What Do Esports Coaches Do?

Ever wonder what an Esports coach does? They help players improve their skills, make sure they’re practicing, and help them with strategy.


In general, esports coaches are responsible for helping players improve their skills and strategies, manage their teams, and prepare for competitions. They may also be responsible for providing mental and emotional support to players.

The specific duties of an esports coach vary depending on the game, the team, and the organization they work for. However, some common duties of esports coaches include:

– Helping players improve their individual skills
– Developing game plans and strategies
– Leading team practice sessions
– Managing player morale and motivation
– Analyzing opponents to find weaknesses
– Organizing and managing team logistics
– communicating with players, parents, and other stakeholders

The Role of an Esports Coach

An esports coach helps players to improve their gaming skills and strategies. They also help with the mental and emotional preparation for competition. In addition, coaches typically manage the logistics of the team, including scheduling practices and managing travel plans.

Game Knowledge

An esports coach needs to be extremely knowledgeable about the game or games their team is playing. They need to know all the mechanics, strategies, andmap layouts inside and out. They also need to be up-to-date on the meta and any changes that might occur between patches.

This comprehensive understanding of the game is essential in order to give effective coaching. A coach that doesn’t know as much as their players will likely not be taken seriously. Furthermore, a coach that doesn’t understand the game won’t be able to provide detailed and specific feedback, which is necessary for player improvement.


An important role of an esports coach is helping the team devise strategies to win matches. This involves analyzing the team’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of the opponents. The coach then creates a plan that will give the team the best chance to win. This plan is generally in the form of a strategic guide that the players follow during matches.

In addition to creating overall strategy, coaches also devise plans for specific situations that may arise during a match. For example, they may have a strategy for what to do if the team falls behind early in a game. Coaches also create plans for when and how to use specific in-game items, such as power-ups or weapons.


An important role of an esports coach is to manage and communicate with their team. This includes both in-game and out-of-game communication, as well as managing conflicts between teammates.

In-game communication is important for strategies and shotcalling. An esports coach needs to be able to understand the game at a high level, as well as have good communication skills to be able to relay complex information to their team. Out-of-game communication is important for team building and maintaining morale. An esports coach needs to be able to manage different personalities and keep the team focused on their goals.

Conflicts between teammates are common in any competitive environment. An esports coach needs to be able to diffuse these situations and get the team back on track. This requires good people skills, as well as an understanding of human psychology.


The role of an esports coach is to teach, guide, and lead their players to victory. They are responsible for helping their team strategize and make the right decisions in order to win games and tournaments. An esports coach must be knowledgeable about the game their team is playing, as well as the metagame (the current state of the game).

An esports coach must be able to motivate their team and help them stay focused during practice and games. They need to be able to identify each player’s strengths and weaknesses and help them improve. An esports coach should also be able to manage their team’s emotions, especially during times of defeat.

The Different Types of Esports Coaches

Esports coaches come in all shapes and sizes, with each one bringing their own unique skill set to the table. Some coaches may focus on a particular game, while others may take a more holistic approach. There are also those who focus on the mental game, helping players to overcome the challenges that they face. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of esports coaches.

In-Game Coach

The in-game coach is primarily responsible for making strategic decisions during a match. They will work with the team before the match to come up with a game plan and then make on-the-fly decisions during the match to try and capitalize on the other team’s weaknesses. In-game coaches are often former professional players who have a deep understanding of the game mechanics and can think several steps ahead of the other team.

Analytical Coach

An analytical coach is responsible for studying the game, both in terms of strategy and mechanics. They work with the team to help them understand how to improve both individually and as a unit. This type of coach is often retired players or professionals who have a deep understanding of the game.

Mental Coach

A mental coach is responsible for helping players deal with the mental and emotional stress that comes with being a professional esports athlete. They work with players to help them develop healthy coping mechanisms, manage their expectations, and stay mentally tough. Mental coaches also work with teams to help them develop team cohesion and communication.

The Benefits of Hiring an Esports Coach

An esports coach can help you develop the skills necessary to compete at the highest levels of play. A coach can also provide guidance and support to help you manage the mental and emotional demands of being a professional gamer. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of hiring an esports coach.

Improved Performance

One of the main benefits of hiring an esports coach is that it can help improve your performance. A coach can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to improve your gameplay. They can also provide motivation and support, which can be essential in helping you reach your potential.

In addition to improving your performance, an esports coach can also help you develop other important skills, such as teamwork and communication. These skills are not only important in esports, but can also be valuable in other areas of your life.

If you are interested in hiring an esports coach, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to find a coach who is experienced and knowledgeable about the game you are playing. Secondly, you should make sure that the coach you choose is someone you feel comfortable working with. Lastly, it is important to set realistic expectations for what a coach can do for you.

Better Communication

One of the primary benefits that an esports coach can bring to a team is better communication. In order to be successful, a team needs to be able to communicate effectively with each other, and an esports coach can help facilitate that by helping players understand what each other are saying and by teaching them how to better express themselves.

An esports coach can also help players with different communication styles to understand each other better and find common ground. This can be especially helpful for teams with players from different cultures or who speak different first languages.

Increased Morale

When players are struggling, it can be hard to keep morale up. An esports coach can help with this by providing positive reinforcement and helping the team identify their strengths. A good coach will also be able to have tough conversations with individual players when necessary.

How to Become an Esports Coach

Esports coaches help players improve their gaming skills and strategies. If you want to become an esports coach, you should have experience playing and coaching the game you want to coach. You’ll also need to be able to manage a team, create practice schedules, and develop strategies. Let’s take a closer look at what esports coaches do and how you can become one.

Get Certified

certification and degree programs are relatively new, there are already a number of options available if you’re interested in becoming an esports coach. The National Association of Esports Coaches and Directors offers the Certified Esports Coach (CEC) credential, which requires applicants to have at least three years of experience working with an esports team, as well as completing a written exam and an oral exam.

A degree in sports management or coaching from a traditional university could also give you the necessary skills to work as an esports coach. Some universities, like the University of California, Irvine, even offer programs specifically for esports coaching. If you’re interested in this route, be sure to check out the UCI program requirements and see if it’s a good fit for you.

Gain Experience

The best way to become an esports coach is to gain experience in the competitive gaming scene. This can be done by playing in tournaments, joining an esports team, or even just watching matches and studying strategies. By immersing yourself in the world of competitive gaming, you’ll develop a deep understanding of the game you’re coaching and what it takes to win.

In addition to gaining experience, you should also consider pursuing formal education in sports psychology or coaching. While not required, this type of training can give you the tools you need to be a successful coach.

Build Your Portfolio

The first step to becoming an esports coach is to build your portfolio. Start by coaching friends or family members who are gamers. You can also reach out to local gaming clubs or youth groups and offer your services. If you have the opportunity to coach a team, take it! The more experience you have, the better.

As you build your portfolio, be sure to document your successes. Keep a coaching journal in which you record every practice and game. Note what worked well and what didn’t. Keep track of your team’s stats and progress over time. If possible, video-record your team’s gameplay and analyze it later. The more evidence you have of your coaching skills, the easier it will be to find a job.

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