What Do NFL Referees Do in the Off Season?

When the NFL season comes to an end, what do the referees do? Many people don’t know that NFL referees have full-time jobs outside of officiating games. In the off-season, they work on their fitness, study game tape, and attend training seminars. They also have to keep up with the league’s rule changes.

What Do NFL Referees Do in the Off Season?


While it may appear that NFL referees take it easy in the offseason, the reality is that they use the time to train for the upcoming season. NFL referees go through extensive training before the season starts and they continue to train throughout the season. NFL referees are some of the most physically fit officials in all of sports.

Physical training

Just like the athletes they officiate, NFL referees must maintain a high level of physical fitness to stay in top form. During the off season, many NFL officials participate in regular CrossFit workouts, running, and other HIIT exercises to stay in shape. They also might lift weights to stay strong and build endurance.

Mental training

In the National Football League, officials are constantly under pressure to make the right call. Because of this, they have to be in peak mental and physical condition year-round. Although football is an exciting sport to watch, it can be extremely grueling for the officials who have to keep up with the players.

During the NFL season, referees are expected to work 16 regular season games, as well as any playoff games that their team might be assigned to. Even though there are only 16 games in the NFL regular season, each game lasts about three hours. That means that referees have to be on their feet for long periods of time and be able to make split-second decisions.

In order to stay in shape for the NFL season, referees need to participate in regular physical activity and also eat a healthy diet. However, being physically fit is not enough – referees also need to be mentally sharp. To keep their minds sharp, officials often participate in activities such as memory exercises and learning new rules.


When the NFL season ends, the officials have some much-needed time off. They use this break to focus on other important things in their lives. For some NFL referees, this means they can finally focus on school and furthering their education.

Rule changes

In order to keep up with the ever-changing game, NFL referees must study new rules and rule changes during the off season. They also attend clinics and symposiums to ensure that they are interpreting the rules correctly and consistently. Each team has a rules analyst who works with the coaching staff to identify specific concerns or problems with officiating. These analysts relay their findings to the league office, which may result in a change to the rules or officiating manual.

Game film

In the off season, referees watch game film to improve their on-field performance. They also attend clinics and meet with other officials to discuss rule changes andgo over any controversial calls from the previous season.

Community service

NFL referees are often involved in community service. In the off season, they might visit schools or participate in events that promote physical activity. They also might work with charitable organizations. Some NFL referees have even started their own charities. Community service is a way for NFL referees to give back to the communities that support them.

Outreach programs

In the off season, NFL referees are encouraged to participate in outreach programs within their communities. These programs include but are not limited to:
-Supporting local youth football programs
-Speaking at local schools and community events
-Participating in charity fundraisers
-Visiting local hospitals and senior centers


NFL referees are often involved in charity work and fundraising during the offseason. Many of them participate in projects that raise money for various causes, such as cancer research or relief for victims of natural disasters. Some of the more popular charity events that NFL referees take part in include the American Cancer Society’s “New England Cruisers” annual 400-mile bike ride from Gillette Stadium to Fenway Park, and the “The Big Give” project in which NFL referees collect donations of Christmas gifts for children in need.

Personal projects


In the off season, NFL referees are expected to give presentations to groups about the game of football and officiating. They are also available to speak at clinics and coaching symposiums. According to the NFL Referees Association website, they are compensated for these appearances. In addition, NFL referees officiate high school and college football games on a part-time basis.

Speaking engagements

In the off season, NFL referees are often called upon to give speeches to schools and community groups. This is a great way for them to stay involved with the game and give back to the community. They often talk about the importance of fair play and good sportsmanship.

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