What Are The Tennis Scores?

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In tennis, a score is a way of keeping track of the progress of a game. There are four main types of score in tennis, which differ slightly in their rules and regulations. The most common type of score is the game score, which is used in all professional matches. The other three types of score are set score, match score, and tournament score.

The game score is the most basic type of score in tennis. It is simply a way of keeping track of how many games have been won by each player. In order to win a game, a player must win at least four points. If the players are tied at three points each, then the player who wins the next point wins the game. A game consists of six points, so if one player wins four points and the other player only wins three, then the first player wins that game.

The set score is used in professional matches when one player wins six games and the other player only wins five. In this case, the first player would win that set by a margin of two games to love (or 6–5). If both players win six games each, then they go into a tiebreaker situation where whoever wins seven points first wins that set.

The match score is used to keep track of how many sets have been won by each player. A match consists of either two or three sets depending on who you are playing against and what format the match is being played in (singles or doubles). If it’s a best-of-three sets match, then whoever wins two out of three sets wins that match overall. However, if it’s a best-of-five sets match (which is only used in grand slam finals), then whoever wins three out

The Different Types of Tennis Scores

Tennis is a sport that can be played by individuals or teams of two players each. It is played with a racquet and a ball. The game can be played on a hard court, grass court, or clay court. The game is scored by points. The first player to score four points wins the game.


In tennis, “love” means zero. It is often pronounced as “luff.”

When a player has zero points, this is typically referred to as “love.” The term likely originates from the French word for egg, which is “l’oeuf.” The French word for zero is “zéro,” but it’s also possible that “love” comes from the Old English word for goose egg, which is “lufu.”

Interestingly, when two players are both at zero points (or 40-all), this is referred to as “deuce,” rather than love. Deuce comes from the French word for two, which is “deux.” In this case, it means that both players have equal footing and will need to win two more points to win the game.


Deuce is the name given to the score when both players have won three points each in a tennis game. The next point scored will ‘break’ the serve, and give that player the advantage. If the score reaches deuce again, then it is ‘re-served’. The first player to reach four points (two clear of their opponent) wins the game.


Advantage is a type of score in tennis that indicates that one player has a slight advantage over the other. This can happen when the player who is ahead in the score wins the next point, but it can also occur if the player who is behind in the score loses the next point. Advantage is usually only used in professional matches, as it can be difficult to keep track of who has the advantage in a game.


A game consists of a sequence of points played with the same player serving, and is won by the first side to have won at least four points in total and at least two points more than the opponent. The running score of each game is described in a manner peculiar to tennis: scores from zero to three points are described as “love”, “15”, “30”, and “40”, respectively. If at least three points have been scored by each player, making the player’s scores equal at 40 apiece, the score is not called out as “40–40”, but rather as “deuce”. If at least three points have been scored by each side and a player has one more point than his opponent, the score of the game is called out as “advantage” for the player in the lead. During informal games, “advantage” can also be called “ set point”.

How to Keep Score in Tennis

Most people know that the winner of a tennis match is the player who wins the most sets. But how do you keep score in tennis? Let’s take a look at how to keep score in tennis, as well as how to win a tennis match.

The Server

The server is the player who starts the game by serving the ball from behind the baseline into the diagonally opposite service court. The receiver is the player who stands in that same service court ready to return the ball. After a player hits a shot, he or she must move to the other side of the net. In singles, this happens after every point; in doubles, when it’s your turn to serve.

To keep score, you need to understand how tennis scoring works. Basically, each time a player wins a point, he or she scores a point. The winner of the game is the first player to reach four points, unless one of the players has a two-point advantage (as explained below).

Here’s how tennis scoring goes:

If neither player has yet reached four points and they are tied at three points apiece, then the score is “deuce.” From deuce, whoever scores the next point will have what’s called “advantage” (sometimes informally referred to as “ad-in” or “ad-out”). If that player wins the next point as well, then he or she wins that game; if not then advantage goes back to deuce and they start again trying to earn another one.

Once one of the players reaches four points and has a two-point advantage over his or her opponent—for example it’s 5-3—then that player can win just by winning the next two points. If his or her opponent scores one more point to make it 5-4, then it goes back to deuce and they start again trying to earn advantage.

The Receiver

The receiver is the player who will be hit the second shot. The server’s score is always even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8). The receiver’s score is odd (1, 3, 5, 7).

Whenever the server wins a point, they score a point and their score goes up by one. Whenever the receiver wins a point, their score goes up by one. If the receiver wins the point when their score is 15 (1), then their score goes up to 30 (2).

Scoreboard in tennis usually has four squares. One for each player’s name and one for each player’s current score. For example, if John is serving and his opponent’s name is Jane, then the scoreboard might look like this:

John | Jane
0 | 0

If John wins the next point, then the scoreboard will look like this:

John | Jane
1 | 0


In conclusion, the tennis scores are a way to keep track of the progress of a tennis match. They are also a useful tool for bettors and spectators alike. Understanding how the scoring system works will help you enjoy the game even more.

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