What Do Baseball Players Really Want?

A lot of people have different opinions on what baseball players really want. some say they just want money, while others say they want fame.

What Do Baseball Players Really Want?


It’s no secret that baseball players are some of the most passionate athletes in the world. They love the game and everything that comes with it. However, there is one thing that they want more than anything else, and that is respect.

Baseball players want to be respected for their talents and their ability to perform at a high level. They also want to be respected for their character and who they are as people. They want to be treated like human beings and not just commodities.

It’s important to remember that baseball players are people too. They have families, friends, and lives outside of baseball. They deserve to be treated with respect by everyone involved in the game.

What do baseball players really want?

Baseball players are a unique breed. They are constantly hustling and grinding, and they have a real passion for the game. But what do they really want? What motivates them to keep playing? Let’s take a look at what baseball players really want.

More money

It’s no secret that baseball players want more money, but there are other things they want as well. Baseball is a business, and like any business, there are things that the employees (in this case, the players) want from their employers (in this case, the team owners). Here are some of the things baseball players want:

-More money, obviously. This is the most important thing to most players. They feel that they are underpaid compared to other professional athletes and they want a larger share of the pie.

-Better benefits. Baseball players have some of the worst benefits in professional sports. They don’t get paid for spring training or for the time spent on rehab if they get injured. They also don’t have guaranteed contracts, so if they get released from their team, they don’t receive any severance pay.

-A shorter season. The baseball season is too long and grueling for most players. They would like to see it shortened by a few weeks so that they can spend more time with their families and take care of their bodies during the off-season.

-A higher minimum salary. The minimum salary in Major League Baseball is $500,000 per year. Players would like to see this increased so that all players are making a livable wage.

-Elimination of the luxury tax. The luxury tax is a penalty imposed on teams whose payroll exceeds a certain amount set by the league (currently $197 million). Players would like to see this tax eliminated so that teams can spend more money on player salaries.

Better benefits

In addition to the higher salaries that free agent players are seeking, they are also looking for better benefits. One of the biggest issues for players is the lack of a pension plan. Major League Baseball is the only professional sport in the United States that does not have a pension plan for its players. Players want a retirement plan that is similar to what other professional athletes receive.

Another issue that players are concerned about is health insurance. Currently, Major League Baseball only provides health insurance for players who have been in the league for three years or more.Players who have been in the league for less than three years do not receive any health insurance benefits from Major League Baseball. Players would like to see health insurance benefits extended to all players, regardless of how long they have been in the league.

Players are also seeking changes to the way that disabled list stints are handled. Currently, if a player is placed on the disabled list, he does not receive any pay for the time that he is on the disabled list. Players would like to see some sort of compensation for players who are forced to miss time due to injury.

All of these issues are important to baseball players, and they will continue to negotiate with Major League Baseball until they feel like they have received fair treatment.

Long-term contracts

While each player’s circumstance is different, most are seeking long-term contracts that will provide financial stability for themselves and their families. For many players, the years they spend in the minor leagues are a source of anxiety, as they see their peers signing multi-million dollar contracts while they toil away for meager salaries in relative obscurity. A major league contract guarantees a player a certain amount of money over a set period of time, and provides some level of security in an occupation with a very high rate of injury and a relatively short career span.

Better playing conditions

One of the most common complaints that baseball players have is about the playing conditions of the baseball fields that they are required to play on. Many baseball players feel that the playing conditions of the fields are not up to par and that they are putting themselves at risk by playing on them. Baseball players often complain about the following issues with playing conditions:

-The quality of the field itself is poor and does not meet professional standards
-The infield dirt is hard and compacted, making it difficult to play on
-The outfield grass is long and overgrown, making it difficult to run on
-There are holes and divots in the outfield grass that can trip players or cause them to twist an ankle
-The foul lines are not well defined, making it difficult to know where fair balls and foul balls go


In conclusion, baseball players want what is best for their career. They want to be able to play for a team that is committed to winning and willing to spend money to put a competitive product on the field. They also want to be able to play in a city where they will be supported by fans who are passionate about their team.

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