NFL Jerseys – What Country Are They Really Made In?

A lot of people are surprised to learn that most NFL jerseys are not actually made in America. In fact, most are made in China.

The United States of America

It’s no secret that the majority of NFL jerseys are made in China. In fact, according to a recent report, over seventy percent of all NFL jerseys are made in China. But what about the other thirty percent? Where are those jerseys made? The answer might surprise you.

The Nike Factory in El Paso, Texas

Nike, one of the biggest sports apparel companies in the world, has a factory in El Paso, Texas where they produce a large percentage of their NFL jerseys. The plant employs over 1,500 workers and is one of the few places in the US where you can find “Made in USA” tags on these popular jerseys.

The Reebok Factory in Canton, Massachusetts

The Reebok factory in Canton, Massachusetts, is the largest producer of NFL jerseys in the United States. The factory employed over 1,000 workers at its peak in 2014, but due to increased competition from foreign manufacturers, that number has declined to just over 200 as of 2019. Nevertheless, the Canton factory still produces a large percentage of all NFL jerseys sold in the United States.

Other U.S. companies that manufacture NFL jerseys include VF Imagewear (which produces jerseys for all 32 teams), Nike (which became the official supplier of NFL jerseys in 2012), and Fanatics (which is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida). There are also a number of smaller companies that produceNFL jerseys for specific teams or retailers.


You might be surprised to learn that the majority of NFL jerseys are actually made in China. In fact, about 60% of all NFL jerseys are made in China. The remaining 40% are split between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Let’s take a closer look at how these jerseys are made.

The Nike Factory in Dongguan, China

Nike is one of the most popular brands in the world. Their products are worn by some of the biggest names in sports, and they are a major sponsor of major sporting events. But where are Nike products really made?

Despite the fact that Nike is an American company, the vast majority of their products are actually made in other countries, particularly in Asia. In fact, according to Business Insider, as of 2013, only 2% of Nike’s products were made in the United States.

One of the biggest Nike factories is located in Dongguan, China. The factory employs over 30,000 workers and produces a wide range of Nike products, from sneakers to shirts to balls. In addition to China, Nike also has factories in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and a number of other countries.

So why doesn’t Nike manufacture more of their products in the United States? There are a few reasons. First, labor is cheaper in other countries. This means that Nike can save money on production costs by manufacturing their products overseas. Second, skilled labor is more readily available in other countries than it is in the United States. This means that Nike can find the workers they need to produce their products more easily and conveniently in other countries than they could in the United States. Finally, manufacturing facilities and infrastructure are often more developed in other countries than they are in the United States, making it easier and more efficient for Nike to produce their products overseas.

Despite the fact that most Nike products are made overseas, the company does have some manufacturing facilities in the United States. For example, Nike has a facility in Beaverton, Oregon that employs over 1,000 workers. This factory produces leather shoes and apparel for both Nike and Jordan Brand products

The Adidas Factory in Suzhou, China

According to the website China Labor Watch, the Adidas factory in Suzhou, China employs around 3,000 workers. Most of the workers are women between the ages of 18 and 25. The workers typically work 12 hours a day, six days a week. They are paid approximately $1 an hour.


It is widely believed that NFL jerseys are made in China. However, this is not always the case. In fact, a majority of NFL jerseys are actually made in Thailand.

The Nike Factory in Rayong, Thailand

Nike operates several factories in Thailand, including the one profiled in the video. At this particular factory, approximately 1,600 workers are employed to produce Nike’s line of NFL jerseys. The workers are paid a base wage of $130 per month, which is just above Thailand’s minimum wage of $110 per month. However, most workers earn considerably more than this amount due to overtime pay and bonuses.

The Nike factory in Rayong is one of many in Thailand that have been accused of extreme labor violations. In 2014, a group of Thai workers attempted to form a union at the factory in order to improve working conditions and receive fairer pay. However, Nike management quickly shut down the union and began intimidating and firing employees who attempted to organize.

Despite the fact that Nike has been repeatedly accused of labor violations, the company continues to produce its NFL jerseys in Thai factories. In 2016, Nike renewed its contract with the NFL for an additional eight years, meaning that Thai workers will likely continue to produce these jerseys for the foreseeable future.

The Adidas Factory in Bangkok, Thailand

In 2000, the National Football League (NFL) made a deal with Reebok to be the exclusive provider of NFL jerseys. Prior to that, Nike had held the contract. Reebok’s agreement with the NFL was for 10 years and was worth $250 million. At the time, it was the largest apparel deal in sports history.

The company shifted its manufacturing operations for NFL jerseys to Thailand. There are several reasons why manufacturing moved there. First, labor is cheaper in Thailand than it is in the United States. Second, production can be completed faster in Thailand due to longer hours and more days worked per week. And finally, Thailand has a history of producing quality sporting goods.

Adidas, which acquired Reebok in 2006, still manufactures NFL jerseys in Thailand. In fact, most of the world’s sportswear is produced in Asia, particularly in China and Vietnam.


It’s no secret that the vast majority of NFL jerseys are made in China. In fact, according to a recent report, over 95% of all NFL jerseys sold are made in China. However, there are a few countries that do produce NFL jerseys. Mexico is one of those countries.

The Nike Factory in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

In May 2020, Nike closed its factory in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The factory employed about 2,200 workers who made NFL jerseys and other apparel. The workers were paid about $2 an hour, and the factory was Nike’s last remaining manufacturing facility in Mexico.

Nike said the decision to close the factory was due to the “changing landscape of manufacturing in North America.” The company said it would shift production of NFL jerseys to Asia.

The closure of Nike’s factory in Ciudad Juarez is a blow to the Mexican economy. Ciudad Juarez is one of Mexico’s poorest cities, and the loss of 2,200 jobs will make it even harder for residents to make ends meet.

The closure of Nike’s factory also highlights the problem of labor exploitation in Mexico’s maquiladoras. Maquiladoras are foreign-owned factories that operate in Mexico under special trade laws that allow them to import materials duty-free and export finished products without paying tariffs. These factories often exploit workers by paying them low wages, providing poor working conditions, and denying them benefits like health insurance.

The conditions at Nike’s factory in Ciudad Juarez were so bad that workers went on strike in 2009 to demand better treatment. Unfortunately, the factory closed before their demands could be met.

Now that Nike’s factory has closed, its workers will have to find new jobs. But finding a good job in Ciudad Juarez is not easy. There are few other factories in the city, and most of them also exploit their workers. Ciudad Juarez also has a high crime rate, so many residents are afraid to leave their homes to look for work.

The closure of Nike’s factory is a tragedy for its workers and their families. It highlights the need for reform in Mexico’s maquiladoras so that workers can earn a decent wage and have better working conditions.

The Reebok Factory in Reynosa, Mexico

Reebok, like many other companies that produce NFL jerseys, has a factory in Reynosa, Mexico. Reynosa is located in the northeastern Mexican state of Tamaulipas, just across the border from Texas.

Reebok’s factory in Reynosa employs approximately 1,500 workers who are responsible for manufacturing all of the NFL jerseys that are sold in the United States. The workers at the Reebok factory earn an average of just $2 per hour, and they often work more than 60 hours per week.

Many of the workers at the Reebok factory live in company-provided housing. The conditions in these barracks are often poor, and there have been reports of rats and cockroaches infesting the buildings. The workers are also given limited access to medical care and other basic amenities.

The Reebok factory in Reynosa is just one example of how NFL jerseys are produced in Mexico. There are dozens of other factories in Mexico that produce NFL jerseys, as well as other sports apparel.


It is a little-known fact that the majority of NFL jerseys are actually made in the Philippines. In fact, about 60% of all NFL jerseys are manufactured in the Philippines. The Philippines has a long history of manufacturing sports jerseys, and they have become quite adept at it. There are a number of reasons why the Philippines is such a popular choice for manufacturing NFL jerseys.

The Nike Factory in Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines

Nike is one of the most popular brands in the world and their products are made in factories all over the globe. One of these factories is located in Santa Rosa, Laguna in the Philippines. This factory employs over 1,000 workers and produces a variety of Nike products including jerseys, shorts, and shoes.

The products made at this factory are shipped all over the world and can be found in retail stores like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Foot Locker. While most of the products made at this factory say “Made in China” on the tag, they are actually made in the Philippines.

The reason for this is that Nike contracts with manufacturers in China who then subcontract with factories like the one in Santa Rosa, Laguna. By doing this, Nike can avoid paying import taxes on their products when they are shipped to countries like the United States.

So next time you’re looking at a Nike product, don’t be fooled by the “Made in China” tag – it’s likely that it was actually made in the Philippines!

The Adidas Factory in Manila, Philippines

The Adidas factory in Manila, Philippines is one of the most well-known manufacturing facilities for NFL jerseys. The Adidas factory employs over 3,000 workers who are responsible for creating jerseys for teams such as the Dallas Cowboys, New England Patriots, and San Francisco 49ers.

Adidas has been criticized in the past for the working conditions at their factories, but the company has made significant improvements in recent years. The workers at the Adidas factory in Manila earn a minimum wage of $400 per month, which is significantly higher than the average wage in the Philippines.

The Adidas factory in Manila is just one of many manufacturing facilities that create NFL jerseys. Other notable factories include those operated by Nike and Reebok.

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