What Are The Overtime Rules For The NFL?

The NFL overtime rules are designed to ensure a fair and exciting game. If the score is tied at the end of regulation, each team gets one possession to try and score. If the score is still tied, the game goes into sudden death, and the first team to score wins.

What Are The Overtime Rules For The NFL?


The National Football League (NFL) overtime rules are a one-possession sudden death format that is used if the score is tied at the end of regulation time. The team that scores first during overtime shall be declared the winner. If neither team scores in overtime, the game will end in a tie.

In NFL regular season games, each team is allowed one possession per overtime period, regardless of whether the team scored a touchdown or a field goal on its previous drive. In order for a second chance to score, the team must either force a turnover, or stop the opposing team on downs. If both teams have had an opportunity to possess the ball, and the score remains tied after regulation play has ended, then the game ends in a tie.

The NFL overtime rules were changed prior to the 2010 season in an effort to reduce the number of games that were decided by a field goal on the opening drive of overtime. In games that were affected by this rule change, both teams had an opportunity to possess the ball at least once during overtime, even if one team scored a touchdown on its initial drive. If neither team scored on its subsequent drive(s), then the game would end in a tie.

What are the overtime rules for the NFL?

The overtime rules for the NFL are simple: each team gets one possession to score, and if the score is still tied after that, the game ends in a tie. The only exception is if the team that wins the coin toss scores a touchdown on its first drive, in which case the game ends immediately.

The new overtime rules

The NFL overtime rules have changed for the 2017 season, and they are sure to cause some controversy. In the past, the overtime period was 15 minutes long and both teams had a chance to possess the ball. If the score was still tied after both teams had a possession, then the game ended in a tie. This system led to some very long games, and it wasn’t always fair.

The new overtime rules are designed to make the overtime period shorter and more fair. Now, the overtime period is only 10 minutes long, and each team is only guaranteed one possession. If the score is still tied after both teams have had a possession, then the game ends in a tie. This system should lead to shorter games and more fair outcomes.

The old overtime rules

In 2017, the NFL made a change to its overtime rules, but the old rules are still in place for regular-season games. In the old rules, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime. Each team gets one possession, and if the score is still tied after those two possessions, the game ends in a tie. The only exception to this is if one team scores a touchdown on its first possession of overtime and the other team doesn’t score. In that case, the game is over and the team that scored wins.

Why are the overtime rules important?

The overtime rules for the NFL are important because they help to ensure that games are fair and that players are not overworked. Overtime rules also help to prevent injuries by limiting the amount of time that players can be on the field.

They ensure a fair game

In the NFL, the overtime rules are important because they help to ensure a fair game. If one team has more time to score than the other, it could give them an unfair advantage. These rules help to level the playing field and make sure that both teams have an equal chance to win.

They prevent injuries

In the NFL, there is a rule in place that says teams cannot play more than five consecutive days of football. This rule is in place to prevent player injuries. By giving players at least one day off between games, it gives their bodies time to recover. It also allows for coaches to have time to review game tape and make adjustments to their game plans.


The NFL overtime rules are complex, but the main idea is that each team gets a chance to score, and if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime. The overtime period is 10 minutes long, and it is played in sudden death format, meaning that the first team to score wins the game.

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