How Much Do NFL Cheerleaders Make?

According to various sources, the average NFL cheerleader makes between $75-$150 per game.

NFL Cheerleaders’ Salaries

The average salary for an NFL cheerleader is $150 per game. Cheerleaders can also make money from appearances, which are usually around $50 per hour. Some cheerleaders also have full-time jobs, so their salary can vary. The best way to find out how much an NFL cheerleader makes is to ask them directly.

Minimum salary

All NFL cheerleaders make a yearly salary of $1,000, no matter how long they’ve been on the team. This is because they are considered to be “independent contractors” and not actual employees of the NFL. In addition to their $1,000 salary, they also receive money for each game they cheer at – this ranges from $50-$100 per game. So, if a cheerleader cheers at all 10 games in the regular season, she could make an additional $500-$1,000.

Maximum salary

The maximum salary for NFL cheerleaders is $1,500 per game, according to The New York Times. This figure includes both base pay and any bonuses that may be earned during the course of the season. For example, the Los Angeles Rams cheerleaders earn a $1,000 bonus for each home game they perform at.

Per-game salary

NFL cheerleaders make a base salary of $1,000 per season, according to a report from Bloomberg. This amounts to $18.11 per hour if divide it out over the course of a full season, which consists of 10 regular-season games and three exhibition games.

However, these earnings can be significantly higher for some cheerleaders. For example, the Los Angeles Rams recently signed two-year contracts worth $1.4 million with their cheerleading squad. This works out to $35,000 per year for each cheerleader on the team.

In addition to their base salary, NFL cheerleaders also receive certain perks, such as free transportation to and from games, free housing during training camp and access to tickets for family and friends.

Annual salary

The average annual salary for an NFL cheerleader is $1,200.

Cheerleaders’ Income from Other Sources

In addition to the regular paycheck that NFL cheerleaders earn, they also receive payments for attending promotional events and making appearances. These appearances are generally in the form of modeling gigs, public speaking engagements, and corporate sponsorships. NFL cheerleaders also receive a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their official merchandise.

Personal appearances

In addition to their salary, many cheerleaders make money from personal appearances. This can be anything from $50 for a short appearance at a local store, to several thousand dollars for appearing at a corporate event. The rate depends on the kind of event, the location, the length of time, and the number of cheerleaders required. For example, appearing at a wedding might pay $500, while appearing at a convention might pay $2,000.


In addition to their annual salary, NFL cheerleaders may earn money from personal appearances and other endorsements. For example, the New England Patriots cheerleaders reportedly earn $100 per hour for appearances, which include things like corporate functions, parades, and speaking engagements. Some teams also offer their cheerleaders the opportunity to earn a commission from selling team merchandise.

Social media

Social media is one of the many ways that NFL cheerleaders make money. By leveraging their personal brand, they can grow their social media following and make money from sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and other brand partnerships.

NFL cheerleaders are not allowed to post sponsored content on their official team pages, but they are allowed to post sponsored content on their personal pages. This creates an opportunity for them to work with brands that are relevant to their interests and make extra money.

In addition to social media, NFL cheerleaders also make money from appearances, teaching classes, and other public speaking engagements. These appearances can be for the team or for outside organizations. Many times, these appearances will involve merchandise sales, so it’s important for cheerleaders to be comfortable promoting products.

How Cheerleaders Spend Their Money

Many people are interested in how much money NFL cheerleaders make. It is a common misconception that NFL cheerleaders are paid very little. In reality, NFL cheerleaders make a decent wage. Most of them bring in a salary of around $50,000 per year.

Training and fitness

Being a cheerleader is a part-time job, and like any job, there are costs associated with the role. Cheerleaders are responsible for their own training and fitness regime, which can be costly. In addition to gym memberships, some cheerleaders also hire personal trainers to help them stay in shape. As well as the financial costs, there is also a time commitment involved in maintaining their fitness levels – many cheerleaders dedicate several hours per week to training.


The vast majority of cheerleaders are required to pay for their own travel expenses when they are going to away games or events. For example, if the cheerleading squad is going to an away game that is a few hours drive from their home city, they may be expected to take a bus or train with the team. But if the game is in another state or even another country, the cheerleaders may be expected to fly at their own expense. In some cases, the team may provide a small stipend to help cover travel costs, but this is not always the case.


In order to maintain their appearance, cheerleaders are required to buy their own uniforms, which can cost around $600. They must also keep their hair styled and their bodies in top shape. Cheerleaders generally have to pay for their own hair and makeup supplies, as well as any special treatments they might want or need to keep up their appearance, such as teeth whitening.

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