What Are The New NFL Overtime Rules?

The NFL’s new overtime rules are designed to prevent long, drawn-out games and keep both teams fresh and dangerous late in the game.


In the National Football League (NFL), overtime is a method of extending the game to resolve tie games. The overtime rules are triggered when the score is tied at the end of regulation time. The method of extending play has changed several times, most recently in 2017 when major changes were made regarding player safety.

Prior to the 2017 season, NFL overtime consisted of each team having a chance to possess the ball, with the first team to score winning the game. This method, known as “sudden death”, led to some games being decided on very Fluky plays. In an effort to add more fairness and excitement, as well as improve player safety, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell led discussions that resulted in radical changes to NFL overtime rules.

Under the new NFL overtime rules, each team is guaranteed one possession. If both teams score a touchdown on their respective drives, or if both teams kick field goals, the game enters sudden death mode and follows the pre-2017 rules. If one team scores a touchdown and the other team kicks a field goal, then the game is over and that team wins. These changes add excitement while also ensuring that both teams have a fair chance to win in overtime.

The new NFL overtime rules were met with mixed reactions from players, coaches and fans. Some people feel that the changes take away from the excitement of sudden death while others believe that they make the game fairer and safer for players. Regardless of your opinion on Goodell’s changes, there is no doubt that they have had a major impact on how NFL games are played.

The new NFL overtime rules

The NFL has changed its overtime rules for the 2017 season. In the past, the team that won the coin toss had the option to either receive or defer, and they could also choose to kick off or receive. Now, if the team that wins the coin toss scores a touchdown on their first possession, the game is over. However, if they score a field goal, the other team gets a chance to score. If the other team scores a touchdown, they win. If they don’t score, the first team wins.

How the new NFL overtime rules work

Under the new rules, each team will be guaranteed one possession in overtime, regardless of what happens on the opening coin toss. If the team that wins the coin toss scores a touchdown on its opening drive, the game will end. If it doesn’t score a touchdown, the other team will get a chance to score. If both teams score field goals on their first drives, or if both teams turn the ball over on downs, then each team will get another chance to score from the same spot on the field. The game will continue in this way until one team scores a touchdown and the other team doesn’t.

What the new NFL overtime rules mean for the future of the sport

The new NFL overtime rules have been a hot topic of debate since they were first proposed, and they were finally enacted for the 2017 season. The biggest change is that teams will now be required to go for two points after scoring a touchdown in overtime, meaning that the game could potentially end in a tie if both teams miss their conversion attempt.

While some people have praised the new rules as a way to add excitement to the overtime period, others have criticized them as being unfair to teams that are not able to score a touchdown on their first possession. What do you think about the new rules?


In conclusion, the new NFL overtime rules are designed to reduce the amount of time players spend on the field during overtime periods, and to make the game fairer for both teams. The changes should help to create a more even playing field, and make the game more exciting for fans to watch.

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