What Color Is A NFL Football?

Did you know that the color of a NFL football has changed throughout the years? The first footballs were brown, but they are now yellow.


A NFL football is typically brown. However, the color can vary slightly from one game ball to the next and from one manufacturer to the next.

The History of the NFL Football

The first NFL game was played on October 3, 1920, between the Buffalo All-Americans and the Columbus Panhandles. The original balls were brown, and most of the early ones were made by hand. In 1941, Wilson became the official manufacturer of the NFL football, and they have been making them ever since.

The brown football was used until the mid-1960s when it was replaced by a white ball with black stripes in an effort to make it easier to see on television. The current version of the NFL football was introduced in 1974 and is made by Wilson. It is made of cowhide leather and has a pebbled surface. The balls are inflated to 12.5 to 13.5 pounds per square inch and are inspected by each team before every game.

The Different Colors of NFL Footballs

The different colors of NFL footballs represent the two main types of footballs: the official balls used in NFL games, and the practice balls used during workouts and in pre-season play. The official game balls are brown with white stripes, while the practice balls are white with brown stripes. There are also specialty balls that are used for certain situations, such as the “K-Ball” used for kicking plays.

Why Do NFL Footballs Have Different Colors?

Many people think that NFL footballs are just one solid color, but they are actually made up of several different colors. The different colors on a NFL football represent the different parts of the game. Here is a breakdown of the colors on a typical NFL football:

White – This color is on the football because it is the color of the field. The white lines on the field are there to help players and officials see where they are supposed to be.

Brown – The brown color represents the leather that is used to make the football. Leather is a natural material that is durable and helps to grip the ball.

Gold – The gold color represents the stitching that holds the two pieces of leather together. The stitching must be strong in order to keep the ball from falling apart during play.

Orange – The orange color represents the laces that are used to grip the ball when throwing or catching it. The laces help players get a good grip on the ball so they can make accurate throws and catches.


The answer to the question “What color is a NFL football?” is that it is brown.

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