What Are Waivers In Baseball?

Waivers are a type of contract that allows a team to release a player without having to pay them their full salary.


In baseball, waivers are a process whereby a team can request that another team take a player off their hands. The requesting team must be willing to pay some or all of the player’s remaining salary. The team receiving the waiver request can either accept or reject it. If they accept, they assume the contract and the financial responsibility for the player; if they reject it, the player stays with his original team.

What is a Waiver?

In baseball, a waiver is a type of transfer that allows teams to exchange players outside of the normal trade deadline.

Waivers can be either trade waivers or outright waivers. Trade waivers are used when two teams agree to a trade and the players involved have to clear waivers before the trade can be completed. Outright waivers are when a team places a player on waivers and any other team can claim that player for a set price.

If a player is claimed on outright waivers, the claiming team takes on the player’s contract and their salary. If no team claims the player, they become a free agent and can sign with any team.

Players can only be placed on waivers once per season and they must clear waivers before they can be traded or released.

Types of Waivers

Waivers are a necessary part of baseball. Waivers help to keep the game fair and balanced by allowing teams to sign players that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to. There are three different types of waivers: trade, release, and revocable. Let’s take a closer look at each.

Outright Waivers

An Outright Waiver is used when a team wants to release a player and make him available to any team willing to pick him up. If the player is claimed by another team, he is immediately removed from the first team’s 40-man roster. The claiming team assumes the player’s current contract.

If the player is not claimed, he becomes a free agent and can sign with any team. If the player was on option to the minor leagues, he must be offered back to his original team before he can become a free agent.

Release Waivers

In order to be eligible for release waivers, a player must first clear unconditional release waivers. Release waivers are revocable, and may be pulled back by the team within 48 hours if no team claims the player. If a player is claimed off of release waivers, he is immediately removed from his previous team’s 40-man roster and placed on the 40-man roster of his new team. The claiming team assumes the remainder of the player’s contract.

If a player is not claimed off of release waivers, he becomes a free agent and is free to sign with any team.

Trade Waivers

In baseball, a waiver is a process whereby a team offers a player to the other teams in the league for claim. If he is claimed by one of the teams, he is effectively traded to that team, provided that the waiver price is met. If no team claims him, he remains with his current team. Players contractually bound to their current team may not be offered for waivers.

How Do Waivers Work?

In order to be placed on waivers, a player must first be taken off of his team’s 40-man roster. Once a player is off of the 40-man roster, he is eligible to be claimed by any team in baseball.

When a player is claimed off of waivers, the claiming team assumes the player’s contract and the player is then placed on that team’s 40-man roster. If more than one team puts in a claim for the same player, the team with the worst record in that player’s league gets priority.

Players can be claimed off of waivers multiple times during the season. If a player is claimed and then later put back on waivers by his new team, he can again be claimed by any other team in baseball.

If a player goes unclaimed after being put on waivers, he becomes a free agent and can sign with any team he chooses.


Based on the information above, we can conclude that waivers are an important part of baseball. They allow teams to make trades and moves that would not be possible without them. Waivers also help to keep the game fair by ensuring that all teams have a chance to acquire players that they need.

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