What Are the NBA’s Health and Safety Protocols?

The NBA has released its health and safety protocols for the upcoming season. Here’s what you need to know.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) has released its health and safety protocols for the 2020-21 season. The protocols, which were developed with input from the NBA’s medical experts, team doctors, and health officials, are designed to protect players, team staff, and arena personnel from the risks associated with COVID-19.

The protocols include a number of measures, such as enhanced testing and contact tracing, physical distancing, the use of face coverings and personal protective equipment (PPE), and the installation of plexiglass barriers in team locker rooms and players’ lounges. In addition, teams will be required to provide daily COVID-19 education to players and staff, and players will be asked to monitor their health on a daily basis.

In the event that a player or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they will be isolated from the team and will not be permitted to return until they have recovered. Players who test positive will also be subject to additional testing and monitoring.

The NBA’s health and safety protocols are based on the recommendations of public health experts and are subject to change as more information about COVID-19 becomes available.

NBA’s Health and Safety Protocols

The NBA has released its health and safety protocols for the upcoming season. The protocols are designed to minimize the risk of coronavirus transmission and protect the health of players, staff, and the broader community. Here’s a look at the NBA’s health and safety protocols.

Protocols for Players

The NBA has released its health and safety protocols for the upcoming 2020-21 season. These protocols were put in place in order to protect the players and staff from the Covid-19 virus.

All players will be tested for Covid-19 prior to the start of training camp. Players who test positive will not be allowed to participate in camp activities. Players who test positive during the season will be isolated from the team and will not be allowed to return to play until they have recovered and tests negative.

Players will be required to wear masks at all times when they are not on the court. This includes during practice, on the bench, in the locker room, and on team buses and planes. Players will also have to undergo regular Covid-19 testing throughout the season.

Protocols for Coaches

In order to protect the health and safety of everyone involved in the NBA, coaches must adhere to certain protocols. These include wearing a face mask at all times while in the arena, regularly sanitizing their hands and surfaces, and avoiding physical contact with players and other coaches. They must also maintain a safe distance from each other whenever possible.

Players also have specific protocols they must follow, which are designed to minimize their risk of contracting or transmitting the virus. These include wearing a face mask when not playing, maintaining a safe distance from others, and regularly washing their hands and surfaces. In addition, players are discouraged from sharing personal items such as towels or clothing.

Protocols for Staff

The NBA has put in place a number of health and safety protocols for team staff, which include daily testing, wearing face coverings at all times while inside team facilities, maintaining physical distancing as much as possible, and limiting interaction with players to essential personnel.

In addition, teams are required to have an infection control officer who is responsible for ensuring that all staff members are following the NBA’s health and safety protocols.

Implementation of NBA’s Health and Safety Protocols

The NBA has been working hard to create a set of health and safety protocols that will allow the season to resume in a safe and responsible manner. These protocols include daily testing for all players and staff, wearing masks during games and practices, and social distancing when possible. The NBA has also implemented a contact tracing program to help identify any potential cases of COVID-19.


The NBA has released its health and safety protocols for the 2020-21 season, which will tip off Dec. 22. The league has been working with its players’ association, team doctors, and public health experts to establish the guidelines, which include daily COVID-19 testing, a “contact tracing” program to identify players who may have been exposed to the virus, a “health and safety” monitor for each team, and protocols for travel, practice, and games.

Here are some of the key points from the NBA’s health and safety protocols:

-All players must undergo daily COVID-19 testing throughout the season.

-The NBA will use a “contact tracing” program to identify players who may have been exposed to the virus. Players who test positive for COVID-19 or who have been exposed to the virus will be isolated from the rest of the team.

-Each team will have a “health and safety” monitor who will oversee the team’s compliance with the league’s health and safety protocols.

-Players must wear masks when they are not playing or practicing.

-Teams must travel on charter flights or by bus whenever possible. When flying commercial, teams must book entire rows of seats so that players can sit together.

-Players must stay in designated hotels when traveling for games. Players will have individual rooms and will not be allowed to share rooms with other players.

-Players must maintain a social distance of at least six feet when they are not playing or practicing. This includes in locker rooms, on buses and planes, and in hotels.

Regular Season

The NBA released its health and safety protocols for the 2020-21 regular season on Dec. 9. The protocol includes the following measures:

– Players must wear masks at all times while inside team facilities, except when they are eating, showering or exercising.
– Players will be tested for COVID-19 every other day, and must submit to daily temperature and symptom checks.
– All players must complete a daily health questionnaire.
– Players who test positive for COVID-19 will be isolated from the team and require clearance from a league-approved doctors before returning to activity.
– Teams must travel on charter flights, and players and staff will be seated in pods of two or three people.
– Teams must stay in hotels that have enhanced cleaning and safety protocols in place.
– In arena, there will be increased sanitization of high touch areas, plexiglass barriers between players on opposing benches, and no ball boys or girls. Fans will not be allowed in arena at this time.


In the playoffs, things will be different as well. Players will be isolated in a secure “bubble” at one of two locations: Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida, or the MSI world resort outside of Las Vegas. If a player tests positive for COVID-19, they will be isolated from the rest of the team and will have to quarantine for at least 10 days.


The NBA has released its health and safety protocols for the upcoming 2020-21 season. The protocols include daily COVID-19 testing for players and staff, a minimum of four negative tests before entering team facilities, mask-wearing at all times while inside team facilities, and regular cleaning and disinfecting of all areas. Players will also be required to isolate at home if they test positive for COVID-19, and they will not be allowed to return to team activities until they have been cleared by a doctor.

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