How to Pitch Back Baseballs Like a Pro

Pitching a baseball is an important skill for any player to learn. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to pitch a baseball like a pro.


Whether you’re trying to improve your batting average or get on base more frequently, being able to pitch back baseballs with accuracy and power can give you a big advantage. But how do you learn to pitch back baseballs like a pro? Here are four tips that will help you improve your pitching technique.

1. Start with a strong grip. Place your middle finger along the top seam of the ball and your index finger along the bottom seam. Your thumb should be placed on the opposite side of the ball from your middle finger, creating a “C” shape when you look down at your hand.

2. Use your non-pitching hand to help generate torque. Place your non-pitching hand on the side of the ball near your hip and rotate your wrist so that your palm is facing away from you. As you bring the ball up to pitch, use your non-pitching hand to help twist your body, which will give the ball extra spin and velocity.

3. Follow through with your motion. As you release the ball continue rotating your body so that you end up facing the direction you want the ball to go in. This will ensure that all of the energy from your pitch is transferred to the ball, resulting in more speed and accuracy.

4. Practice regularly. The best way to improve your pitching skills is to practice regularly, so make sure to set aside some time each week to work on your technique

What You’ll Need

-Two baseballs
-One pitching mound
-One catcher

To pitch back a baseball like a pro, you’ll need two baseballs, a Pitching Mound and a catcher.

Step One: The Grip

The first step to pitching a baseball like a pro is getting the grip right. The type of grip you use will depend on the type of pitch you want to make. For example, a four-seam Fastball Grip would be different than a knuckleball grip.

Once you have the grip you want, put your index and middle fingers across the seams of the ball. Your thumb should be underneath the ball, and your pinkie should be resting on top of the ball. Remember to keep your fingers together and not let them touch the laces of the ball.

Now that you have the grip, it’s time to start throwing!

Step Two: The Windup

Okay, now that you’ve got the grip down, it’s time to learn the windup. This is arguably the most important part of pitching a back ball – get it wrong, and your entire game could be thrown off.

There are two main types of windups for back balls: the full windup, and the pitching rubber start.

The full windup is when you start from a standing position, with your back to the batter. From here, you’ll want to take a step backwards with your non-throwing leg, before coming forward and hurling the ball overhand towards home plate

The pitching rubber start is where you’ll begin on or behind the pitching rubber – this is the white strip that’s set into the ground in front of home plate From here, you can either take a step forward with your non-throwing leg before pitching, or stay in place and pitch from a stationary position.

Once you’ve chosen your windup method, it’s time to deliver the ball. Remember to put your whole body into it, and follow through with your arm after release – this will ensure that you get as much power and spin on the ball as possible.

Step Three: The Release

After you have positioned your fingers on the baseball, you will then want to cock your arm back behind you. You will do this by rotating your upper arm backwards, keeping your elbow close to your body. As you rotate your arm back, bring the baseball up to shoulder level. This is the wind-up position. At this point, you should be standing tall with a small bend in your knees and your weight shifted slightly towards your back foot.

Step Four: The Follow Through

Great follow through is key to throwing a successful pitch back. Be sure to keep your arm up and follow through all the way until your arm is pointing straight down at the ground. This will ensure that you have enough power behind your throw to make it all the way to the catcher.

Tips for Improving Your Pitch

Though there are many factors that go into making a perfect pitch here are five quick tips that will help you immediately improve your pitching form the next time you play ball

1. Start with your weight balanced. Too much weight on your back foot will make it difficult to transfer your weight forward and will affect the speed and accuracy of your pitch.
2. Bring your hands up close to your chin, and then snap them down and forward as you release the ball. This will give you more power and control over the direction of your pitch.
3. As you release the ball, snap your wrist so that the ball spins forward. This will make it harder for the batter to hit the ball and also increase the chance of striking them out.
4. Follow through with your arm after you release the ball. This will help ensure that you put all of your energy into the pitch and help you maintain control over its direction.
5. Practice, practice, practice! The more you pitch, the better you’ll become at controlling the speed, spin, and direction of your pitches.

Common Pitcher Mistakes to Avoid

As any good baseball player knows, pitching is essential to the game. A pitcher who can control the game can be a valuable asset to their team, but a pitcher who doesn’t know how to control their throws can be a liability. There are a few common mistakes that pitchers make that can easily be avoided with a little practice.

One common mistake is not using the proper grip. A pitcher should grip the ball with the tips of their fingers, not their palm, and they should hold the ball across the seams. This will give the ball more spin and control. Another common mistake is not keeping their elbow up when they throw. This causes the ball to lose power and accuracy. A third mistake is releasing the ball too late. This makes it difficult for the batter to hit the ball and can also lead to wild pitches. Finally, many pitchers forget to follow through with their throws. This causes them to lose power and accuracy as well.

Pitchers who can avoid these common mistakes will be able to pitch better and help their team win more games.


If you want to pitch like a professional baseball player you need to follow some simple tips. First, you need to hold the ball correctly. Second, you need to have the right grip on the ball. Third, you need to use your body correctly when pitching the ball. Fourth, you need to follow through properly. Fifth, you need to practice regularly. If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to pitching like a pro!


Here are some resources that can help you learn how to pitch back baseballs:

-The Pitching Academy: This website offers tips and advice on how to improve your pitching skills. It also has a section on pitching back baseballs.
--Pro Baseball Insider: This website has articles on various aspects of pitching, including pitching back baseballs. It also has a forum where you can ask questions and get advice from other pitchers.
--Baseball Tips This website offers tips and drills for all aspects of baseball, including pitching. It has a section on pitching back baseballs that can help you improve your skills.

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