What Are The Rules For Overtime Play In The Nfl?

The National Football League (NFL) overtime rules are simple. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game will go into overtime. During overtime, each team will have a chance to score. The team that scores first wins the game.


Overtime rules in the NFL are designed to prevent both teams from having an advantage or disadvantage when the extra period begins. If a team wins the coin toss, they have the option to choose whether to receive or defer the ball. The loser of the coin toss gets to choose which goal they want to defend.

Each team gets three timeouts per half and one additional timeout in overtime. If a team uses all of its timeouts, it cannot stop the clock again until there is an injury or another stoppage in play.

The overtime period is played in15-minute increments. It is sudden death, meaning the first team to score wins the game, regardless of how long it takes them to do so. If neither team scores in the first overtime period, another 15-minute period is played. This process continues until one team scores points and the other team fails to match or exceed those points within their own possession.

What is the NFL’s overtime format?

In the NFL, overtime is a chance for both teams to get another possession. The overtime format has changed over the years, but as of the 2012 season, each team gets a chance to possess the ball (unless the team that wins the coin toss scores a touchdown on its opening drive). If the score is still tied after both teams have had a possession, or if both teams score field goals on their opening drives, then the overtime period continues until one team scores more points than the other.

How does the NFL’s overtime format compare to other leagues?

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime. Both teams get the ball on offense, and the first team to score wins the game. This is different from other leagues, where each team gets a chance to possess the ball and score points until one team has more points than the other.

What are the benefits of the NFL’s overtime format?

The National Football League’s overtime format is designed to reduce the likelihood of a game ending in a tie, while also ensuring that both teams have a fair chance to win the game. The current overtime format, which was introduced in 2012, gives each team the opportunity to possess the ball at least once in overtime, unless the team that wins the coin toss scores a touchdown on its first possession. If neither team scores on its first possession, or if both teams score field goals on their first possessions, then the game proceeds to sudden death. In sudden death, the first team to score wins the game.

There are several benefits to this format. First, it reduces the likelihood of a game ending in a tie. Second, it gives both teams a fair chance to win the game. Third, it creates additional excitement and drama for fans. Finally, it gives players an opportunity to showcase their skills in clutch situations.

What are the criticisms of the NFL’s overtime format?

The most common criticism of the NFL’s overtime format is that it is unfair to the team that loses the coin toss. This team often never gets a chance to possess the ball during overtime, which some feel gives them an inherent disadvantage. Another criticisms is that the current system does not do enough to encourage teams to score touchdowns, as opposed to field goals. Some believe that this encourages a more conservative style of play and does not provide enough excitement for fans.


While the NFL overtime rules are designed to create a fair and exciting game, they are also intended to protect player safety. As such, the rules are subject to change based on feedback from players, coaches, and medical experts. If you have any questions about the NFL overtime rules, be sure to check with your league administrator.

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