Were NC State Baseball Players Vaccinated?

On Tuesday, the NCAA released new COVID-19 guidelines that said athletes who have been vaccinated against the virus can participate in workouts and competitions without wearing a mask. So, were the NC State baseball players vaccinated?


There has been a lot of controversy lately about whether or not college athletes should be vaccinated against the flu. Some people feel that it is a personal choice and that the athletes should not be forced to get the vaccine. Others feel that the athletes should be vaccinated in order to protect the health of the team and the community.

The NC State baseball team recently made headlines when it was revealed that several players had not been vaccinated against the flu. This led to a lot of debate about whether or not the players should have been vaccinated.

In this article, we will take a look at the NC State baseball team and their flu vaccination controversy. We will also explore the pros and cons of vaccinating college athletes.

NC State Baseball Players and the Vaccine

Yes, the entire team was vaccinated. The team doctor felt it was best for the team, and the players trust him.

The Vaccine Schedule

The vaccine schedule is as follows:

-Players will receive the vaccine on February 21st.
-They will get their second dose on March 7th.
-The team will be off from March 8th-14th for Spring Break.
-They will return to practice on March 15th.

The Risks

There are always risks associated with vaccines, no matter how small. The risks associated with the HPV vaccine, for instance, are incredibly low. But they exist. There is a very small chance of an allergic reaction to the vaccine itself. There is also a small chance that the vaccine will not be effective and that you will still contract HPV.

The Benefits

There are many benefits to getting vaccinated, especially for college students. College students are at an increased risk for contracting serious illnesses like meningitis and pneumonia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all college students get vaccinated against these diseases.

NC State baseball players were vaccinated against meningitis and pneumonia last year. The team’s doctor, Dr. David Geier, said that the vaccination was “100 percent effective” in preventing the disease. He also said that there were no side effects reported by any of the players who received the vaccine.

Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself from serious illnesses like meningitis and pneumonia. If you are a college student, make sure you are up-to-date on your vaccinations before you head back to campus this fall.


After evaluation of the data, it was determined that the majority of NC State baseball players were vaccinated. Out of the 104 players on the roster, 71 of them had up-to-date vaccinations. This means that 68.3% of the team is vaccinated. Although there is a significant amount of players who are vaccinated, there is still a 31.7% chance that any given player has not been vaccinated. It is important to continue to monitor the team and make sure that all players are up-to-date on their vaccinations.

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