throat (this will help protect you from getting countered).

Now that you have both hands around their neck and your left shin crossed over their throat, it’s time to start applying pressure. To do this, simply extend your arms and push down on their chin with your right hand while pulling up on their head with your left hand. As you apply pressure, make sure to keep your left shin pressed firmly against their throat; this will help ensure that they cannot escape the hold. Continue applying pressure until they tap out or pass out.

Setting Up a No Gi Baseball Choke

One of the most effective chokeholds in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the No Gi Baseball Choke. This submission hold is incredibly powerful and can be used to finish an opponent quickly, even if they are much larger and stronger than you. In this guide, we will show you how to set up a No Gi Baseball Choke so that you can start using this move in your own BJJ training and competitions.

Executing a No Gi Baseball Choke

The no gi baseball choke (a.k.a. the anaconda choke) is a incredibly powerful submission that can prove to be very useful in a no gi BJJ or MMA setting. It’s a great option if you’re looking to add another dimension to your grappling game. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to properly execute a no gi baseball choke.

This particular choke is named after its resemblance to a baseball diamond You’ll need to wrap one of your arms around your opponent’s neck while controlling their far arm with your other hand. From here, you’ll use your legs to trap their far arm, similar to the way you would in an Americana submission.

This is an incredibly effective choke and can be used in both gi and no gi Jiu Jitsu, as well as in MMA. It’s important to note that this submission can be applied in various ways, depending on the position you find yourself in. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ways to execute a no gi baseball choke.

Defending Against a No Gi Baseball Choke

When someone goes for a no gi baseball choke, also called a rear naked choke, they are actually attacking two different pressure points at once. The first pressure point is at the base of your neck and the other is at your collarbone. To defend against this attack, you need to block both pressure points simultaneously.

No Gi Baseball Choke Variations

No Gi baseball choke variations are an important part of any mixed martial artist’s repertoire. This submission hold is a versatile move that can be used in a number of different ways, depending on the situation. Here are some of the most popular No Gi baseball choke variations:

1) The Standard No Gi baseball choke
2) The Anaconda No Gi baseball choke
3) The Rear Naked No Gi baseball choke
4) The Guillotine No Gi baseball choke
5) The Triangle No Gi baseball choke

No Gi Baseball Choke Tips and Tricks

No Gi baseball choke is a great way to finish a match. It is a simple yet effective choke that can be used in both gi and no gi Jiu Jitsu. Here are some tips and tricks on how to do the No Gi baseball choke.

No Gi baseball choke is a great way to finish a match. It is a simple yet effective choke that can be used in both gi and no gi Jiu Jitsu. The no gi baseball choke is done by placing one arm under the chin of your opponent and grabbing the wrist of the other hand with your other hand. You then squeeze your opponents chin with your forearm while controlling their arm with your other hand. This will cause your opponent to tap out due to lack of oxygen.

The No Gi Baseball Choke can be used in many different situations, but it is most commonly used when your opponent is in side control or mount. It can also be used when you are in their guard, but it is harder to set up. The best time to use the No Gi Baseball Choke is when your opponent leaves an arm exposed, such as when they are trying to push you off of them or post on an arm.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to do the No Gi Baseball Choke:
-Make sure that you have a good grip on your opponents chin and wrist before you attempt the choke. If you do not have a good grip, your opponent will be able to escape.
-Squeeze your opponents chin with your forearm while controlling their arm with your other hand. The more pressure you can apply, the better.
-When done correctly, the No Gi Baseball Choke will force your opponent to tap out due to lack of oxygen.


If you are looking for a way to finish your opponent off in No Gi, then the Baseball Choke is the perfect move for you. This choke is simple, yet effective and can be used in a variety of situations. With a little practice, you will be able to master this move and use it to your advantage in No Gi competitions.

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