How to Pass the Basketball Like a Pro

You’ve seen the pros do it on TV, but have you ever wondered how they make it look so easy? Here’s a breakdown of the fundamental techniques you need to master to pass like a pro.


The ability to pass the basketball is one of the most important skills that a player can have. A good pass can make the difference between a win and a loss.

In order to become a good passer, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, you need to have good Court Vision This means that you need to be able to see the entire court and all of the players on it. You also need to be able to make quick decisions. This is important because you need to be able to decide who you are going to pass the ball to before the defense has a chance to react.

Another thing that you need to do is practice your passing. You can do this by yourself or with another person. If you are practicing by yourself, you can use a wall or a hoops set up in your driveway. If you are practicing with another person, make sure that they are also trying to help you improve your passing skills.

Finally, when you are in a game, make sure that you pay attention to where the other players are on the court. This will help you make better decisions about where to pass the ball. If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to becoming a great passer!

The basics of passing

In basketball, passing is the act of propelling the ball to a teammate in order to continue the offensive playing action. A player who is able to pass accurately is said to have good Court Vision There are several types of passes in basketball, including the chest pass bounce pass and no-look pass.

The Chest Pass is the most common type of pass and is done by holding the ball close to your chest and then passing it to your teammate. The bounce pass is similar to the chest pass, but instead of passing the ball straight to your teammate, you bounce it off the ground so that it will be easier for them to catch. The no-look pass is a type of highlight reel play where you appear to be looking at a different player while you are actually passing it to your intended target.

Here are some tips on how to improve your passing skills:
-Get in a low stance: This will help you be more balanced and increase your stability when you make a pass.
-Use two hands: Using two hands will give you more control over the ball and help you make a more accurate pass.
-Follow through: Make sure that you extend your arms fully when you make a pass. This will help ensure that the ball reaches its target.

Practice these tips with a friend or family member and soon you’ll be passing like a pro!

The different types of passes

There are several different types of passes that can be used in basketball, each with its own set of benefits. Depending on the situation, you may want to use a chest pass, a bounce pass, or even a behind-the-back pass. Here is a breakdown of the different types of passes:

Chest Pass: A chest pass is used when you want to pass the ball to a teammate who is close by. To do a chest pass, hold the ball in both hands close to your chest and then push the ball outwards towards your teammate.

Bounce Pass: A bounce pass is used when you want to pass the ball to a teammate who is further away. To do a bounce pass, hold the ball in both hands and then bounce it off the ground so that it reaches your teammate.

Behind-the-Back Pass: A behind-the-back pass is used when you want to surprise your defender by passing the ball behind your back. To do a behind-the-back pass, hold the ball in one hand and then quickly snap it behind your back so that it goes to your other hand.

When to pass the ball

One of the most important skills in basketball is knowing when to pass the ball. If you make a pass when you shouldn’t, it can lead to turnover, which puts your team at a disadvantage. On the other hand, if you don’t make a pass when you should, it can stall the offense and give the defense time to set up.

There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether or not to pass the ball:
-Is there an open teammate? If so, make the pass.
-Is the defense pressuring you? If so, make the pass.
-Are you in a good position to score? If so, consider shooting or driving to the basket.

Remember, passing is an important part of basketball and can be the difference between winning and losing.

How to execute a proper pass

In order to execute a proper pass, you will need to use the following steps:

-Get in a good passing position. You should be facing your target, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent.

-Grip the ball correctly. Place your fingers across the seams of the ball, with your thumb on top.

-Extend your arm and snap your wrists to release the ball As you release the ball, extend your fingers and snap your wrists to generate spin.

Tips for becoming a better passer

There are a few key things to keep in mind if you want to become a better passer in basketball. First, always be aware of your teammates’ positions on the court. Knowing where they are will allow you to make better decisions about where to pass the ball. Second, try to fake out your opponents by looking one way and then passing another. This will throw them off balance and give you an opportunity to score. Finally, always practice your passing technique so that you can become more accurate and consistent.

The importance of practice

No matter what level you play at, practicing your basketball skills is essential to becoming a better player. But what exactly should you be practicing? Here are some things that will help you improve your game

-Practice shooting from all over the court, not just from the spots you feel most comfortable in.
-Challenge yourself to make a certain number of shots in a row before taking a break.
-Keep track of your progress so you can see how much you are improving.
-Focus on your form and technique, not just on making the shot.
-Practice playing against different types of defenses so you can learn to adapt.
-Get someone to rebound for you so you can get in some practice time

game situations

In order to be a good passer, you need to know when and where to pass the ball. This is especially important in game situations. Here are some tips on when and where to pass the ball.

When you have the ball, you should always be looking for an open teammate. If you are being guarded closely, you may need to dribble the ball to create some space. Once you have some space, look for an open teammate and make a quick pass. If you have an open lane, you can take the shot yourself or pass the ball to a teammate who is in a better position to score.

If you are being double-teamed, it is important to find the open man. You can do this by passing the ball around until someone is open. Once someone is open, make a quick pass to him or her.

When someone else has the ball, you should always be moving without the ball. This way, you will be open if they need to pass the ball. You should also be aware of where the defenders are so that you can help out if necessary. If someone on your team is being double-teamed, try to get open so they can pass the ball to you.

Drills for improving your passing skills

In order to become a great passer, you need to practice regularly. Fortunately, there are a number of drills that can help you improve your passing skills.

One drill that is particularly effective is the behind-the-back pass drill. To do this drill, you will need two cones and two partners. Place the cones about 10 feet apart from each other. Then, have one partner stand behind each cone. You will stand in the middle, between the two cones.

Start by passing the ball to one of your partners, behind your back and through the legs of the other partner. Then, receive a return pass and repeat the process on the other side. As you get better at this drill, you can increase the distance between the cones.

Another great drill for improving your passing skills is the dribble weave passing drill. This drill will require four players and two basketballs. Form two lines with two players in each line, and have each line start at opposite ends of the court.

One player from each line will start with a ball and dribble towards the other line of players. As they reach that line, they should make a pass to one of their teammates before weaving around that player and receiving a return pass on their way back to their own line. The players who catch the passes should then become passers themselves. After making a pass, they should also weave around their teammates before returning to their original positions at the end of the line


Now that you know the ins and outs of passing a basketball, you’re ready to take your game to the next level. Remember to keep your passes quick and accurate, and always be aware of your teammates’ positions on the court. With practice, you’ll be racking up assists in no time.

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