Stick Hockey – The Newest Sport Taking Over the World

Looking for a new and exciting sport to get into? Look no further than stick hockey! This fast-paced and relatively new sport is taking the world by storm, and it’s easy to see why. So grab a stick and get ready to have some fun!


Stick hockey is a sport that is quickly gaining popularity all over the world. It is a fast-paced, exciting game that can be played by people of all ages and abilities.

The game of stick hockey is played with two teams of players, each armed with sticks and a small puck. The object of the game is to score goals by using the sticks to hit the puck into the opposing team’s net.

There are two main types of stick hockey Street Hockey and Ice Hockey street hockey is played on a smooth surface, such as concrete or asphalt, while Ice hockey is played on a frozen surface, such as a skating rink.

stick hockey is a great way to get exercise and have fun at the same time. It is also a relatively inexpensive sport to get involved in, as all you need are some sticks and a puck.

The Rules

stick hockey also known as Floor hockey is a great way to get your child active. It is a fast-paced game that requires quick thinking and good hand-eye coordination Here are the basic rules of the game:

Each team has six players on the court, including the goalkeeper.

The objective of the game is to score goals by shooting the puck into the other team’s net.

Players use their sticks to control the puck. They can pass to their teammates or take shots on goal.

The goalie uses their stick and body to block shots and protect their team’s net.

The game is divided into three periods of 20 minutes each. There is a five-minute break between periods

The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins!

The Equipment

In order to play stick hockey, you will need a few pieces of equipment. First, you will need a stick. These can be purchased at most Sporting Goods stores. You will also need a puck. Again, these can be purchased at most Sporting Goods stores. Finally, you will need a pair of gloves. These can also be purchased at most Sporting Goods stores.

The History

Stick hockey is a sport that dates back centuries and is thought to have originated in Europe. It is a fast-paced, highly physical game that is played on a surface with raised boards on either side. The game is traditionally played with two teams of six players, but there are variations that can be played with fewer or more players.

The game of stick hockey was brought to North America by European immigrants in the late 1800s and quickly gained popularity. It was initially played as a recreational activity but soon became a competitive sport. The first formal stick Hockey League was formed in Montreal, Canada in 1875.

Over the next few decades, the sport continued to grow in popularity and spread to other parts of the world. Today, stick hockey is played competitively at the amateur and professional levels in many countries.

The Pros

Stick hockey is a relatively new sport that is quickly gaining popularity all over the world. Often compared to field hockey stick hockey is played with sticks and a small, hard ball. The game can be played on any smooth surface, making it a convenient choice for people of all ages and abilities.

There are many benefits to playing stick hockey. The sport is relatively low impact, so it is easy on the joints and muscles. It is also a great cardio workout helping to improve heart health and stamina. In addition, stick hockey is a great way to socialize and meet new people. The game can be enjoyed by individuals or teams, making it easy to find a group of people to play with.

The Cons

Stick hockey is a new sport that is slowly gaining popularity around the world. However, there are some drawbacks to the sport that potential players should be aware of before they decide to pick up a stick.

One of the biggest cons of stick hockey is the lack of standardization. There are no set rules or regulations for the sport, which means that each game can be played differently. This can lead to confusion and frustration for players who are used to other sports with more structured rules.

Another downside to stick hockey is the lack of equipment. Because the sport is still relatively new, there is not a lot of specialized equipment available for players. This can make it difficult to find sticks and other gear that meet your specific needs.

Finally, stick hockey can be dangerous if players do not wear proper safety gear Because there is no protective padding or helmets, players are at risk of serious injuries if they are hit by a stick or fall during a game. For these reasons, it is important to make sure you have the proper safety gear re Playing stick hockey.

How to Play

Stick hockey is a relatively new sport that is taking the world by storm. It is a fast-paced, exciting game that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. If you are looking for a new sport to try, stick hockey is a great option Here is a quick guide on how to play the game

Players will need two sticks, a puck, and a goal. The sticks can be made of any material, but wood or composite materials work best. The puck can be made of plastic or rubber, and should be about the size of a tennis ball The goals can be any size, but should be big enough for the puck to fit through easily.

To start the game, each player will need to have one stick and the puck. Players will line up on opposite sides of the goal and attempt to score by shooting the puck into the other team’s goal. When a goal is scored, the team who scored will receive one point. The game is played until one team has reached five points or more, or until time expires.

Stick hockey is a great way to get exercise and have fun at the same time. It can be played indoors or outdoors, and is perfect for parties or gatherings. If you are looking for a new sport to try, stick hockey is a great option

Tips and Tricks

Stick hockey, also known as floorball, is a sport that is quickly gaining popularity all over the world. It is a fast-paced, exciting game that can be played indoors or outdoors, making it a great option for all types of weather conditions. If you are looking for a new sport to try out, stick hockey might be just the thing for you. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started:

– Stick hockey is played with a stick and a ball. The stick is used to hit the ball into the opponent’s goal.
– Stick hockey can be played with either a team of players or one-on-one.
– The game can be played on any type of surface, but it is best suited for smooth surfaces such as tile or hardwood floors.
– Stick hockey is a relatively easy sport to learn, but it takes practice to master. If you are just starting out, it might be helpful to take some lessons from a certified coach or watch some instructional Videos Online

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying this fun and unique sport.


The beauty of stick hockey is that it can be played in so many different ways. Some people play with just two players, while others play with entire teams. There are even variations of the game that can be played outdoors on ice!

Here are just a few of the many different ways you can play stick hockey:

-Two-player game: This is the most basic version of the game, and can be played with just a puck and two players.

-Three-player game: This variation adds an additional player to each team.

-Four-player game: This variation adds two additional players to each team, for a total of four players on each side.

-Team game: This is the most popular way to play stick hockey, and involves teams of six or more players.


Despite the obstacles it has faced, stick hockey has quickly become a popular sport around the world. With its simple rules and easy-to-learn gameplay, the sport has gained a large following in a short amount of time. While the future of stick hockey is uncertain, one thing is for sure: the sport is here to stay.

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