Playing Basketball After a Broken Wrist

After suffering a broken wrist, it’s important to take the proper precautions before getting back on the court. Here are some tips on how to safely play basketball with a broken wrist.


Dr. Emily date, a sports medicine physician at Royal United Hospitals Bath recommends waiting until the bone has healed before returning to contact sports such as basketball. This usually takes around six weeks after the initial injury. It is important to make sure that the bone is completely healed before returning to playing as re-injuring the bone whilst it is still healing can cause serious problems.

If you have had surgery to repair your broken wrist, it is even more important to wait until the bone has healed and your surgeon has cleared you to play before returning to contact sports Playing too soon after surgery can put undo stress on the healing bone and damage the repair.

Why You Should play basketball After a Broken Wrist

Wrist injuries are one of the most common injuries sustained in basketball. In fact, according to a study conducted by the American Journal of sports medicine wrist injuries account for approximately 20 percent of all basketball injuries

While many people believe that it is best to rest and ice an injured wrist, recent research suggests that playing basketball after a broken wrist may actually speed up the healing process. One study published in the Journal of Orthopedic Trauma found that patients who continued to play Basketball despite their wrist injury healed faster than those who did not.

So why does playing basketball help accelerate the healing process? When you play basketball your body releases endorphins, which are hormones that have been proven to reduce pain and improve mood. In addition, playing basketball increases blood flow to the injured area, which helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells that need them most.

If you have recently sustained a wrist injury, consult with your doctor to see if Playing basketball is right for you.

How to play basketball After a Broken Wrist

A broken wrist is a common injury, especially for athletes who participate in contact sports. While a broken wrist can sideline you for several weeks, it is possible to resume playing basketball after the injury has healed. However, it is important to take precautions to prevent further injury and to allow your wrist adequate time to heal before returning to play.

If you have suffered a broken wrist, the first step is to consult with a medical professional. Once your doctor has cleared you to play, there are a few things you can do to reduce your risk of re-injury and help your wrist heal properly. First, be sure to wear a brace or wrap your wrist when playing. This will help support the joint and reduce your risk of re-injury. second, take care not to put too much stress on your wrist while playing. Avoid aggressive moves that could put unnecessary strain on the joint. And finally, be sure to give your wrist plenty of time to rest and heal between games or practices.

With proper precautions, it is possible to return to the basketball court even after suffering a broken wrist. However, it is important to listen to your body and give your injury plenty of time to heal before returning to play.

The Benefits of playing basketball After a Broken Wrist

There are many benefits to playing basketball after a broken wrist. For one, it can help to improve your range of motion and flexibility. Additionally, it can help to increase the strength in your wrist and forearm, and reduce the risk of re-injury. playing basketball can also help to improve your balance and coordination, and can provide a great cardio workout

The Risks of playing basketball After a Broken Wrist

While it is possible to play basketball after sustaining a broken wrist, there are certain risks involved. The wrist is a complex joint made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons, all of which can be damaged in a fall or collision. A broken wrist may cause the bones to shift out of alignment, which can lead to long-term joint problems. In addition, the ligaments and tendons that hold the bones together can be stretched or torn, which can lead to instability in the joint.

If you do decide to play basketball after sustaining a broken wrist, it is important to take precautions to avoid further injury. Wearing a splint or brace offers some support and protection for the joint, but does not prevent all movement. It is also important to take care when landing and jumping, as well as avoiding contact with other players. If you experience any pain or discomfort while playing, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

How to Avoid Re-Injuring Your Wrist While Playing Basketball

When you play basketball with a broken wrist, it is important to take precautions to avoid re-injuring your wrist. The most important thing to do is to wear a brace or support on your wrist while you play. This will help to stabilize your wrist and protect it from further injury.

You should also be careful not to put too much stress on your wrist when you play. Avoid such activities as dunking the ball or making hard passes. If you must do these things, try to do them with one hand instead of using both hands.

In addition, be sure to warm up properly re Playing Basketball Stretch your wrists and fingers before beginning any game or practice. This will help to prevent further injuries.

Tips for playing basketball After a Broken Wrist

After sustaining a break in your wrist, it is understandable that you would want to return to the basketball court as soon as possible. However, it is important to take the necessary precautions to ensure that your wrist has healed properly before returning to playing. Follow the tips below to help make your transition back to playing basketball after a broken wrist smoother and safer.

1. Visit your doctor for a check-up: Before returning to playing basketball it is essential that you visit your doctor for a check-up. They will be able to tell you if your wrist has healed properly and if there are any risks associated with returning to play too soon.

2. Wear a brace: Wearing a brace on your injured wrist will help support it and prevent further injury. Be sure to choose a comfortable brace that will not hinder your ability to move or shoot the ball.

3. Avoid contact: When first returning to playing basketball avoid any contact that could put stress on your injured wrist. This means avoiding things like rebounding and tough defense. Stick to playing offense until you feel more comfortable with using your wrist again.

4. Take breaks: As you start playing basketball more frequently after your injury, be sure to take breaks as needed. If you start to feel pain in your wrist, stop playing and give yourself a rest. Overdoing it too soon can lead to reinjury or further damage.


There are many risks associated with Playing Basketball after suffering a broken wrist. These risks include further injury to the wrist, reduced mobility and function of the wrist, and an increased risk of developing arthritis. However, these risks should be weighed against the benefits of Playing basketball which include exercise, enjoyment, and social interaction. Ultimately, the decision to play basketball after a broken wrist should be made on an individual basis after consulting with a doctor.


If you’ve recently broken your wrist, you may be wondering when you can start Playing Basketball again. The good news is that with the right treatment and rehabilitation, you can get back on the court relatively quickly. In this article, we’ll provide some resources to help you recover from your injury and get back to playing the sport you love.

When you break your wrist, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. Once you’ve been seen by a doctor and had your injury treated, you can begin the process of rehabilitation. Depending on the severity of your break, this may involve wearing a cast or splint for several weeks, followed by Physical Therapy

Your doctor or physical therapist will be able to develop a rehabilitation plan specifically for you, but there are also some general exercises that can help promote healing and recovery. These exercises may include range-of-motion exercises, stretching, and strength-training exercises. You’ll likely need to avoid high-impact activities during rehabilitation, but once your wrist has healed properly, you should be able to return to Playing Basketball without any problems.

If you have any concerns about your injury or recovery process, be sure to talk to your doctor or physical therapist They’ll be able to give you specific advice and guidance based on your individual situation. In the meantime, these resources can help you get started on the road to recovery:

-Exercises for Rehabbing a Broken Wrist: https://www.­1048371
-Broken Wrist Recovery Time:­wrist­recovery­time#takeaway
-Rehabilitation After a Broken Wrist:­broken­wrist


-How long does it take for a broken wrist to heal?
-Can I play basketball with a broken wrist?
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