What Do Baseball Players Do During A Rain Delay?

It’s a question that has been asked for years, and one that was finally answered by MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred.


Rain delays are a common occurrence in baseball. They can happen at any time, and usually last for a few hours. So, what do baseball players do during a rain delay?

The most important thing for players to do during a rain delay is to stay loose. That means staying active and not letting their muscles tighten up. Players will often throw the ball around, play catch, or even take a light jog in the outfield.

Players also use the time to bond with their teammates. They might play cards together, or just sit around and chat. Rain delays can be a good time for players to rest their bodies and minds, and prepare for the game ahead.

How do baseball players pass the time during a rain delay?

Baseball players have to find ways to stay busy during rain delays. Some players may take a nap, others may read a book, and some may even play cards. However, the most popular way to pass the time during a rain delay is by playing video games.

Playing cards

One popular pastime during rain delays is playing cards. Players often bring decks of cards with them to the ballpark to help pass the time during long innings or extended breaks in play. Poker is a favorite game among many players, and it’s not uncommon for large sums of money to change hands during a delay. Other popular card games include spades, bridge, euchre, and hearts.


Players often use rain delays as an opportunity to catch up on some much-needed sleep. In the minor leagues, where there are early start times and long bus rides between games, players are known to take naps in the clubhouse during rain delays. Major leaguers have it a bit easier, but they still use rain delays as an opportunity to rest their bodies and minds. In addition to sleeping, players also use rain delays to relax in the clubhouse and watch movies or play video games.

Hitting in the cages

Hitting in the cages is probably the most popular activity during a rain delay. Players will often head down to the batting cages in the basement of the stadium to get some swings in. This is a good way for them to stay fresh and keep their timing intact.

Other players will use the time to work on their defense. They will either shag fly balls in the outfield or take grounders at their position. Some players will even work on their baserunning, getting in some sprints in the covered concourses of the stadium.

Some players just use the time to relax and unwind. They might play cards, watch movies, or take a nap. It’s important for them to stay off their feet as much as possible so they can be ready to go when the game resumes.

Rain delays can be frustrating for players, but they often use the time to work on their craft and prepare for when the game resumes.

Getting treatment

One common sight during a rain delay is players getting treatments in the training room. In order to stay game-ready, many players will receive massages and other treatments to keep their muscles loose and ready to go. Other players might use the time to get treatment for any nagging injuries they may have.

What do fans do during a rain delay?

Fans often use rain delays as an opportunity to leave the stadium and grab a bite to eat or go to the bathroom. Some fans will stay in their seats and wait it out. Others will take the opportunity to explore the stadium, visiting the concession stands or souvenir shops.

Leave the stadium

Many fans will leave the stadium and come back when the game resumes. This is especially true if the game is a long way from being finished. Some fans will stay in their seats and wait it out. Fans that have been to a lot of games are used to delays and will often bring things to do, like read a book or work on a crossword puzzle.

Hang out in the concourse

If you’re lucky, your team’s home ballpark will have a rain delay concourse. This is a separatete area where fans can go to wait out the rain. The concourse will usually have concessions and games to keep fans entertained.

Some ballparks will even have activities for kids, like face painting or inflatables. If you’re stuck in a rain delay at an away game, you can usually find the concourse by following the crowd.

Watch the game on TV in the clubhouse

For the most part, players will head to the clubhouse to watch the game on TV. Many times, there will be food spread out for the players to snack on and stay hydrated. During longer rain delays, some players may take a nap or others might play cards.


In conclusion, baseball players have a lot of options when it comes to passing the time during a rain delay. They can either stay in the clubhouse and play cards or dominoes, work on their batting stance in the cages, or they can sign autographs for fans. Some players even take a nap. No matter what they do, they have to be careful not to get too bored or restless, because once the game resumes, they’ll need to be fully focused and ready to play.

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