Should Esports Be Included In The Olympics?

The International Olympic Committee is considering the inclusion of esports in the 2024 Olympics. Some people are all for it, while others think it’s a terrible idea. What do you think?


Since the early 2000s, esports has been a booming industry with tournaments being held all over the world. These tournaments often offer large cash prizes, making them very attractive to professional gamers. Despite its popularity, there is still some debate as to whether or not esports should be included in the Olympics. In this essay, I will be discussing the pros and cons of including esports in the Olympics and ultimately argue that esports should not be included in the Olympics.

One con of including esports in the Olympics is that not all countries have well-developed esports scenes. For example, in 2018 South Korea placed first in the League of Legends World Championship while Vietnam placed last. This is a clear indication that there is a significant skill gap between the top and bottom teams. If esports were to be included in the Olympics, it would disadvantage countries with less developed esports scenes. Furthermore, many of the most popular games are only available on specific platforms such as PC or Playstation. This would exclude athletes who don’t have access to these platforms from competing.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why esports could be beneficial if it were to be included in the Olympics. Firstly, it would give more legitimacy to professional gamers who often face discrimination from non-gamers. Secondly, it would encourage more young people to take up gaming as a hobby or even a career. Gaming is often seen as an anti-social activity but if it were to be included in the Olympics it would change this perception. Finally, it would help to grow the eSports industry which is still relatively small when compared to other sports industries such as football or basketball.

It is clear that there are both pros and cons to including esports in the Olympics. However, I believe that the negatives outweigh the positives and therefore conclude that esports should not be included in future Olympic games.

What are esports?

Esports are a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, particularly video games; the term “esports” is short for “electronic sports”. There are multiple genres of video games that can be played in esports, including but not limited to: first-person shooters, real-time strategy, fighting, and multiplayer online battle arena.

A brief history of esports

The roots of esports can be traced back to 1972, when students at Stanford University competed against each other in the Intergalactic Spacewar Olympics. These SpaceWar tournaments continued sporadically over the next few decades. It was not until the 1990s that esports started to gain wider popularity, with games such as Quake and Warcraft making their debut.

Today, esports is a global phenomenon with millions of fans around the world. Professional gamers compete in tournaments for huge prizes, while amateur players livestream their gaming sessions on platforms such as Twitch.

Despite its growing popularity, there is still some debate over whether esports should be considered a sport. This debate intensified in 2018 when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that it was considering adding esports to the 2024 Olympics.

The rise of esports

With the growth of the internet, online gaming has become increasingly popular. Professional gamers can now compete in tournaments for cash prizes. These tournaments are called esports.

Esports are organized competitions between professional gamers. The games played in esports varies, but some of the most popular include League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2. Esports is a multi-million dollar industry, with the top players earning millions of dollars in prize money and sponsorships.

The International Olympic Committee has considered adding esports to the Olympics, but there is some debate as to whether or not esports should be considered a sport. Some say that because esports does not require physical activity, it should not be considered a sport. Others argue that because esports requires skill, strategy and coordination, it should be considered a sport.

The International Olympic Committee will decide whether or not to add esports to the Olympics in 2020.

The global Esports market is expected to reach $1.1 billion by the end of 2019, with a year-on-year growth of 26.7%, according to Newzoo’s 2019 Global Esports Market Report. This popularity is due to a number of factors, including the growing interest in gaming, the increasing amount of prize money available, and the rise of live-streaming platforms such as Twitch.

The appeal of esports

The fast-paced nature of esports makes them incredibly exciting to watch. Unlike traditional sports, there is very little downtime between the action, meaning that spectators can remain engaged for long periods of time. This is one of the key reasons why esports have become so popular in recent years.

In addition, esports are typically played by teams of professional gamers who are highly skilled at the game in question. This makes for an intense and competitive spectator experience, as fans root for their favorite team or player to come out on top.

Finally, many esports are played online, meaning that they can be watched by anyone with an internet connection. This global accessibility has helped to make esports one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world.

The global reach of esports

One of the main reasons esports are so popular is because of their global reach. Traditional sports are typically localized, with very few events having any sort of global appeal. For example, most Americans don’t really care about cricket or handball because those sports aren’t popular in the United States.

Esports, on the other hand, are popular all over the world. There are tournaments for almost every major game, and many of these tournaments have huge prize pools. The International, for example, is a Dota 2 tournament that has a prize pool of over $30 million. This global reach means that people from all over the world can watch and enjoy esports.

Another reason esports are so popular is because they’re accessible to everyone. Unlike traditional sports, you don’t need to be physically fit to play esports. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. This means that anyone can become an esport player, regardless of their physical abilities.

Finally, esports are popular because they’re entertaining to watch. They’re fast-paced and action-packed, and there’s always something happening on the screen. This makes them much more exciting to watch than traditional sports like baseball or golf.

Should esports be included in the Olympics?

Esports are a form of competitive video gaming that is typically played by professional gamers. The games are often played in tournaments that can be watched by spectators. Many people believe that esports should be included in the Olympics, as they are a form of competition that requires skill and strategy. However, there are also some drawbacks to including esports in the Olympics.

The case for esports in the Olympics

The case for esports in the Olympics is strong. Esports is a rapidly growing industry with a huge global audience. According to a report by SuperData, the global esports audience will reach 335 million this year, and the industry is expected to generate $1.1 billion in revenue.

Moreover, esports has already been recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In October 2017, the IOC held a summit on esports, and in July 2018, it released an esports consultation paper that outlined its stance on the inclusion of esports in the Olympics.

The IOC has also partnered with numerous gaming companies, including Twitch, to live-stream Olympic events. And it has even created an official Olympic Channel dedicated to digital sports content, which includes esports coverage.

Given all of this, it seems likely that esports will eventually be included in the Olympics. And there are several good reasons why this would be a positive development.

First, the inclusion of esports in the Olympics would help to legitimize the industry and increase its visibility. This would lead to more investment and more opportunities for professional gamers.

Second, it would help to promote inclusion and diversity within the gaming community. The Olympic Games are open to athletes of all genders, races, and religions, and adding esports would help to make gaming more inclusive.

Third, it would be a great way to engage with young people who are not interested in traditional sports. The addition of esports could help boost interest in the Olympics among young people who are more accustomed to playing and watching video games than traditional sports like basketball or track and field

The case against esports in the Olympics

The case against esports in the Olympics is that it would be a mistake to include a activity that is still in its infancy and has yet to be proven as a mainstream sport. There are concerns that including esports would dilute the Olympics brand and devalue the medals that are currently awarded.

Some believe that esports is too similar to traditional sports to be included in the Olympics. They argue that it does not meet the criteria for inclusion, such as having a global following and requires physical exertion. Others worry that including esports would create an uneven playing field, as some countries invest more heavily in developing their teams than others.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to include esports in the Olympics will come down to whether or not the International Olympic Committee believes it meets their criteria for inclusion.


The International Olympic Committee has not yet taken a stance on whether or not to include esports in the Olympics. However, with the growing popularity of esports, it is possible that we may see esports in the Olympics in the future.

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