What Are The Tails On NFL Players?

The tails on NFL players’ jerseys have a purpose. Find out what that purpose is and why the league decided to add them.


It is a commonly held belief that the tails on NFL players’ jerseys are there to help them grip the ball better. This may be true for some players, but the majority of players say that the tails actually make it harder to grip the ball. So, why are the tails on NFL players’ jerseys?

What are the tails on NFL players?

Theory has it that the tails on NFL players’ jerseys are there to help referees tell who’s who on the field. The theory goes that, when all the players are wearing white jerseys, the tails make it easier for the refs to tell which player is which.

However, there is no rule in the NFL that says players have to wear white jerseys. In fact, many players prefer to wear dark jerseys because they believe it makes them look more intimidating. So, if the tails are really there to help refs, why don’t all players just wear white jerseys?

There are a few possible explanations. First, it could be that the tails were originally introduced when most teams wore white jerseys. Over time, as more teams started wearing dark jerseys, the tradition of having tails on jerseys stuck around.

Another possibility is that the tails help refs identify players from a distance. When all 22 players on the field are wearing dark jerseys, it can be hard to tell them apart. The tails make it easier for refs to spot a player’s jersey number and know who they’re looking at.

Lastly, it’s possible that the tails are just there for tradition’s sake. They’ve been part of NFL culture for so long that they’ve become a symbol of the sport itself. Whether or not they serve any actual purpose, they’re an iconic part of football and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Do they have a function?

The jury is still out on whether or not the tails on NFL players’ jerseys serve a purpose. Some say that the tails help players stay cool by providing ventilation and allowing heat to escape. Others argue that the tails simply make the players look good and add to the overall aesthetic of the game. There is no conclusive evidence either way, but it is clear that the tails are here to stay!

The History:

In the NFL, there are stripes on the back of the player’s pants. These are called “tails.” The history of the tails goes back to the days when players wore leather helmets and did not have face masks. The back of the helmet would often get muddy, so the players would put a towel over the back of their neck to keep the mud off. The towel would often hang down, so the players would tuck it into their pants to keep it from dragging on the ground. This is how the “tails” came to be.

Where do they come from?

The origins of the player’s “tails” are unknown, but there are theories. According to one, the tails were originally made of cowhide and sewn to the backside of players’ jerseys to prevent defenders from grabbing hold of the fabric and pulling players down. Another theory suggests that the tails were intended to make it easier for fans in the stands to identify players from their team.

How long have they been around?

The origins of the NFL’s uniform tail are, unsurprisingly, lost to history. The best guess is that they first appeared in the league in the 1920s, when players began wearing them as part of their standard equipment. The exact reason for their introduction is unclear, but it’s likely that they were simply seen as a practical way to keep players’ pants from riding up while they were playing.

Over time, the tails became shorter and shorter, until they eventually disappeared entirely from NFL uniforms in the 1950s. They made a brief comeback in the 1960s, but by this point they were little more than an ornamental detail, and they were once again phased out of use shortly thereafter.

In recent years, there has been something of a revival of interest in the NFL’s uniform tails, with a number of players choosing to wear them as a way to show their individual style. While it’s unlikely that the tails will ever make a full-fledged comeback, it’s clear that they still hold a place in the league’s history.

The Present:

The tails on NFL players jerseys have been a staple since the AFL-NFL merger in 1970. They were originally introduced as a way to make the players more visible to fans and officials on the field. Today, they serve as a badge of honor for the players.

How are they made?

The present-day NFL football is made of four panels, two end panels, and two long side panels. The long side panel on each side has eight individual leather sections sewn together. The stitching on a football is very important; it must be strong enough to hold the air in, but not so tight that it will burst the football when it is inflated.

What do they do?

The tails on NFL players’ jerseys have a few purposes. The first is to help identify the player. The number on the tail is usually the player’s number, which can be helpful when trying to identify who made a play, particularly on long runs where the jersey may get turned around.

The second purpose is to help identify the position of the player. For example, a wide receiver will often have a different color tail than a lineman. This can be helpful when trying to figure out which team has the ball on certain plays.

The third purpose is decorative. Many teams will have different colored tails for different occasions, such as white tails for home games and colored tails for away games or special events like Christmas games.

The Future:

The future of the NFL is looking bright. With the new CBA in place, players are set to make more money than ever before. The salary cap is expected to rise significantly, and with it, so will the salaries of the league’s top players. With the influx of money, the NFL will be able to attract even more top talent to its ranks. The league is also looking to expand its reach internationally, with games being played in China and Europe in the near future.

What will the tails on NFL players be like in the future?

The National Football League (NFL) is constantly evolving. In the past, players used to wear leather helmets and there was no such thing as a forward pass. Today, the game is played with a lot more speed and athleticism, and the players are better than ever before.

One of the most notable changes in recent years has been the addition of player tails. This new trend started in 2016 with the introduction of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ “Steel Curtain” tail. Since then, tails have become a staple on many NFL teams’ uniforms.

So, what will the tails on NFL players be like in the future?

It’s difficult to say for sure, but it seems likely that tails will continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. We may see tails that are made from different materials, such as carbon fiber or Kevlar. There could also be different designs for different positions; for example, quarterbacks might have larger tails that help them stay balanced when throwing passes.

Whatever happens, it’s certain that player tails are here to stay. They’ve already become an integral part of NFL culture, and they’re only going to become more popular in the years to come.

What will their function be?

The tails on NFL players’ jerseys have caused much speculation. Some say they are there to make the players more aerodynamic, while others believe they are simply for style. However, the truth is that the tails are actually there for a very practical reason.

The tails help keep the jerseys from getting caught on players’ pads and other equipment. This can be a very big problem, especially during a game, when every second counts. The tails also help keep the jerseys from riding up and exposing the player’s stomach or back.

So, while the tails may not be the most stylish part of the jersey, they definitely serve a purpose. And who knows, maybe one day they will help a player score the winning touchdown!

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