What Are The Scores In The NFL?

If you’re a football fan, you’re probably wondering what the scores are in the NFL. Here’s a quick rundown of the latest scores.


In the National Football League (NFL), the score refers to the total number of points scored by both teams during a game. The score is displayed on the scoreboard, and is also announced during play-by-play broadcasts of the game.

The NFL keeps track of several different types of scores, including points scored, touchdowns scored, field goals scored, and safeties. The score is important not only for determining the winner of a game, but also for fantasy football and betting purposes.

Points are scored in the NFL by scoring a touchdown (worth 6 points), kicking a field goal (worth 3 points), or converting a safety (worth 2 points). Touchdowns can be scored by running the ball into the end zone or catching a pass in the end zone. Field goals can be kicked from anywhere on the field, but are most commonly attempted from within 40 yards of
the end zone. Safeties are rare, and are usually only seen in very close games.

The team that scores the most points in a game is declared the winner. If both teams have scored an equal number of points at the end of regulation time, then overtime periods may be played until one team scores more points than the other.

How are NFL Scores Determined?

NFL scores are determined by the actions of the offense and the defense. The offense scores points by advancing the ball into the opponent’s end zone or by kicking the ball through the opponent’s goal posts. The defense scores points by tackling the offense’s players in their own end zone or by intercepting a pass and returning it to their own end zone.

The Offense

In order to score points, the offense must cross the opponent’s goal line with the ball, or catch or kick the ball through the opponent’s uprights. The following chart shows how many points each of these actions is worth:

-Touchdown: 6 points
-Extra point: 1 point (after a touchdown, the offense can attempt to score an additional point by kicking the ball through the uprights)
-Two-point conversion: 2 points (after a touchdown, the offense can attempt to score two additional points by running or passing the ball into the end zone)
-Field goal: 3 points (kicking the ball through the uprights from anywhere on the field)
-Safety: 2 points (awarded if the defense tackles the offensive player in his own end zone)


Touchdowns are worth six points. A touchdown is scored when a live ball is held by a player in the opponent’s end zone. The touchdown is equivalent to a try in rugby football. If the ball is not in possession of an offensive player, it may be recovered by either team and advanced. In most leagues, a successful field goal attempt scores three points. A field goal is scored when the ball is kicked through the uprights of the opponent’s goal posts from anywhere on the playing field.

Field Goals

A field goal is worth 3 points. It is awarded when the ball is kicked through the uprights of the opponents’ end zone. Field goals are usually attempted on 4th down when it is too far for the offense to make a first down, but they can also be attempted on any down.

Extra Points

In order to ensure that games are close and exciting, the NFL has a scoring system that awards points for various accomplishments during a game. These points can be accrued by both teams, but the team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner. Here is a breakdown of how NFL scores are determined:

-A touchdown is worth 6 points.
-A successful extra point attempt (kicking the ball through the uprights after a touchdown) is worth 1 point.
-A successful 2-point conversion (running or passing the ball into the end zone after a touchdown) is worth 2 points.
-A safety (when the defense tackles an offensive player in their own end zone) is worth 2 points.
-A field goal (kicking the ball through the uprights from anywhere on the field) is worth 3 points.

The Defense

The Defense is the team that tries to stop the other team from scoring. If the Offense scores a touchdown, the Defense gets 7 points. If the Offense kicks a field goal, the Defense gets 3 points.


A safety is worth 2 points. It can occur on either a play from scrimmage or a free kick.

A safety scored on a play from scrimmage results from the offensive team having the ball inside its own end zone when it is downed by the defense, or when the offense commits a foul in its own end zone. The most common type of scrimmage safety is when the quarterback is tackled in his own end zone while attempting to pass. A intentional grounding foul by the quarterback in his own end zone also results in a safety.

A safety scored on a free kick results from the kicking team kicking the ball into its own end zone, where it is then downed by the receiving team.


After consulting with experts and analyzing data, it is clear that the scores in the NFL have changed significantly over time. Although there are many factors that contribute to this, the main reason seems to be the increased number of teams and the increased level of competition between them.

It is also worth noting that the scores in the NFL tend to be higher than in other professional leagues, such as the MLB or NBA. This is likely due to the fact that football is a more scoring-friendly sport than baseball or basketball.

Overall, the scores in the NFL seem to be trending upward, which indicates that the league is becoming more competitive and exciting for fans.

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