The Most Transparent NHL Logo Yet

The new NHL logo is the most transparent design yet.

NHL’s new logo is much more transparent than the old one, making it easier to see the team’s colors and jersey design beneath it. The change was made in response to criticism that the previous logo was too busy and made it difficult to identify team colors

How the new logo was designed

The new NHL logo was designed with the help of a graphic design company. The company worked with the NHL to create a logo that would be both modern and timeless. The new logo is a update to the previous logo, which was created in 1967. The new logo is sleeker and has a more modern font. The color scheme has been updated to reflect the league’s current colors.

What the new logo means for the NHL

The new NHL logo was unveiled today, and it’s a huge departure from the previous design. The most obvious change is the new emphasis on transparency — the logo is now two-tone, with a white space in the center that allows the team’s jersey to show through. This is a significant change for a league that has always been very insular and focused on its own history.

The new logo also features a more modern typeface and a simplified version of the classic NHL shield. This is likely a response to the criticism that the previous logo was too busy and difficult to read. Overall, the new logo is cleaner and more streamlined, which should appeal to a younger audience.

It’s still early days, but the reaction to the new logo has been mostly positive. It’s a bold move for a league that has been struggling to stay relevant in recent years and it will be interesting to see how this change affects the NHL’s bottom line.

The NHL has unveiled its new logo, and it’s a marked departure from the old one. The most obvious change is the switch from a wordmark to a simplified shield. But there are plenty of other subtle changes that make the new logo more modern and sleek.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the old and new logos:

Old logo:

The old logo was introduced in 2007 and featured a wordmark with an italicized “NHL” above a shield. The shield was garnished with 31 stars, one for each team in the league.

New logo:

The new logo ditches the wordmark in favor of a more streamlined shield. The stars have been removed, leaving only the team initials inside the shield. The overall effect is cleaner and more modern.

Since its inception in 1917, the National Hockey League has undergone several logo changes. The most recent logo, which was introduced in 2017, is widely considered to be the most transparent yet.

The first NHL logo was a simple black and white image of a hockey player It was used from 1917 until the end of the 1920-21 season.

In 1921, the league introduced a new logo that featured a shield with three stars. This logo was in use for nearly 50 years, until the 1970-71 season.

The current NHL logo was introduced in 2017 and features a more modern take on the shield logo. The biggest change is that the three stars have been replaced by 31 small dots, representing each of the league’s 31 teams.

In 2017, the NHL unveiled a new primary logo that would be used across all digital and traditional platforms. The new logo was an evolution of the previous logo, with a more modern typeface and a simplified mark.

The new logo was met with mixed reviews, with some praising its modernity and simplicity, and others criticizing it for being too similar to the previous logo.

Despite the mixed reaction, the new logo has been a success for the NHL, and has helped to unify the league’s branding across all platforms.

It’s been nearly 20 years since the NHL last updated its logo, and in that time, the league has undergone some fairly significant changes. The most recent logo, which was introduced in 1998, was a modern take on the classic “NHL shield” logo that had been in use since the late 1970s. But with the league’s centennial anniversary coming up in 2017, the NHL decided it was time for a new logo that would better reflect the league’s current status.

The NHL enlisted the help of branding firm Geiger to develop the new logo, and the result is a sleek and modern update to the classic shield. The biggest change is the addition of 31 stars (one for each team) to the bottom half of the logo, which replaces the NHL’s generic wordmark. The stars are arranged in a unique pattern that resembles a Hockey Rink and they’re also meant to represent multiple levels of competition within the NHL (i.e., Stanley Cup playoffs, All-Star game etc.).

In addition to updating its visuals, the NHL also decided to change its name from “National Hockey League” to simply “NHL.” This was done to reflect the fact that hockey is now a global sport, with players and fans from all over the world. And while some purists might argue that “National Hockey League” has a certain nostalgic charm about it, “NHL” is undoubtedly more reflective of where the sport is today.

How the new logo will be used

The NHL is debuting a new logo this season, and it’s the most transparent one yet. The logo will be used on all team jerseys, as well as on and on other league properties.

“We wanted to create a logo that was more reflective of today’s game and more reflective of our players,” said Steve Mayer, NHL chief content officer. “The new logo really embodies that.”

The new logo was designed by ad agencyTBWA\Chiat\Day, and it features a “simple and strong” mark that can be used in a variety of ways, Mayer said. The blue and white colors are meant to represent the league’s “steadfast commitment to tradition,” while the silver honors the “proud history” of the Stanley Cup

On Monday, the NHL released its new logo for the 2021 season. The logo, which is meant to be a more updated and modernized version of the previous logo, was met with mixed reactions from fans and social media users.

Some people praised the new logo for its sleek and simple design, while others criticized it for being too similar to the previous one. However, the overall consensus seems to be that the new logo is a vast improvement from the current one and that it is a more accurate representation of where the NHL is heading as a league.

What do you think of the new NHL logo?

The NHL’s logo is in the middle of a identity crisis. In an effort to be more “transparent,” the league debuted a new logo for the 2017-18 Season The updated logo was a total transparent file with the name and inscription “National Hockey League” in white text on a black background. The main change from the old logo was that the word “NHL” was now executed in a new custom font, and that the conference and divisional logos were completely absent. In other words, it looked like somebody forgot to put the rest of the logo together.

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