Should Esports Be In The Olympics?

The International Olympic Committee is currently considering the inclusion of esports in the 2024 Summer Olympics. Some people are in favor of this idea, while others think that esports shouldn’t be in the Olympics. What do you think?


The International Olympic Committee has been debating whether or not to include esports in the 2024 Summer Olympics. Some people think that esports should be included because they are a legitimate form of sports, while others think that they should not be included because they do not require any physical activity.

What are esports?

Esports are a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, particularly video games; the term “esports” is used to refer to both the activity and the community surrounding it. There are various esports competitions that take place all over the world, with some of the most popular games being League of Legends, Dota 2, Overwatch, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. These competitions typically feature teams of professional players who face off against each other in order to win prizes.

The history of esports

The history of esports is often traced back to the early 1970s, when students at Stanford University and MIT began playing games against each other in what is believed to be the first organized video game competition. These early competitions were mostly informal affairs, with little to no prize money or prestige on the line.

In the 1980s, more formalized esports tournaments began to take shape. One of the most famous early competitions was Atari’s Space Invaders Championship, which drew more than 10,000 participants in its 1980 debut. The 1990s saw the rise of PC gaming and first-person shooters like Doom and Quake, which led to the formation of professional esports leagues like Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) and QuakeCon.

The new millennium brought with it live streaming services like Twitch and YouTube, which allowed esports tournaments to be broadcast to a wider audience than ever before. The 2010s were a boom period for esports, with games like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive becoming global sensations. The industry has since exploded in popularity, with prizes totaling in the millions of dollars and events selling out stadiums around the world.

While there have been calls for esports to be included in the Olympics for years, it wasn’t until 2018 that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) took its first steps towards making that a reality. In October of that year, the IOC hosted a summit on esports with representatives from over 30 different organizations involved in the industry. This was followed by the announcement of an “Olympic Day” event that would feature both real-world and virtual sports competitions. While it’s still too early to say whether or not esports will one day be included in the Olympics, it’s clear that the industry has come a long way from its humble beginnings.

The popularity of esports

The popularity of esports has exploded in recent years, with professional gamers now being treated like traditional athletes. This has led to some debate over whether esports should be included in the Olympics, with some people arguing that it is a legitimate sport that deserves to be recognized on the world’s biggest stage. However, others contend that esports is not a true sport and say that it should not be given the same status as more traditional sports.

The benefits of esports

The case for esports in the Olympics is rooted in its growing popularity. Young people, in particular, are increasingly drawn to competitive gaming, with nearly half of all American teenagers playing video games regularly, according to a 2019 report from the Pew Research Center.

What’s more, professional esports leagues are now mimicking traditional sports models, with teams, players, coaches and even fans. The Overwatch League, for example, is modeled after traditional pro sports leagues like the NFL or NBA, complete with a regular season, playoffs and a championship finals. And like traditional sports leagues, esports organizations are also signing deals with major brands and media companies.

The drawbacks of esports

While there are many benefits to having esports in the Olympics, there are also some drawbacks. One of the biggest concerns is that too much emphasis on gaming could lead to a decline in physical activity among young people. Furthermore, some people worry that the inclusion of esports in the Olympics would lead to an oversimplification of the games, making them less interesting and enjoyable to watch. Finally, there is a risk that the popularity of esports could lead to a situation where only a few countries dominate the medal count, which would take away from the spirit of international competition.

The future of esports

With the rapid rise in popularity of esports, many are wonder whether the competitive gaming should be included as an official sport in the Olympics. There are a few key points to consider when debating this topic.

First, it is important to note that the Olympics is meant to be a celebration of physical prowess and athleticism. Although there are some Mind Sports disciplines included in the games, such as chess and bridge, these are not considered full-fledged sports.

This could be seen as a disadvantage for esports, as the games included under this umbrella require little to no physical activity. On the other hand, one could argue that mental endurance and quick reflexes are just as important as physical strength and stamina.

In addition, many Olympic sports require expensive equipment and training facilities that not everyone has access to. This again could be seen as a strike against esports, which can be played on a relatively low budget with minimal gear.

However, it is worth noting that even traditional sports like football and basketball have professional leagues that are not affiliated with the Olympics. And while these leagues may have bigger budgets and more resources than amateur or semi-pro squads, they still managed to produce skilled athletes who compete at a high level.

There is no doubt that esports has come a long way in recent years and is only continue to grow in popularity. Whether or not this results in the games being accepted as an official sport in the Olympics remains to be seen. However, it is certainly an idea worth considering!

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