What Do NFL Players Do After Retirement?

After a long and successful career in the NFL, many players find themselves wondering what to do next. Some players transition into coaching, while others become commentators or analysts. Others may choose to pursue business opportunities or venture into philanthropy. Whatever they choose to do, they have to make sure they stay healthy and active to enjoy their post-NFL life to the fullest!


In the National Football League (NFL), the vast majority of players are only able to play for a limited time before they have to retire due to the physical nature of the sport. For many, their NFL careers may only last a few years. So, what do NFL players do after they retire?

For some players, they may choose to stay involved in the game by becoming a coach or working in some other capacity within the sport. Others may use their notoriety and platform to become involved in business or philanthropy. And still others may simply enjoy a life of leisure.

There is no one answer to this question as every player is different and will have different aspirations for what they want to do after their football career comes to an end. However, it is safe to say that there are a variety of options available for those who have played in the NFL and are looking for something to do after they hang up their cleats.

Financial Preparation

Financial preparation is critical for NFL players because their earnings potential drops sharply after they leave the game. Players typically have a short window of time – usually between three and five years – to make as much money as possible before their earning potential declines.

For many players, this means carefully budgeting their income and saving as much as possible. Some players invest in businesses or real estate, while others put their money into more traditional investments like stocks and bonds.

Whatever their strategy, financial preparation is essential for NFL players because their earning potential drops sharply after they leave the game.

Life after Football

When NFL players retire, they have to make a major adjustment to their lives. No longer do they have the structure andaday-to-day routine of being a professional athlete. They have to find a new way to fill their time and often have to figure out a new career.

Many players stay in the game of football by becoming coaches or broadcasters. Others use their celebrity status to become involved in business ventures. Some players stay active by playing in charity golf tournaments or other philanthropic activities. And some players just enjoy retired life and spend time with family and friends.

Whatever they choose to do, life after football can be a big adjustment for NFL players. But with so many options available to them, they are sure to find a way to stay busy and happy in retirement.


In conclusion, NFL players have a variety of options available to them after they retire from playing football. Some choose to stay involved in the game by becoming coaches or working in the front office of an NFL team. Others pursue business opportunities or venture into broadcasting. And still others choose to focus on their families and enjoy their post-playing lives away from the football field. Whatever path they choose, it’s clear that there are plenty of options available to NFL players after they hang up their cleats for good.

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