Should Esports Be In Schools?

The debate over whether or not esports should be in schools is one that is heating up. Some believe that esports offer a great opportunity for students to learn and compete, while others believe that they are a distraction from more important academics. What do you think?


The world of competitive gaming, or esports, has been growing rapidly in recent years. Many young people are now interested in pursuing esports as a career, and some schools are beginning to offer programs and gaming clubs. But there is still some debate over whether esports should be included in school curriculums.

There are several arguments for why esports could be beneficial for students. For one, it can help encourage healthy competition and teamwork. Esports can also teach important skills like strategic thinking and problem solving. And finally, it can be a fun and engaging way to get students interested in learning more about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

On the other hand, some people worry that too much focus on gaming could take away from other important activities like outdoor recreation or face-to-face social interaction. Others believe that professional gaming is not a viable career option and that schools should not be encouraging students to pursue it.

At the moment, there is no clear consensus on whether or not esports should be in schools. But as the popularity of competitive gaming continues to grow, this is likely to continue to be a controversial issue.

The Pros of Esports in Schools

Esports in schools can provide students with opportunities to socialize and compete with other students in a positive way. Esports can also help students develop teamwork skills and sportsmanship. Additionally, esports can give students a sense of belonging to a community and can cultivate a love for learning.

Improved academic performance

A recent study from the University of Stavanger in Norway found that students who played esports had better grades overall than those who didn’t. In fact, the study found that the more students played, the better their grades were.

There are a few possible explanations for this. First, playing video games can improve problem-solving skills. Second, esports can foster a sense of competition and improve motivation levels. Finally, students who play video games tend to have better social skills and are more likely to be part of a community.

All of these things can lead to better academic performance. And while there are certainly other factors that contribute to academic success, it’s clear that Esports can be a positive force in schools.

Improved social skills

A recent study of 2,500 people found that those who played video games for more than an hour a day were more likely to have better social skills than those who didn’t play at all. The study, conducted by the University of Oxford, also found that gamers were more likely to agree with the statement “I am good at working in a team.”

It makes sense that playing video games would improve your social skills. After all, most games require you to cooperate with others in order to win. And as you get better at playing, you’ll naturally start to develop strategies for working with other people.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your social skills, esports could be a great option.

Improved problem-solving skills

While some might see gaming as a waste of time, studies have shown that gaming can actually have some positive benefits, particularly when it comes to problem-solving skills. A study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior found that students who played strategy games showed improved problem-solving skills, including enhanced planning and multitasking abilities.

The Cons of Esports in Schools

The biggest con of having esports in schools is that it takes away from traditional sports. Some people argue that esports are not real sports, and therefore, they should not be given the same attention or credit as traditional sports. Esports also require a lot of time and dedication to be successful, which some students may not be able to commit to.

Increased screen time

One of the main concerns with esports in schools is the increased screen time for students. Some experts believe that too much screen time can be harmful to a student’s physical and mental health. increased screen time can lead to problems such as obesity, sleep deprivation, and anxiety. It’s important for parents and educators to monitor how much time students are spending on their devices and in front of screens. If students are spending too much time on their devices, they may not be getting enough physical activity or interacting with people face-to-face, which can be beneficial for their overall health.

Less physical activity

A big con of esports in schools is that it takes away from physical activity. With more and more students joining esports teams, there is less time for traditional sports. This can lead to less overall physical activity for students.

This is a valid concern, as physical activity is important for students (and adults!) There are many benefits to being physically active, including improved mental health, increased energy levels, better sleep, and more.

However, it is important to note that students can still be physically active even if they participate in esports. For example, students can walk or bike to practice, take a break to stretch or do some exercises, or even play other sports outside of school. Esports teams can also promote physical activity by hosting events or tournaments that encourage students to be active.

Distraction from schoolwork

While advocates of esports in schools tout the many benefits of the activity, there are also several potential drawbacks to consider. One of the chief concerns is that esports might become a distraction from more traditional schoolwork.

With students spending hours practicing and competing in esports tournaments, there is worry that they will have less time for their regular coursework. This could lead to lower grades and less engagement in other extracurricular activities. There is also concern that esports could create an atmosphere of competition and one-upmanship among students, which could lead to negative social consequences.


Esports could be a positive addition to schools. They can promote teamwork, social interaction, and communication. They can also teach strategic thinking and problem-solving. Schools should offer esports as an extracurricular activity.

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