Should WNBA Players Be Paid the Same as NBA Players?

The WNBA has been around for over 20 years, and its players are some of the best in the world. But they don’t make nearly as much money as their male counterparts in the NBA. Should WNBA players be paid the same as NBA players?


With the current WNBA season underway, many are wondering if it’s time for female players to be paid the same as their NBA counterparts. The average salary for a WNBA player is $75,000, while the average NBA salary is nearly $7 million. That’s a big disparity, but is it warranted? Let’s take a look at the arguments for and against paying WNBA players the same as NBA players.

The WNBA today

The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) is a professional basketball league in the United States. It is currently composed of twelve teams. The league was founded on April 22,1996, as the women’s counterpart to the National Basketball Association (NBA). As of June 2017, the average WNBA salary is $75,000. In comparison, the NBA minimum salary is $582,180. The maximum salary in the NBA is $24,819,500. The average NBA salary is $7.3 million. Advocates for equal pay argue that the WNBA does not make as much money as the NBA and therefore the players should be paid less.

Why do NBA players get paid more?

There are a number of reasons why NBA players get paid more than WNBA players. First, the NBA is a much more popular league than the WNBA, so it generates more revenue. Second, NBA players are generally considered to be better athletes than WNBA players, so they command higher salaries. Finally, NBA players have been in the league longer and have more experience, so they are also paid more.

Are WNBA players paid fairly?

It’s no secret that NBA players are paid significantly more than WNBA players. The average NBA player earned $7.4 million in 2017-18, while the average WNBA player earned just $79,000. That’s a huge disparity, and it’s one that has led many to question whether WNBA players are paid fairly.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the lower salaries in the WNBA. First, the WNBA has only been around since 1997, while the NBA has been around since 1946. The NBA is also a much more popular league, generating more revenue than the WNBA. In 2017-18, the NBA generated $7.4 billion in revenue, while the WNBA generated just $539 million.

Due to the smaller amount of revenue generated by the WNBA, there is less money available to pay players. Additionally, many of the top women’s basketball players choose to play in Europe or Asia during the offseason, where they can earn much higher salaries. This means that they are not available to play in the WNBA during the summer and lowers the quality of play in the league.

Despite all of these factors, there is still a case to be made that WNBA players should be paid more. They generate revenue for their teams and for the league, and they should be compensated accordingly. Additionally, many women’s basketball fans believe that the quality of play in the WNBA is just as high as it is in the NBA. If this is true, then WNBA players should be paid commensurate with their skills and abilities.

What can be done to close the pay gap?

There are a number of things that can be done to close the pay gap between WNBA and NBA players.

First, the WNBA could emulate the NBA’s model of having a set salary cap for each team. This would ensure that each team has the same amount of money to spend on player salaries, and that no team can outspend another by a large margin. This would create a more level playing field in terms of team spending, and would help to close the gap between the highest-paid and lowest-paid players in the league.

Second, the WNBA could institute a policy whereby each team must spend a certain percentage of its salary cap on player salaries. This would ensure that teams are investing a fair amount of their resources in their players, and would help to close the pay gap between the highest-paid and lowest-paid players in the league.

Third, the WNBA could increase its revenue sharing among its teams. Currently, only 50% of WNBA revenue is shared among its teams, whereas 60% of NBA revenue is shared among its teams. Increasing revenue sharing would provide more resources for all teams to invest in their players, and would help to close the pay gap between the highest-paid and lowest-paid players in the league.

Fourth, the WNBA could reduce or eliminate its luxury tax. Currently, any team that exceeds its salary cap by more than $50,000 has to pay a luxury tax of $1 for every $2 it is over the cap. Reducing or eliminating this luxury tax would provide more resources for all teams to invest in their players, and would help to close the pay gap between the highest-paid and lowest-paid players in league.

Finally, individual teams could choose to invest more of their resources in their players by paying them higher salaries. This would obviously require each team to make different decisions based on its own financial situation, but some teams may be able to afford to pay their players more than others. These teams would then be able to attract better talent by offering higher salaries, which would help them compete at a higher level and potentially generate more revenue.

In conclusion, there are a number of things that can be done to close the pay gap between WNBA and NBA players. It is up to both leagues and individual teams to make decisions that will invest more resources in their players and help to create a more level playing field in terms of player compensation.


it is evident that NBA players are, on average, better than WNBA players. They are faster, stronger, and can perform more complex skills. Because of this, they generate more revenue for their league and team, and thus are paid more. This does not mean that WNBA players should not be paid as much as they currently are. They still put in the same amount of effort to train and play games, and also have to juggle other commitments such as sponsorships and appearances. Rather, the focus should be on increasing awareness and viewership of the WNBA so that eventually, they will be able to command the same salaries as their male counterparts.

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