Tri County Hockey – The Best Youth Hockey in the Country

Tri County Hockey is the best Youth Hockey organization in the country. Our highly skilled and experienced coaches develop players to their fullest potential.


Tri County Hockey is one of the largest Youth Hockey organizations in the country. We offer a wide variety of programs for children of all ages and abilities, from our recreational programs all the way up to our highly competitive travel teams. We are based in the New York City area and our teams compete in tournaments and leagues all across the Northeast.

Our goal is to provide a positive, safe and fun environment for all of our players while teaching them the importance of hard work dedication and teamwork. We strive to instill these values in our players so that they can carry them with them throughout their lives.

We are proud to say that many of our alumni have gone on to successful careers in hockey, whether it be at the professional or collegiate level. We are also proud to provide scholarships to deserving players so that they can continue their education after High School

If you are interested in learning more about Tri County Hockey or if you would like to register for one of our programs, please visit our website or contact us at [email protected]

The benefits of playing hockey

Hockey is a great sport for kids of all ages. It helps them develop coordination and balance, and teaches them important social skills like teamwork and sportsmanship.

Playing hockey also gives kids a chance to blow off some steam and have some fun. It’s a great way for them to stay active and it’s a great way for them to socialize with other kids.

There are many different youth hockey leagues around the country, but Tri County Hockey is the best. We offer top-notch facilities, experienced coaches, and competitive games. Our goal is to provide every child with a positive experience that will encourage them to come back year after year.

The best Youth Hockey in the country

Tri County Hockey is the best Youth Hockey organization in the country. We offer a unique and comprehensive approach to developing young Hockey Players Our programs are designed to challenge and improve players of all abilities, from beginners to elite level athletes.

We are proud to offer a wide range of programs for players of all ages and skill levels, including:

– Learn to Skate Programs
– Recreational Hockey Programs
– Competitive Travel Hockey Programs
– High performance training Programs

Our programs are led by experienced and certified coaches who are passionate about helping our players reach their full potential. We are committed to providing a safe, positive, and fun environment for our players to learn and grow.

If you are looking for the best Youth Hockey experience for your child, look no further than Tri County Hockey!

Why Tri County Hockey is the best

At Tri County Hockey, we believe that our program is the best Youth Hockey program in the country. We offer a unique blend of skilled instruction, competitive play and fun for all our players.

Our skilled coaches have years of experience playing and coaching hockey at all levels. They’re passionate about the game and developing young players They’re also great at communicating with kids and making sure they’re having fun while they learn.

We compete against some of the best youth hockey programs in the country, and our teams always hold their own. We believe that competitive play is important for player development but we also make sure that all our players have a positive experience.

We offer a variety of programs for different age groups and skill levels, so there’s something for everyone. And we have a strong commitment to player development so you can be sure your child will improve their skills while they’re in our program.

If you’re looking for the best Youth Hockey program in the country, look no further than Tri County Hockey!

The benefits of Tri County Hockey

Tri County Hockey is widely considered to be the best youth hockey program in the country. There are a number of reasons why this is the case, but some of the most notable benefits include:

– A highly experienced and qualified coaching staff
– A dedication to player development
– A competitive yet fun environment
– A focus on safety

These are just a few of the reasons why Tri County Hockey is such a Great Choice for young players If you’re looking for the best possible Hockey Experience for your child, Tri County Hockey is definitely worth considering.

The facilities at Tri County Hockey

The facilities at Tri County Hockey are unrivaled in the country. We have two full-size NHL regulation ice rinks, a state-of-the-art fitness center, locker rooms and a lounge area for our players and families.

We are located in the heart of the New England hockey hotbed, just minutes from Boston. Our location allows us to draw the best players from all over the country.

The coaching at Tri County Hockey

The Coaching Staff at Tri County Hockey is unrivaled. With over 30 years of experience coaching hockey at all levels, our coaches know what it takes to develop young players into successful athletes.

We believe that hockey should be fun first and foremost, and our coaching staff works hard to create a positive and enjoyable environment for all of our players. We also place a strong emphasis on developing each player’s individual skills, so that they can reach their full potential on the ice.

Whether your child is just starting out in hockey or is looking to take their game to the next level, Tri County Hockey is the perfect place for them!

The competition at Tri County Hockey

Youth hockey is a sport that is growing in popularity every year. There are many different leagues and clubs that offer youth hockey programs Tri County Hockey is one of the best Youth Hockey clubs in the country. We offer a competitive environment for young players to develop their skills. Our program is open to all players from ages 6 to 18. We have teams at all levels, from beginner to advanced. Our coaches are experienced andminded and our facilities are top-notch. If you are looking for the best youth hockey experience, look no further than Tri County Hockey!

The benefits of playing in a league

There are many benefits to playing in a league, such as the opportunity to develop your skills, improve your technique, and compete against other players of similar abilities. Playing in a league can also help you meet new friends, learn new strategies, and have fun!

How to join Tri County Hockey

There are a few things you need to do in order to join Tri County Hockey. First, you need to be between the ages of 5 and 18. Second, you need to live in one of the three counties that make up our league – Sussex, Warren, or Morris. And third, you need to have access to ice time and equipment.

If you meet all of those criteria, then you’re eligible to join Tri County Hockey! Just head over to our website and fill out the registration form. Once we have your information, we’ll put you in touch with a team in your area.

We can’t wait to have you on board!

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